Korrak's Revenge is back!

I’m sure people will be rioting regardless. I predict lots of headaches as people scream about alliance not trying/attacking Korrak even though going to Northrend would be far easier/quicker.

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They did. But you don’t get likes if you don’t pretend its your valuable insight.

Korrak’s is a party in Alterac. It’s not meant to be taken seriously or it wouldn’t have been made to attract so many people.


Korrak could throw a table across a room.

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And? Could care less how long it takes you to level. I know how long it takes. Already have a few 60’s from doing storyline mode, and tof. Point is AV of old, it’s a once a year anniversary event. So what, if folks are having fun in AV, and getting good xp while doing it. Wow classic AV is waiting for you, if you want throwback old school Alterac Valley that takes hours to finish.


Korrak could throw Illidan, and Sargeras across a room!

Korrak throws Illidan across the room.

Illidan just flies away like a dove.

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Korrak for Warchief! And King of Stormwind, alliance. Whatever Korrack want’s Korrak gets :crazy_face:

i just want the mount. idc for AV tbh especially with bad groups it can go on forever.

If onnly we had permenantly scaling bgs queue. Ahh I refuse to do arena. Glad to finally try pvp again on equal footing.

And with the worst groups it’s over in minutes.

idk about korraks as it’s been a long time but regular AV that hasn’t been the case for me. i’ve had AV run up to an hour. mostly just the opposite faction farming us at our GY. it’s pretty straight forward BG though and can be fast but from my experience it’s kinda hell hit or miss depending on the group.

If it wasn’t for the original korrak’s I wouldn’t have my 20+ toons. lol


Finally some good news!

If the OG xp is there I will be too, if not then I won’t :man_shrugging:


I hear ya on this. It’s like, if you’re winning a long game is not necessarily a bad thing.

The problem comes when you end up in a losing long game/losing turtle, which is usually what happens if you happen to be playing a pug game with Alliance players (or mercing). Once it becomes apparent that Alliance is “trapped” in a losing turtle in the Northern half of the map, with 0 offense, that’s when you know it’s time to leave and hope for a better team in the next requeue.

Because this “old school” version of the map features many pro-Horde terrain features, it’s very difficult to actually get a win with Alliance pugs. And add on top of that the much larger amount of afkers on the Alliance side, and it’s just not a fun experience to be farmed at the Alliance base for 1-2 hours if you’re one of the few players actually wanting to play the objectives/wanting to win the BG.

From what I remember, participation in this BG was waaay down last year due to the XP nerf. They really goofed with that, because the 2019 version was just buzzing with activity and the queue times were fast due to the very high participation.

Honestly the 2019 version with lightning-fast XP gains and scaling iLvL/scaled player level was perfect :ok_hand:


Yea the problem with me is I don’t leave lol

They cc to cut time to catch up to horde, because old av is so heavily slanted to horde in a base race scenario. The horde gets to the furthest alliance tower before the alliance can.

Horde also has an extremely pug friendly route. You just hit everything in a line. Alliance route splits into 3 groups; 2 towers and a gy.

About the only thing alliance has going for it, is the bridge which you can turtle extremely well on. But if you’re turtling you’re going to have a lot of afk/defeatist players.

Also, anything that is easy to defend (Bridge, dB towers) is also incredibly hard to take back once you lose it.

Edit: I forgot. The first year, there was also a bug that let horde instantly revive at their Corpse on vanndar; letting them just zerg the boss down with zero difficulty.

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True. However alliance does not leave mages on the CC’d to keep up the sheep.

Here is how horde works this. You send a stealthy kamikaze in. That rogue or druid will die most likely. But not before someone cleaves/aoe to unsheep the boss.

I saw many matches alliance left 2 peeps for this for capping. Horde gets someone to cleave/aoe…boss is now un-sheeped. Tower boss beats them down.

If you get real lucky alliance leaves 1 or 2 for defence. Get the boss back online and now that rogue or druid gets npc help for the kills and the backcap. Feels good being a crap geared feral z troll druid who back caps and lives a 2 on 1.

Now some help for the alliance. Do not leave aoe/cleave heavy classes to defend with a sheeped boss. IF sheeping…leave strong ST defenders.

I got this rant many times on DK.

Why are you breaking the CC? DK has less ST than cleave/aoe. DK ST attacks only…ain’t defending crap.

It would have been a great time to do something unique like the 15th anniversry with raid and korrak revenge ,that was a blast and i leveled so many toons so if the xp is nerfed to the ground i guess i ll go lvl my toons the usual way then .

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