Korrak's Revenge is back!

Anytime Alterac Valley is busy is fun for me.


I hope not but you’re right

the 15th anniversary AV xp was some of the most fun ive had leveling alts. Im really hoping the XP is at least better than last year.

Based on where the game is right now, just let us have fun & level some alts quicker


Korrak’s was fun, but it sucks that it doesn’t give gear. I remember having max level toons with ilvl 5 trinkets lmao.


If they want to keep players engaged in Shadowlands then the more characters they have at level 50 the better. They’d be smart to make levelling up to 50 fast.


No thanks. Last time I did it I was in there for over 8 hours. It was insane. Good. But insane.

Good, it’s a bg with no time limit. If you are not there to pvp don’t que for it.

I only ever queued for it to get the mounts and never since, I just am clearly more open minded than you to the fact lots of people posted previously about using it for leveling.

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Still have the anniversary event xp token lol. But yeah a watered down xp version of AV of old won’t be really worth foolin with, if the good xp ain’t there imo.

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Which is the problem. It’s a bg and in an era where Blizz puts timers on everything Korraks is an old school throwback where people who enjoy pvp can actually have fun. People who que up for it to get xp want it over as fast as possible to que up for it again and again and don’t actually participate in the BG. If pvp players did this raids they would be booted in a heartbeat and the forums would be up in arms. The first year KR was out, in the first week or so the matches were 2-3 hours and once the xp was found out they were over in 10 minutes

Kite Korrak to town and let him loose in the city.


Realistically nothing is an actual problem as you are saying because you aren’t entitled to tell others why they can or can’t queue for it if they do and if the XP is good and people want to level that way they can because the game isn’t just catered to you.

Make a premade group if you don’t like how random groups that are XP farming play it.


The Frostwolf Snarler is not a new mount. I already have it.

Out of an instance? You first.

I queued for in on an Alliance and Horde character to get rep, and ended up with the Justicar and Conqueror titles.

They need content where people can play with their actual friends, even if those friends are not at their level, ilvl, or skill level.

They removed scaling as a prelude to removing scaling in PvP overall. The best geared players were complaining they had to 2 shot badly geared players and shouldn’t have to actually have fair fights.

Like this guy who’s planning on doing it to gank low levels.


Hogger’s Revenge please.

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Alliance had this idiotic strat of sheep the tower bosses.

Issue…tower boss left alive when tower burns moves to base.

So…now you got 3 elites to kill plus final guy. All at once.

Oh and with many classes spamming aoe they break the sheep cc. No mage to be there 24/7 till match end…the bosses will stop being sheep.

Yeah well it’s a anniversary event :laughing:. You want old school throwback, then there is always wow classic old school AV. If folks want to level some toons using a once a year event then let them geez. Might agree with you, if it were a monthly event, but again, it’s a once a year deal.

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Blizzard won’t allow for a 40 man premade

Then either deal with people that use it for XP farming if the XP is worth doing it for or don’t bother doing it because like I already said in a post above I am at least open minded enough to support people being able to level that way if they want to despite not doing it myself.


I took a level 50 mage and leveled it to 60 and renown lv 50 in about 4 hours. Leveling is absurdly easy at the moment

Korrak Avenger

Korrak comes back as a paladin and tears people up left and right. Divine Storms us to hell.

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