King's Diversity Space Tool

Must be nice being able to afford that.

I think the tool is pretty dumb and problematic, not least because it emphasizes this idea that certain characteristics are “other” or “not normal”, but… it’s not segregation. It’s not discriminating against real people, and it’s not saying real people of X category can’t use Y space or whatever. Let’s keep the criticisms grounded in reality.

I feel like this might be more of a presentation problem. Collecting demographic metrics for targeted advertising has been a common practice for as long time now. It seems to me like this is a user demographic metrics gathering tool that, ideally would be used with the intent of making the game NPCs more demographically representative of the user base.

Of course, it’s probably being implemented by a bunch of young ideologues and will most likely end up in a state of epic cringe, but the tool itself doesn’t seem that bad.

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It’s called being so poor you get community college for free because you live in a non-trash state then transferring to a public state university with a 4000/yr tuition, and qualifying for financial aid and getting scholarships.

Thankfully the pay for a software engineering job here starts between 80-100k a year. I’m living with friends so I will be able to pay off my loans in a year then pay off the rest of their home loan the next year.

Then it’s save up for a new car, then a down payment on a bigger house for us, one with a few more rooms and a big big garage so I can convert it into my personal man cave. So many tools.

This is basically 50% of how any company hires for a position, they just don’t tell you: “Sorry we didn’t hire you because you’re (black, white, Asian, Polynesian, Russian, Inuit, etc etc).”, because legally to save their own skins they’re not supposed to.

Loans. Ugh can’t imagine dealing with that nonsense. Most people end up in so much debt with those.

Which is why I chose at least one degree that is STEM, in demand, and pays well.

The art is mostly so I don’t lose my mind. Because I need my creative side being stimulated as well as my analytical mathematical side.

Basically, perfectly balanced as all things should be.

…How exactly are you saying that atfer saying…? :point_down:

I’m disgusted at the idea of it at all.

Also, you using the “It doesn’t matter” argument, doesn’t stick if you think it matters.

Nobody has ever said that here.


… When did I say “it doesn’t matter”??? Never. I just said it’s not segregation. And in fact, I stated outright that I think the tool has issues. But segregation is a term that describes a pretty specific situation - which the tool is not.

Bari is a known troll, I wouldn’t recommend engaging for your own sanity. Discussion are only one sided with this poster.


Maybe you’re saying “This tool, does not discriminate real people” and not saying “This tool, does not discriminate characters in the game because their not real and therefore it doesn’t matter because they aren’t real”. Which in that event, mea culpa then.

I don’t think you understand the issue of having a ranking system on their tool for things like that and how something like that can lead to segregation. Or at least inequality. I mean what does it mean if one character got a 0 because by, whomever the person designed it, decided that it’s the default (which there is no default), but the other character scores higher because some of them like being disabled, race, and so on… aren’t the proverbial default?

If there hasn’t been a ranking system, that would’ve been somewhat fine. But the fact they have to remove it atfer getting backlash (and there was a backlash), like that’s not only telling the tool has issues, but the team behind those tells us… that it’s not an accident done in good faith.

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Allow me to show you to the blizz pegging rooms for morale. They appreciate your support.


I did have to block them, recently. I don’t think they’re a troll, though. I just think they engage in petty and nonsensical (not to mention unnecessary) petty back and forthness, that goes nowhere.

That being said, if it’s true that this “Diversity Tool” is going to increase DPS/HPS on “minority” type of characters, that’s a can of worms we’re going to have to address 'cause that doesn’t sit well, with me.

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I want to know who at Activision thought this was a good idea! It takes minorities and boils them all down to an algorithm, which is so dehumanizing.


Oh absolutely. Almost every thread I notice them bickering with another poster and it devolves into nothingness but insults. It’s become rather spammy.

Maybe. I’m just here for the ride, just trying to be positive in the weekly outrage threads.

I want to be positive about this, as well, but I am a little skeptical about it.

It’S because they don’t care about this at all.

They literally just did it so they could say “loOK HoW PROgreSsIVE We aRe!!!”


I feel these folks never ever interacted with people from minority community or had friends from it.

So they sit in their office and pat in their backs about how they did such a good thing.


This has almost 200 replies so maybe someone already hit this point, but the worst part is the internal behavior this will lead to - actual tokenism.

Let’s say Blizzard decided internally to push this nonsense and whenever you submitted a new project your project had to have a score of at least 25 “Diversity Points”. Let’s say you’re a creative type and you just make the type of stuff that you know and care about as a nerd living in California, which is medieval fantasy, American cultural heritage, maybe a bit of immigrant culture from both the Southern border as well as Asian immigration, and a bit of stuff you’ve seen from TV or heard about from others. That’s pretty much what I would expect the standard to be.

At the end of your work you end up with something resembling what you might see in typical American fiction…but “that’s not good enough”. Uh oh. You already have all your characters and story arcs locked in, you can’t just go around and knock everything order to infuse your work with this stuff to bump up your score. So you decide to game the system. You add a transgender, trans-racial, trans-ethnicity, gender-fluid, multi-racial POC who appears out of nowhere, and like, maybe gets one big scene where they save the Shadowlands and then you wash your hands of the whole thing.

Oh man, that Diversity Score certainly added so much immersive value to your story-telling. Wow!

Blizzard is so out-of-touch. Maybe if they would spend less time cube-crawling they might actually have the time to figure out why their customers are actually upset with them.


Says the person who have one sided discussions with other people. You’re projecting.

There’s nothing petty about telling you that likes can be abused no differently then dislikes. Not to mention you were stripping people from their autonomy, suggesting that people liking the stuff you dislike, can only be done ironically. (Albeit, that’s comparatively nothing then what Tulln or Talonel does…)

…Not sure why were talking about DPS/HPS, but i do agree this tool ranking characters is all sorts of iffy and sus.

Says the person who using fake positivity to gaslight, insult people and trying to incite hatred against people, for somebody who claims to be “positive”… . :roll_eyes:

This is why people call you Talonel.

“I disagree with that person going out and making a discussion, so therefore it’s spam.” :man_facepalming:

That’s fine to show skepticism. :slight_smile: Especially in the face of people (like tulln) that want to you do nothing but be positive or just stay silent. Effectively trying to discredit (or even censor) what you said without it being it or skirting around the rules, because to them… it’s not “positive”.

…Weird that you type this all out, after thinking Likes are not toxic or people liking stuff you dislike can only be done ironically… but i digress.

Off-topic: I’ve noticed Jim Sterling has a video about this tool.