King's Diversity Space Tool

This entire “diversity tool” stinks of segregation, racism and sexism.

Rating people on external factors they cannot change like skin color, which of the 2 genders they are, who they’re sexually attracted to etc.

This is going to go south real fast. Nothing good will come of this.


It’s a sad feeling knowing that whenever blizzard wants to promote more inclusiveness, you just know they are somehow going to do it in a sexist or racist way.

Like with the added customization options. Wonderful, abselutely wonderful, the more the merrier. And the new character we encountered in the Alliance intro looked absolutely stellar… But then they did stuff like this

Signalling the racist attitude that certain skin-colors are in such dire need of representation that they need to replace another while the other skin-color in completely expendable.

Would it have been that difficult to just add new npc’s scattered around stormwind?

Could you not fight sexism by covering up women?


The irony of this guy saying “People are just outraged over anything nowadays”:clown_face:


I wonder what races are worth what scores?

Are Koreans more or less diverse than, say Kenyans? Are people of black skin tone descended from Africa worth more or less points than people descended from Australian Aboriginal ancestry?

If Arab/Egyptian is a 5 what would Thrall be since he’s an Orc… He’s certainly exotic to humans but probably just run of the mill ‘mainstream’ in Orgrimmar?

Please Blizzard, tell us more about your wonderful system!

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Funny they did just come out and say straight white males are worthless in our point system…

I thought diversity included things like religion as well, and not just the chosen few the people who make the tool support

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I see what they were trying to do here. Unfortunately it was already a failure because it used individuals to decide what was what. There was a bias right from the onset.
Hiring a diverse work force is really the only fix for a lack of diversity in game.

wtf is that ??

Breaking news:

Companies don’t care about who you are, how you feel, or how you identify yourself as, they only care about your money and and will turn you and your loved ones into nothing but numbers to achieve that goal.

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true this is a gamble to see if they will get more players by promoting this or if they will lose players.

Whichever pays more will win.

Hopefully its not like Warner Bro, Netflix or Disney style backlash

well netflix just started to wake up, they said to the workers have to suck up or leave with the Chapelle bit


Well I think a lot of people are, especially when a very popular African American like Dave Chapelle can be attacked for no reason on stage and the DA lets the attacker with a deadly weapon off with basically a slap on the wrist

It just shows how extreme so are willing to be

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Or maybe they had to responsed because everyone in the forums was talking about it. The problem with diversity is it is a damned if you do or damned if you don’t situation. Id Blizzard doesn’t talk about it people would be making threads left and right. If they talked about well, people would still be making threads left and right but at least we the players are given some explanation why it happened!

The thing is Blizzard could be radio silent about their push for diversity but people WILL talk about it, both for good and ill.

This thread is still going? The topic is so boring. Wouldn’t you guys rather talk about something else? Anything else? Yesterday I tried to turn this thread in to a discussion about bacon. Something I find way more interesting and delicious.


Too bad they don’t put as much effort into making good content as they do worrying about the “diversity” of cartoons. If you have a formula for diversity, it’s not really diverse, it’s a quota.

I just wanted to thank you for being the voice of common sense in all this.

I think that the tool is interesting and I hope King+MIT Game Lab makes it public. I want to play with it and analyze all my characters to see if I have unconscious biases I can work towards overcoming.

I’d rather talk about more representation in game for the lgbt community because pride is next month. But yes this topic is silly to complain about. This tool will be used regardless and hopefully it will be a positive thing for blizzard.

How is your boyfriend ??

Give him my regards

Are you 10?

What do you think happens in the real world? You know, the world where most folks work for a living and HR and other folks have to make decisions about employee hiring and selection? Or the world where you choose a neighborhood to live in due to certain categories?

Accept others as equal? Sure, in most instances when you don’t have to think about it and go on your daily routine - This tool is anything but. Call it whatever you want, but most companies, the government and people in general use some type of ‘categorical’ tool or ‘way’ to categorize people or situations. Do you think all hires are based on merit alone? You don’t think there is a quota? What about college admissions? What about when you go and buy a house!?!?! With the way you see the world, I’ll bet you won’t mind your kids growing up in a trailer park, because everyone is equal, right?

This is how it works, everywhere, everyday.


You don’t have unconscious anything. You have a preference and preferences aren’t wrong.

People can call me bias all they want, I’m still going to make all my humanoid toons with light skin tones. Nothing bias about it.

The tool is for game developers and writers who want to be more inclusive. It’s not so much for random players and it’s not like we’ll ever be forced to use it to create our player characters.

As someone working on a software engineering degree, a degree in 2d and 3d digital art, and a certificate in game design as well as a writer, the software is relevant to my interests.