King's Diversity Space Tool

Why are you all just focusing on the race part of this like making more diverse characters just means making more minorities. This kind of talk is what is dehumanizing and makes it easier for things like the Buffalo shooting to happen. Has anyone bothered to look at the tool and see what traits they are looking for to make their roster of characters more diverse? Yes race is a part of it but it also looks at age, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, culture, and etc.

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I really to keep making jokes about how nonsense this is but I get the sense Blizzard is going to ban people who make fun of them for being racist by claiming that making fun of their racism is somehow racist. That’s sort of the world we live in now.


I don’t have much of an opinion on this, other than at face value it just seems weird. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it helpful? I have no idea.

How are they being racist?

Boiling people down into a number and forcing their employees to meet racial quotas.


Welcome to the CCB! This is EXACTLY what and how the social scoring in China is setup and being used! Its sickening and disgusting!

They will lose more players than they get, thats for sure!


sigh That tool does not belong to Overwatch 2 you know. The tool belongs to King Games. They used OW chars as an example to show how the prototype works.

None of the companies are using it in active development right now.

The whole thing seems pretty cringe, but people could at least get the facts straight. Outrage clicks though - farming outrage clicks. I really do hate the internet sometimes :frowning:


I think the “boiling people down into a number” part is the thing that doesn’t sit so well with me. I know it’s something that is done beyond a program like this, but I prefer that kind of stuff to be behind the scenes.

But I got the impression that it was intended to make sure… characters are diverse, but not offensive? I could be wrong. I hope it isn’t intended to meet a quota. The only reason I feel that way is because I think diversity for the sake of a quota is unauthentic and inorganic. Again, I could be totally wrong.

One issue I have with the idea of “representation” is that as a gay man I don’t care to see silly tropes and stereotypes and what I consider BAD representation to bring any attention to me. I’m not against representation “if done right” which is a loaded thing to say, because who is to say what’s right or wrong when it comes to visibility?

I personally wish that this Diversity Tool wasn’t announced at all and was just kept as something they use that we just don’t know about. Like literally everything else they do. My tin foil hat tells me it was announced publicly for PR, but I hate being pessimistic like that.

The tried and true “I fully support your right to free speech until you say something I don’t agree with” mantra.

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Every [Brand] you consume is doing this. This is what people said they wanted. Are you just now realizing that it’s all manufactured? Your reaction is nothing more than an emotional response:

What are you actually going to do about the way the western world works?

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with coming fast and hard at Blizzard for something we know they are planning or planned on doing.

You don’t wait until Blizzard has already caused a massive mess to be mad because then it’s already too %%%%ing late. I don’t want to give Blizzard the opportunity to ruin a franchise I love in the pursuit of a warped far-right interpretation of far-left identity politics that they think will earn them brownie points and lessen the pressure on them from consumers, the courts, and Congress.

Blizzard already has corporate shills, we don’t need people in the community to say “Oh, well, they were only ABOUT to cause a massive mess, but because the public embarrassed them about it they didn’t do it and therefore you can stop embarrassing them”. That’s not how it works. Blizzard is only backpedaling SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE WE ARE THROWING IT IN THEIR FACE. The people you say are generating “outrage clicks” are the people who made this a story about something that might have happened rather than something that did.



You’re finding out why I have some orange texters in my ignore list.


I’ve never once done any of the above. I’ve only provided facts and backed them up with sources. You’re just one of the many forum posters on here that act outraged over anything Blizzard does.

I agree with Talonel on a lot of his threads. You just like to make baseless accusations for anyone who agrees with the opposite opinion.

That’s exactly what you do in every thread. Thank you for confirming what all of us already know.

It’s 2022, people like to complain about every measly little thing that has 0 effect on their lives.

We all know that Blizzard is doing exactly what Hollywood is doing right now. focusing on character’s identity rather than focus on character development. if you don’t like what Blizzard is, than you’re X,Y,Z. We see it all the time down on twitter, new media and so on. Nobody cares about racial identity equity and inclusion with in their entertainment. that the ugly truth and when you keep shoving it down on everyone’s throat, backlash comes right after and they will take money somewhere else.


I’ve never not felt welcome or unwelcome because a protagonist is a white male. Or a white female. Or any other race/sex/gender. This is absurd.


It’s kind of weird to me that you think transgender, genderfluid, and ethnic minorities are somehow not a fundamental part of “American cultural heritage”. Not to mention, that standard you described is incredibly limited, and I think we should expect a greater breadth of creativity from artistic creators. From the very beginning.

Yeah. It’s unsettling to think, “Okay, Ana gets more ‘diversity points’ for being Arab than Lucio does for being Brazilian.” Like, there are definitely some problematic implications there, assigning ranking numbers to things.

I’d rather Blizzard just hired a diverse set of employees who are interested in telling many different stories and then letting them explore those stories. I get that corporate culture likes to turn everything into a numbers game, but still…


I’m so sure 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 is a standard USA white man XD

I wonder what numerical value does being Latino have? that would be the only thing that would probably differentiate me from the previous example.

That they made that public is so stupid it’s funny. XD


I’m legit curious what Hammond’s map looks like. xD

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