King's Diversity Space Tool

Geometric shapes do not hold the same statistical value as numbers. Why use a nominal system when you can use a ratio one?

Stop being dramatic over things you don’t understand. Writers have been doing this exact same thing by hand for thousands of years; all MIT did was simplifying character creation sheets through math. It’s not even that fancy of a tool, just a useful one for writers and character designers.

EX: when writers were creating characters for WC3 they thought, “we have a lot of orcs and humans, what new could we bring on?” “what about a high elf ranger that becomes undead? We don’t have those yet.” “yes, that’s new, let’s do it.” > We got Sylvanas.

The more characters in a story, the more difficult it is to find the combinations you haven’t used. That’s why a software with math makes it a lot faster.

This tool is literally nothing revolutionary, it’s only simplifying what already exists. Stop outraging over nothing.


Have you not been keeping up with the news? Math is racist. Math is made of numbers. Numbers and their abstract meanings are discriminatory


Only if it makes sense to. Like in this case. Nobody really knows how this tool works or how Blizzard uses it in their games. We are only told very limited info so I assume Blizzard uses much more than they’re telling us to determine how to be inclusive.

So far I’ve been happy with inclusion in Shadowland, but I do wish for more lgbt characters and story to help flesh out lore. Maybe this tool will help them realize that.

They just did this because the scandal. It’s not adaption. The community wasn’t the racist/sexist culprits. That was their staff…


In FOX news? Yes, I’m sure.

Go to your preferred search engine. Type/enter racism or discrimination in mathematics. The jury’s in.

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To need a tool to make sure diversity is in a video game. LOL

Then what’s a good limit? How bout they just make em all gay

There shouldn’t be a limit to creativity. Let blizzard decide on what they want to do.

Yes queen! :nail_care: :crown:

Funny most natives I know actually like Pocahontas and support that Washington football team as well (despite them living in Chiefs country). They supported Washington because they felt affinity to that name - they just dont anymore.

BTW the ones I am referring to are from Chickasaw, Ho-Chunk and Sioux. Been to 2 of the 3 reservations to visit family. The people there were not how the activists portray them to be


Math is factual. It doesn’t concern itself with opinions, unless it’s counting them.

Racism is an opinion.

But sure, keep acting irrationally and outraging over concepts you don’t even understand. I’m sure that’s healthy.

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If Overwatch characters were PEOPLE, you’d have a point.

With people, they exist first, then you break them down into their identities. Characters start from a basic identity, and then they are made more 3D by adding layers.

No one is segregating people, they are simply creating characters from the ground up.

Just like the first thing you did in character creating was select Night Elf, then Rogue. Unless you want to argue that you are also segregating every time you make a character in a videogame.


Academia at large disagrees with you. This is where common core comes from

I don’t think Fox news are the ones spreading that tomfoolery. They spread a lot of junk but not that particular junk.

Y’all are predominately fking weirdos and I’m done with this conversation


Well, good thing I’m one of those pesky academics. Please… cite an paper that actually agrees with you.

Math is not an opinion. It can be used to justify all sorts of good or horrible opinions, but math itself is not an opinion.

So you would agree that if statistically speaking, The overwhelming majority of gun violence in the United States was committed by one particular racial group, that it wouldn’t be racist, to observe and confirm this statistical fact?

It’s just an over glorified character profile. People do it with pen and paper or a google doc in RP communities.

Find me a paper that says math is an opinion.

Is it your opinion that 2+2=5?

Go back to school and let the smart people worry about smart things… even basic concepts are clearly too out of reach for you.


This reminds me of LatinX and just assuming every straight person is grateful someone took the time to define them as “cis” and use it in a mostly pejorative sense. Of course this was all handed down while talking out the other side of their mouth about how everyone has right to be referred to as they please.