King's Diversity Space Tool

starlight and cis are two separate concepts.

Again, people raging over things they don’t understand.

Perhaps you could explain it then.

Cis = same. Sex at birth and gender are the same. Meaning NOT trans. Gay people are usually Cis.

Trans = changing. Sex at birth differs from gender. Trans people are usually straight or bi.

Obviously, you could also be trans and gay, but that is rare.

It’s the SJW haircut/dye job

Like 500+ virtue signalling points right there.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but does that not include straight people as well? I definitely hear straight people referred to as “cis” while gay and lesbian are referred to as gay and lesbian. It’s not the CCBT+ community.

Scoring people or characters on their skin color or sexual preferences is disgusting.


Zarya talks about Russia more than Torb talks about Sweden. Zarya gets more points in culture.

But, I would agree that there was at least some virtue signaling in the Dragonflight reveal based on the people they specifically SELECTED to talk. So, maybe you have a point.

If you think the people is not real, or it’s just a game, then why you have an opinion on this at all? This “It doesn’t matter” card, goes both ways. Especially since people judge character’s writing that includes how well they handled the identities as if it takes place in real life in whether it’s handled in a way that’s acceptable or not. Which is what you’re doing right now.

The rating system is what i’m talking about the segregation.

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so, your entire argument hinges on Overwatch characters being considered people?

If you don’t think it’s real people, then why you have an opinion on this at all? Why you even have a problem with what i’ve said if you don’t think it’s real then?

The Burger King Kids Club’s impact lives on.

if you think characters are people, why are you int he forums and not at the psychiatrist?

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Lol, no. Both are measurements of immutable traits in an effort to rank people based on race, sexual orientation, and capability in order to attribute value. You can defend it all you want, but it is what it is, and at best…and I really stress the AT BEST here, this will be looked upon in a decade like Blacksploitation was.


It’s not segregation… Please stop with this nonsense. Blizzard has only told us so little info. You’re basing some extreme assumptions there.

Nice job dodging the question to avoid having to explain your contradiction. :man_facepalming:

Let’s try it again. If you think Overwatch people aren’t real, why you have an opinion at all then?

Let’s talk about something that’s really important…Bacon. Bacon ice cream, anyone?


you have to add number values in order to calculate Z scores.

Again, same justifications used in the past for deplorable beliefs. Next you’ll claim it’s rooted in science.

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Diversity isn’t the problem. Story and content is main problem. What Blizzard is listening to twitter and not to loyal players. twitter crowd aren’t interested of playing blizzard’s game and they want is spread their woke culture into every video company as possible. Blizzard had kneel to these activist because of this lawsuit and they’re willing to listen to these people. In the end, they’re pissing their loyal off and some of them are cutting ties to this company.


It is. You being positive about it, doesn’t make it any less segregating.