King's Diversity Space Tool

That’s literally not any better?

It’s not up to King to decide what counts as representation in media. For instance, since you brought up Native Americans, most Natives I know despise Pocahontas and refuse to consider it representation because it’s based on a real person who was kidnapped when she was 11 years old and forced to marry a grown man and have his children.

And they glorified it instead of showing how bad it was.



They’re not bothered by what the goal of the algorithm is designed to do. They’re just upset that a tool is making the calculations transparent. They’re much more comfortable with those being hidden, blurry mental calculations. They’re surprised the company is dumb enough to make explicit what is normally just the implicit goal of DE&I.


Imagine the X1 geomagnetic crap storm from that if that actually did happen. That’s a concerning thought for anybody reasonable over there should take one look at this and at least raise an “umm… maybe we shouldn’t implement the rating?”…

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I never said it was better, I’m just providing context. The tonage of your first post made it sound like you believed people were being rated soley on OPINION, which is incorrect. It’s just a matter of how often something is represented. You said it yourself if they did a chart what counted how many of X,Y,and Z there was, you said that would be fine.

This is literally no different. What’s the difference between showing whites represented x2 as much as blacks and a chart showing blacks with a x2 higher representation score than whites?

I just wanna know how many people at Activision/Blizzard/King looked at this post, thought it was okay, and agreed they should post it.


i am elated to know that i am going to be a number on a graph


The company has always been like this. Technology has just moved forward and Blizzard adapted. This is a positive thing.

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Honestly, i want to see the entire Overwatch’s chart. It’s so funny that Zarya has more points in culture than Torbjorn, take that Sweden.

but that is NOT what they are doing. Those are not real people, they are characters… with character sheets.

When CREATING a new character you have to start from the basic things about their identity because identity changes the way each character will interact with the world / lore.

It’s just like when you select a race and a class here in WoW. They are just breaking down other character traits.

Also, stop getting offended over anything. You are not that special.

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…it’s still their opinion. How much a certain group is represented varies based on who you ask. Some people may not think things count as representation (as I mentioned Pocahontas) yet others will (There are plenty who consider her one of the first native representation in childrens media, and still consider her native representation for Disney).

In one case, one is marking how many of your characters are of a group, so you can compare YOUR DATA. The other is rating how much representation you feel the group gets in other media.

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You didn’t address my point.

You said this:

And I JUST told you that the space tool does exactly that. It’s literally no different, just a different graphing tool. It’s like if you went on excel and chose a pie chart or a bar graph with the same information. It’s the same info either way, just in a different representation.

Until you address this, I think your stance is pretty self-defeating.

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They said similar things about Eugenics and Phrenology back in the day. It was ‘settled science’ to boot.

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I literally explained the difference, but go on.

Consider this. If all things are equal between heterosexual and homosexual persons, with the only difference being sexual preference, why would homosexuals receive a higher score?
What is it about sexual preference, that is more valuable than heterosexuals who are responsible for CREATING all of the wonderful diversity that we celebrate?
I feel like the scoring system could make a lot of heterosexuals feel less valuable even though it’s the heterosexuals who are creating more humans/diversity


A census has literally nothing to do with Phrenology.

The tool just helps visualize statistics, not undermine people based on specific traits like bumps on their head.

Seriously, people don’t seem to have anything to outrage over anymore so now they grasp at straws.


We’ll see how positive this is. From the news I’ve seen this past year I would say otherwise.

But go ahead buddy, we’ll see how it goes


Yeah, because you double posted while I was still replying.

You’re trying to pick apart my example by arguing opinion vs fact, but that doesn’t disprove what I pointed out about your stance. You seemed to be alright with a numbered chart, but are strangely against a graph like the one they used, even though they’re virtually the same thing.

The ‘opinion vs fact’ thing can wait, as long you acknowledge that the space tool is NOT based on subjective data, but rather numerical. Whether you like pocohantes or not, she’s still a native American. It’s just a straight up fact, and she should be counted as represented.

You can say the movie is racist or doesn’t fairly portray natives, but you can’t deny her existence as native american, that’s just ignorant.

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Then to spare a lot of people‘s emotional damage over this, instead of numbers they could’ve used geometric shapes or some other non-discriminatory symbols. Numbers have more meaning in this context

People will forget and Blizzard will continue to use the tool and adapt into their games. Of course all the games will still be very entertaining and world class quality… Then you all can go onto your next outrage topic of the week.

Yeah and then you’ll be there to disagree with them. Because that’s your only purpose.