King's Diversity Space Tool

Nice deflection.

It was a hypothetical, but you won’t see from my perspective.

Blocking you, now.


Right. And black panther overwhelmingly featured people with traditional sub-Saharan African features. That’s what the movie was about. We all knew what we were going into before we watched it. You don’t see blonde hair people petitioning marvel for more blonde haired people in Wakanda.
Because if that happened, The original fantasy would kind of lose some of its mystique, no?
I don’t think anybody who’s a fan of the movie would think it’s racist if Wakanda moved forward, only (or at least mostly) portraying its indigenous and traditional Wakandians

Edit: but I will concede that racial representation wouldn’t be so much of an issue, as say transgenderism and homosexuality. We as people can’t help but notice someone’s racial make up. Racial representation is a completely different matter than some of these other alternative lifestyles that people are asking be represented in the game


Lol this is exactly what happens when you don’t have a point. Lol

And blocking someone over a conversation.
And y’all called the left snowflakes.
No one was yelling. No one was telling you you are a horrible person.

Simply providing prospective that may be counter to yours and because you can’t acknowledge reality you need to shut down.

About black panther:
It and shangchi and maybe there is like one more are a few example of marvel stories centered around pocs

Blizzard simply adding in more poc characters is somehow racist? When there is already a plethora of white characters… lol

Lol alternative lifestyles is such a slap in the face for gay people who know for sure it’s not some random decision they made on The Weeknd.

Viewing your lifestyle as “normal” and everyone else’s as “alternative” is exactly why this tool is needed

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Lifestyles? Wrong terminology, it’s not a choice.

This tool is offensive and bigoted and it is not needed by any stretch.

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I completely understand what you’re saying. I understand how these words border on
“questionable territory“. I can completely understand why you and others might find that language abrasive.
Consider this: if trans women are women, then what else does the trans community to need to see? If an NPC is obviously a woman, then she’s just a woman, no? What more information do we need?
Do gay people somehow look different than non-gay people? What else do we need to know? Perhaps these NPCs aren’t comfortable with you prying into their private lives?


Depictions of trans people in games are rarely about the physicality of the character but instead the journey of the character to understand who they are.

Having these depictions in games help people relate to a story they maybe experiencing in real life. It also shares those stories with people who don’t understand what it means to be transgender.

Which in turn allows for people to witness the humanity in other people… and maybe trans women will eventually stop being murdered in high numbers. Will be able to live normal lives. Have normal jobs. Etc

Gay people don’t always look different from straight people but romance/sexuality plays a role in a lot of characters motivations.
There is also no denying that gay people have created a certain culture.

And I would love to see a feminine gay character kicking butt right next to a big boy orc

For many that’s true. Not for all. therefore, I don’t feel it’s abrasive to differentiate what is considered alternative, to what is universally accepted as, traditional

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Fellow human, you are not wrong. I totally agree with the sentiment. Would it be fair to acknowledge, that just as many may be dismayed that their experience isn’t represented to their liking, there are also many, who may feel dismayed about injecting real life hot topic social issues into their fantasy game, that they began playing to escape, real life hot topic political and social issues?
Am I being bigoted, or is that a fair question?


Everyone throws bigoted around so easily.
However injecting gay characters and trans characters is not politics.

All characters in this game have traits associated with the real world.

Why is race,sexuality,gender expression, etc
Different than blonde hair? How come no one screams politics when a male and female character fall in love? Why is it only politics when other people ask to be visible in games?

Fellow human, it appears that you have answered my question, with questions and musings of your own. As a result, I’ve kind of lost the initiative to try to continue a productive conversation. Enjoy your Azerothian travels!

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Lol… I answered your question.
Gay people, trans people, black people, Asian people,
Are all example of just that. People.
Its not political.

But you want me to call you a bigot so you can rage…


whites account for approximately 15% of the global population. Activision-Blizzard is a global company. So by the metric of global diversity, there should be significantly more white characters/males

Edit: simply put. The tool is inherently biased against white males who identify as heterosexual


It is though. I guarantee this would have huge backlash if it were the straight white males getting the points and the disabled black women getting a zero.

You’re not wrong about how the points method works, but people will absolutely interpret points with superiority.


Because there aren’t activist asking for such things.

If people were asking for more Irish Catholic representation what would that be?

What if I told you it wasn’t religious.

You say that, but it really doesn’t pass the smell test. You have every right ask for representation in the game but saying it’s not political is pretty passive aggressive.


I’m sorry that people being in relationship with the same sex is political to you.

I feel bad that your political figures make things that have trivial effects on your lives a focal point in politics.

Instead of housing, healthcare, education

People being themselves shouldn’t be political.


My mistake, thought we were talking about LGBT awareness and representation in media like a video games. Kind of a core activity of LGBT and other identity activists.

Not some random same sex couple in real life.


Kinda of like I can be LDS IRL and it doesn’t matter and people don’t care. What I do in my own time as long as I am not forcing it on them shouldn’t bother anyone. They can think I am stupid but its not their business. Just like others can think anything about me if I were LGBTQ+.

Now when I start demanding that the LDS worldview be shown in a positive light in WoW (or take over as the main way of legal thinking in your country)? Thats when it stops being about the person and encroaches on others lives, it becomes a(n) political agenda. Then its a problem


That’s a good analogy. These movements have become like Mormon missionaries only if you tell them you’re not interested they don’t say thank you and move onto the next house, they barge in, call you a satanist and threaten you with social excommunication.

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Like any tool, I think how good or bad it is very much depends on how it is used. Ideally, things like this should be utilized towards the end of the development cycle to determine if you didn’t quite cover some of the bases you wanted to cover. I can see how it can also help avoid tokenism (or at least some aspects) by considering characters as a whole such as Ana being an elderly, a mother, and missing an eye. Pure tokenism often does things like having precisely one character who is deaf/uses a wheelchair with no other meaningful things about their character aside from that.