King's Diversity Space Tool

It’s out of season too…


How is anything I said outrage? I guess people really only understand the world through their own perception lmao

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This is why I never talk about wow IRL.

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Is anyone surprised that race, culture, sexuality and identity is being reduced to an algorithm? I mean that’s the way of the future right? Everything about you is broken down to a set of statistics fed to a computer and all that info sold to whomever can pay for it.


make good videogames.

Dark times ahead. All the books and movies we’ve experienced are starting to become reality

I tried applying for a job (won’t say where) and they said they weren’t hiring. Days later I saw a “multicultural” hiring seminar being held for said job. I called to inquire about it and said I’d like to attend. After saying I was Caucasian they said it was “only for people of color”. I told them “it’s not multicultural if you literally ban certain races from attending”…

It really is becoming a thing.


If you really see people as equal, you wouldn’t look the other way and avoid seeing if your beliefs are being carried out or violated in the company you run. It’s really that simple.

They did that to with the monoclonal treatments last year when I had Covid. I didn’t meet any of the prerequisites to get treated. The guy inquired about my last name and asked if it was Hispanic and I said no, my last name is xxxxxxx and he said well that’s too bad, if you were Hispanic or black we could treat you.
Again, dark times ahead in the west


Just reverse it, and you’ll realize how racist this is.


So much for the laws against discrimination for applicants when they literally discriminated against you for being caucasian.


ALL of them?

Aw man, sucks that I’m too old to go to Hogwarts.

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Nah you can go too hogwarts. You’re never to old to be a wizard harry.

Hogwarts is for kids

Legends go to Raya Lucaria Academy

Umm… show me how reversing it is racism ?

The best possible light for this to be used IMO, is that it’s simply a visualization aid. One to only be used to help spot if the cast is looking a bit too one-dimensional.

If somebody said, we had to stop making POC because “there’s too many of them”, it would be a racist idea.


When has there ever been too many pocs in any game?

This tool is created because of you look at this list of wow characters with humanoid features…

Name a prominent Asian features character?
Name a prominent dark skin character besides wrathion?
Name a prominent gay character?

These games overwhelmingly feature white blond hair characters in their stories.

This tool allows for the game creators to look to have balance.

There is nothing racist about not over saturating a game with characters who all only reflect 1 identity

Also POCs are not a monolith.
There is tons of diversity under the branch of pocs.

this has big “all lives matter” energy.

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I tend to go by cuthulu energy. No lives matter lol