King's Diversity Space Tool

Pretty apt comparison. Its why i don’t trust this “diversity” tool. Its a racist pile of garbage that treats everyone like a number.

Whites getting zero but others getting more numbers? They make it look like being white is bad but then given current society im not surprised they’d go that racist route.


Y’all love the white is bad narrative when no one is saying that.

Its simply you are already well represented in this game and will continue to be. This tool only gives other people access to the same representation you have had for years.

How that somehow means whites are bad is absolutely a stretch and a dumb narrative

90 percent of characters in this game are already white/straight

Is it really an issue if this algorithm helps people who are designing this game make more characters that other people relate to?

Which states are constantly fighting against or attempting to roll back the rights of LDS members?

Is there a state where LDS members can’t get married?

I’ll one up you. How long ago was it legally codified in any state in the US that LGBTQ+ were to be killed on sight?

Officially ended:

In witness I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the State of Missouri, in the city of Jefferson, on this 25 day of June, 1976.

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…And not fat or poor.

So, good news I guess for straight white male characters: you can still get a few points by quitting your job and getting fat.


And then they wonder why people are suddenly worried about CRT

Well polygamy got rooted out quite a while ago. So there is the precedent of not having to right to be married to multiple people.

But, Is there a state where same sex couples can’t get married anymore? I know it’s recent, but I thought that discrimination finally came to an end.


The following states have not legalized gay marriage:
North Dakota
South Dakota

Now this was as of 2020 so things may have budged a bit… maybe.

So it’s criminalized in those states?

Can same sex couples not get married in those states?

Are there prison full of LGBT people for trying to get married?

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