King's Diversity Space Tool

it’s not about POINTS, it’s about how different it is from the standard.
On their scale:
Male = 0
Female = 6
That doesn’t mean female is better than male, or 6 has more points than 0, it only means female is further from the standard hero (probably someone like Soldier 76, who is so basic he literally has a number for a name).

0 = standard
0 =/= bad

Stop reading into things you don’t understand. Leave the forums and go take a math class.

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all the numbers mean is how different something is from the standard hero, not that one trait is better or worse.

0 = standard

But sure… outrage. It’s definitely easier to outrage than to learn basic math.

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This is gross to me because it’s doing the exact same thing the beauty industry does to people

“Oh you’re not skinny and beautiful by society’s standards? That’s not worth as much”

They’re just doing it on the other end of the scale

“Oh you fit into society’s perfect beauty standards? Yeah we rate you 0.”

It’s just gross to rate these things at all. People can’t help their looks, disability, age, race, orientation etc. So to sit there and suggest one is somehow worth more than the other by rating them is just really gross

Just apply this to real people and it’s not hard to see why people dislike it


It’s like it’s giving pity points. How insulting is that?

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not about points…

Just a tool to make it easier to create different and diverse characters instead of having 80 clones of Soldier 76.

It’s like, your main is a pretty Female Blood Elf Paladin. You can make another paladin, or another blood elf… but you could also make something totally different and go for an ugly male Gnome priest.

Your male Gnome priest has more points of differentially, he’s further from your standard. But that doesn’t mean your Gnome male priest is BETTER than your female Blood Elf Paladin.

I am illiterate so I will outrage instead :sunglasses:


I can see points in “stats”. You can white knight all you like, it’s still insulting. And, I’m a female. I don’t need a character with points in female to know how diverse that character is. That character doesn’t need points in female, for how “diverse” they are. It’s a stupid system.


again… not points… it’s just numbers to be able to calculate z scores. It’s numbers so that when they input it into the decagon, it makes a unique shape.

But, you can outrage all you want. Being angry is definitely easier than thinking.

It is points.


I AM thinking. Soldier 76 doesn’t need to be punished for not being diverse enough.

And, characters that are diverse like Symmetra, don’t need pity points to show how diverse she is.

EDIT: I like Symmetra’s playstyle. Not because she’s a diverse character.

I don’t like the playstyle of Tracer. Her being LGBTQ+ and female means absolutely nothing.


Eh. The problem is, regardless whether it’s “points” or a “score” (which, points add up to a final score usually, btw) this system brings up a lot of questions that leave a bad taste in peoples mouth. Especially at face value.

It’s weird. I think it’s normal for people to be unsettled by it.

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Soldier 76 is not being punished, just like a Female Blood Elf Paladin wouldn’t be punished.

Soldier 76 is simply the departure point of hero creation. The they simply try to make other heroes more different from him so they don’t feel like clones.

Having heroes different from 76 doesn’t punish 76… it only makes him look more unique.

Take The Expendables movie, for example… there’s like 10 heroes in that movie and they are all so samey is hard to keep track of which is which sometimes. The overwatch cast is so obviously different that even if you couldn’t see them up close you’d know who is at least NOT Soldier 76 just from a quick glance.

how are you surprised another problem in californian companies being forced to push diversity and to save time and resorces they make that. i dont like governments telling buinsess what to do at the same time i dislike big buisnesses because they tend to to be corrupt and hate the employees and customers just look at amazon.

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well, yes, because the average population is uneducated and doesn’t understand math beyond basic calculations.

it’s easy to outrage based on negative assumptions without understanding what is actually happening.

Yes, he is.

His point score is going to be net zero and subconsciously his character won’t be played 'cause he’s simply “not diverse enough”.

Imagine if this was reversed. You would not be singing the same tune, guaranteed.

I cannot explain this any further, and I’m done going in circles about it with you. Blocking you, now and enjoy having the last word!


Only a matter of time, before they become the next Disney.

My eyes…what is this moisture?! Thank you!

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Soldier won’t see any less play because he gets more 0s.

It’s actually quite the opposite. A trait get’s 0 because it is the most commonly represented.

Pretty Female Blood Elf paladin is the most played combination in WoW. She’d get the most 0’s… yet she wouldn’t be any worse than any other toon, she’d simply be the standard.

The OUTRAGE every time diversity is mentioned is annoying.

Its a tool use to populate the world with people of diverse backgrounds looking to reflect back to real world populations so that people can see representation of themselves in games…

But also so people who normally have opportunities to interact with people of other background can experience other ways of living outside of their own
Allowing for people to see humanity in lifestyle that differ from their own…

Media has had a heavy lean towards European standards forever so they are looking to balance that out.

Maybe their attempts to do so are not perfect but trying is better than…
Not being able to play a black character for the last 13 years this game has been around.

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This looks like some sad April Fools joke.