King's Diversity Space Tool

No one is saying we need to pretend they don’t exist. The idea isn’t to pretend they don’t exist. The idea is to just stop talking about it. It’s like what Morgan Freeman said in an interview some 20 odd years ago.

Stop identifying people by their race, gender, orientation, religion, creed, whatever. Identify them by who they are like with anyone else. Racism goes away once everyone considers all these things as normal. It won’t go away as long as people apply any kind of value to different races etc, regardless of how high or low that value is. Positive racism is still racism.


Or as Martin Luther King Junior would put it… “Hatred begets Hatred”. :slight_smile:


Agreed. They need to do more and hopefully expand once they realize this will be a success. The naysayers shouldn’t stop Blizzard.

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If I got a 7/10 I would be so happy and full of confidence. A slap? More like a thank you.


average blood elf post

Another take on it.

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If all this keeps up soon all games will have plain grey aliens with no genitals for characters. Maybe we will all become grey aliens…

But hey that’s progressive thinking, huh? Think ourselves right into extinction.

It only cost us a raid tier!

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You’re a solid 7 outta 10 with me <3


This looks like intersectionality gone off the rails.

Originally it had some very valid points and criticisms, but as with most valid things they tend to get pushed past the point of absurdity.

Pretty good critical explanation of what and where the concept is now:

And in fairness, a TED talk from one of the originators and proponents of the concept:

Something of note, the three panelist from the critical video are the three people from the grievance study hoax that tried to demonstrate that academically humanities has devolved into self referential nonsense.

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If the naysayers all stop giving Blizz money, and they’re not making much like they used to, guess what? All the “yes-men” will be stabbed in the back by the company they worship 'cause all they care about is money.

That’s a hypothetical, don’t think Blizzard will ever have a problem of not making enough money. Diablo Immortal, Overwatch 2, WoW Dragonflight, WOTLK Classic, Diablo 4. Yeah they’ll be okay.

Even Disney has gone silent, recently, on political issues because they’ve been losing money. Despite pledging their allegiance to the LGBTQ+ community. Last thing they chirped about was the “Don’t Say Gay Bill” (I’m aware that’s not what it’s actually called, but I digress), and they went silent on the possible overturning of Roe vs Wade.

Money only matters to these companies and not us, the people. You’re a fool, if you think otherwise.


Lead Dev: hey guys every character you make for the next expansion has to have a score of 42 or higher.


I agree with this. Except for this last part… :point_down:

…Why people treat 7/10 like it’s a bad score? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Usually that only offends those who think they’re perfect.

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Ehh true.

/grins at Legend of Zelda: BOTW fans. :smirk:

I would rejoice to get a 7. :sleepy:

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the more blizzard goes woke the more people blizzard will drive away.


yeah man best to stay sleep

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