King's Diversity Space Tool

Oh I think this is the most performative, corporate inclusivity attempt I think I’ve ever seen. I just really take issue with the whole idea that pretending that race/gender/sexuality doesn’t exist is somehow a positive step. Pet peeve.


WOA WOA WOA! aren’t you guys scared of losing your account for saying what blizz has become? excuse me - “the company soon to be formerly known as blizzard entertainment in particular?” lol.

It’s a technology prop and besides, we can’t create art without embedded bias. So this tool is a template and forces the story to meet requirements. I like it.

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Just make a good game and shut up

— Me to Blizzard


You act like one when you quote me out of context, like you’re doing now.

Yes I have. You just don’t want to acknowledge it. My opinion isn’t fact, but it’s very real to me. I will defend my opinions just like anyone else.

You’ve never been for representation. Only basing that on your responses throughout the many threads. You’ve been steadily against blizzard adding in any forms of it.

This is silly. You think because you saw some twitter posts or YouTube videos that their opinion is somehow the correct one? The re are plenty who are indifferent or support this, they just don’t go out making a lot of noise, they are enjoying the game.

Sources? A couple of twitter posts or YouTube videos don’t count.

Oh wait… I’m asking for sources from a conspiracy theorist. This should be interesting.

Pot meet kettle.

Judeo-corporatism has completely demoralized anything that was once wholesome, family friendly or morally right. Anything that’s left is on its way out. In this new dystopian reality we live in, everything that was once evil, disgusting or degenerate is now considered “on the right side of history”.


Yeah, the jury is out on all of this “right side of history” nonsense that is usually spouted off by people that haven’t spent time studying history.

Put Bar on ignore. Bar will continue to antagonize and participate in petty back and forthness that won’t go, anywhere. Let Bar feel good about having the last word and move on.

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Those who support nerfing demon hunters are not on the right side of history


It’s not about “having the last word”. :man_facepalming: . Infact, you just saying “Oh he will have his last word”… tells far more about you then it says about me. It just sounds like your projecting this on to me.

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Very well said, agreed 100%


And you never put it back into context. I love how people say “You just took it out of context” but never put it back in the context, as if it’s my problem for reading the quotes as it is.

No you have not. I’ve looked all though 15 posts here, no links to any sources. You are a pretty good liar though.

So you think your opinion is real then? That’s still you trying to make your opinion’s facts…

You defend it so terribly that you actively defeat your own opinions. It’s like i don’t even need to be here to point out how terrible your defense is, it just speaks for it self. Very loudly and proudly terrible.

Mate, i care way more then you ever have.

Any forms? :laughing:

Okay, so why am i okay with Peaglos and Flyn’s and Shaw’s relationship as well ANY LGBT CHARACTER added? or advocate for natural inclusion or representation? Or give credit when they actually do it? It doesn’t make sense if i’m against representation of any form… :rofl:

It’s almost like you don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re just projecting your bigoted views on to me. :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow:

A lot of people has this opinion. And Blizzard even sort of backpeddled on this because even one of their own devs, melissa kelly, character artist of Overwatch admits it’s a stupid move. And even memes it. :point_down:

What, you’re going to say Melissa Kelly doesn’t care about representation? Or going to say Jim Sterling doesn’t care about representation because neither of you two are agreeing with your view of thinking Tokenism is fine?.. What’s your excuse now?..

…So why aren’t you just enjoying the game? You seem to be making a lot of noise Tulnn. :thinking:

It’s almost like what you said doesn’t match up what you’ve said and contradicts it. :open_mouth: :point_down:

Wow. You really don’t care for the truth, do you? :laughing:

I think that’s confirmation enough that you make stuff up right out of your butt without being challenged on that. There’s a reason why i’ve linked a twitter post from a Blizzard empolyee, said Jim Sterling’s name, and even put in the article (which you’ve conveniently cropped out of your quote). You really don’t care about facts.

I wonder how Melissa Kelly, the character artist of Overwatch, feels about you calling the post i’ve bought here, a “conspiracy theory”… Maybe you should ask herself. :thinking:

Also, “THis is a conspiracy theory” is now getting over mis-used about as much as “facts”… But i guess you’re going to call this a “conspiracy theory” too, right?.. :roll_eyes:

You literally just made a baseless accusation against me, and you don’t even attempt to prove it.

But i’m going to guess you probally think Burden of Proof is a “cOnSpiRacY tHeRoY”. I mean that explains pretty much alot about you… not surprising that you couldn’t even figure out a spelled out joke that even a fetus would understand. :roll_eyes:


I agree 100% with your assessment.

This is such a wonderful, wonderful tool and a good step in the right direction, but I’m physically sickened they haven’t done more.

To be really diverse, you need to make sure you’re ticking all the boxes… not just once, that’s tokenism, but an equal amount of times.


Inspired by Anita Sarkisian’s work lmao :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Out of all…they chose her as inspiration


Yeah that is like the worst person but I’m not surprised considering the bro culture that’s been going on at blizzard


Good, not missing out on anything because I don’t even know who the hell you are to begin with. Pat yourself on the back though, by all means.

Who else but the queen of cringe?

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Not only is it absolutely ridiculous, but it is also a waste of time. You don’t need some weird rating algorithm to make your games diverse.