King's Diversity Space Tool

Some of the twitter responses were funny as hell, somehow blizzard\Activision manage to get the right and left mocking them… (kinda impressed).


So according to that graphic, a smart, straight, slim/curvy middle-class person scores a 0 on those traits alone?



It’s hilarious that they say this tool will help them avoid tokenism when in reality this is exactly tokenism


What is the next target after you ruin gaming?

Probably books. They ruined movies, music and are now ruining games. Books are our last bastion of sanity.

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Would that be the Ultra MAGA King Tool? Or is that another Tool?

Yes but you can also compensate it by making them a woman (5 points in gender identity) or crippled (having 1 functional eye would give you 4 extra points in physical ability).

But if you expect a straight. white, strong, masculine & capable male, then yes. those days are over man. :rofl:


Maybe they’re trying to bring us all together in some unrelated way.

Truly 200 IQ big brain moment as that is really a difficult accomplishment.


I’m literally screwed until I’m old then! Or I suppose I could disable myself or change my sexual orientation or gender to score a few points!


Hey, lose 1 eye = gain 4 points man.


Straight: 0
White: 0
Christian: 0
Male: 0
Cisgender: 0
Middle Class: 0


If this was baseball, you’d be batting a cool .000.

You literally did. And calling me a troll is one of those things.

You’ve never done that in your 14 posts here. And your opinion isn’t “Facts and sources” however you’ve twisted them.

Nice job lying though.

Oh i’m sorry Tulln, i thought you want me to care about representation? Now you’re chastising me for doing exactly that?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And it’s not just my opinion, even people who are LGBT hated this. Heck, some Youtube channels like Jim Sterling talked about how Awful it is. And she’s LGBT. Heck, even some of Activision’s own employees hated this. :point_down:

Pretty much everybody think this is completely backwards. It’s not just “Bigots” or “Far rights” or however you wish to quantify it. Hell even Bigots and Far Righters hate this.

Talon— err… Tulln… Face it. You’re in the minority here. You want your idea to be pushed, which is why you’re putting on this fake positive attitude, but everybody else has spoken and they think it’s bad for representation. or avoiding tokenism. You don’t care about repersentation. Everybody does.

Plus, total lols calling me an outrate poster, coming from you. :point_down:

And this is why people dislike you. You agree a person who uses their LGBT to bully people around under the guise of “representation”. Even actual LGBT people dislike him.

Projection much? :roll_eyes:

For somebody who told me i make baseless accusation, you just told me a baseless accusation. Yeah, haven’t seen this hyperbolic accusation before… “oH yoU Do ThIs EVERY THREAD!!”
Yup, you’re projecting. :laughing:


“Do you guys not have calculators and Spreadsheets?” :laughing:


Honestly it’s starting to bother me after seeing how they literally allocate points to cultures/age groups/etc… cause how can anyone say culture A is worth 3 more points than culture B. If you want diversity, then respect the cultures that you’re representing. Don’t just plug it in and pat yourself on the back.


I feel like people who say this are basing it on what white people told other white people in the 90’s.

There is hard data that (for example) black people still face disadvantages as a group. Pretending that that group doesn’t exist isn’t equality, it’s denial.

I can explain how!

First, you have to be racist and egocentric (or just someone highly pragmatic) enough to decide which is the main culture, in this case it is USA.

Now that we define that the USA is the main culture/people, we have to think what value or percentage of representation other cultures have within the USA. Now you assign a value to each according to how exotic it is within the USA. That for the ethnic/racial part.

The same thing happens for the cultural part, but here you have to be more discriminating, because you have to make cultural appropriation since you must censor the part of the culture that you want to show but it does not fit with the world view of the main culture. This to be politically correct.

and so with everything.

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Why would a tool that singles out race, or sex as primary characteristics be considered racist or sexist?! Makes no sense.



Is there IRL issues of discrimination, stereotyping, prejudice, ethnocentrism? Yes. I don’t think anyone is denying that.

But I think we need to focus on a game context here. And more specifically, how it is displayed in Overwatch where they allocate points along these 10 factors:

  1. Culture
  2. Race
  3. Age
  4. Cognitive Ability
  5. Physical Ability
  6. Body Type
  7. Facial Features/Beauty
  8. Gender Identity
  9. Sexual Orientation
  10. Socioeconomic Background

They showed a screenshot of Ana whereby:

  1. Culture: Egyptian, 7
  2. Race: Arab, 7
  3. Age: 60, 7
  4. Cognitive Ability: -
  5. Physical Ability: One eyed, 4
  6. Body Type: Slim + curvy, 0
  7. Facial Features/Beauty: Slightly aged, 1
  8. Gender Identity: Woman, 5
  9. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, 0
  10. Socioeconomic Background: Middle class, 0

And this raises some questions such as to why certain factors are rated more than others and why does that matter within a game-context?

If this was used as more of a gap analysis to faciliate some form of discussion, then I’d be more accepting of it, but the way it seems to be designed right now is very corporate HR “let’s make a policy that looks good on paper.”

Also, if this tool was genuine about creating a good story, then there’d be a stronger influence on morality, personality, character, and story-based traits rather than immutable aspects of people that can not be changed.

And finally, I just think that it is not genuine to create characters solely off “hey we don’t have a Thai character, so let’s make one.” If it comes from a place where the creatives involved genuinely want to explore that culture and build a character/city/setting around it, then I fully support that. But if it’s coming from a “Thai has 10 points! Ding ding! You get a bonus this year!” Then I am going to have a bit of a sick feeling.


Hey! Someone skipped ahead in the reading material! Don’t spoil the story for the rest of the class!