King's Diversity Space Tool

For a lot of the characters in WoW, we don’t know what their sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background is. I’m guessing we don’t because it doesn’t add anything note worthy to the story or the game overall.

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I like gamers. I really do. But it is literally the last group I’d put in charge of handling race, class and gender issues. It’s like putting Russia on the UN Human Rights Council. Nice thought behind such, poor execution and reality.


Absolutely. It seems the people left at Blizzard are bent on burning down whatever is left before Microsoft moves in.

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Actually, they start the scale at 0 instead of 1 if you zoom in on the images, so your example would probably be 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.


You know what we care about?
Fast Prime delivery
WOW servers up and running
Avocado Toasts

And we love our comfort. Purple, Green or Blue, we don’t care what color you are or what you identify yourself with, but as soon as you mess with our TV programming or Internet speeds, we’ll go up in ARMS!

Racial inequality???
Mass shootings???
Hunger crisis???
All distractions from the Ozark Finale and upcoming Diablo/Overwatch games!

Carry on humans!

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My point was that people write what they know. Everyone knows about the Boy Scouts, hotdogs, Baseball, yada yada. There are certain things every American is pretty much familiar with.


Matthias Shaw is evidently gay now. :man_shrugging: Nobody is really bothered by that and I don’t think it really changes his story significantly or really matters at all. That really has nothing to do with his character; his character is that he’s a dedicated Spymaster of the Alliance.

Now I will say that making the flirtatious Flynn Fairwind his love interest is a bit weird considering Flynn was constantly hitting on Taelia from my recollection, but whatever. That’s really more of a detraction for the character of Flynn who was changed to give Matthias Shaw a love interest than it is for Matthias Shaw.

Reminds me of the “Player Sexual” / “Shepard Sexual” Bioware memes, where characters would suddenly change their attraction to fit whatever gender the character was. They weren’t bi characters, they just changed sexuality to appeal to the player. I don’t really understand why this trope happened for Matthias Shaw of all characters, but who knows.

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Out of all the things you’ve listed, this is the thing I care about the most about.

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Some actual context for how someone on the OW team feels about the tool:


It pretty much is a creepy chart. No one asked for it and yet king whose apart of actiblizz creates this nonsense.

This is going to cost them dearly.


They’re treating ethnicity like talent trees.
“Ok I’ll put 3 points into white, 4 into Indian, and 2 points into Hispanic”
Also funny how Torbjorn, the white guy, has no culture…


The fact they give white a zero shows just how racist this chart is. They act as if anyone white or has caucasian blood is less than someone who doesn’t. It’s sick.


Nah, man. Swedes def have no culture. They just sit inside and watch paint dry all day!


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I’d honestly love to see a true swedes reaction to this sick chart. It might give me a chuckle lol

What it allows corporations to do is be fake… It allows them to go “See, we have characters with (checks notes) in these check boxes… So we’re your ally”… When in reality they are the still the same money grubbing corporation that they’ve always been.

And the saddest part about this is, you’ll never really know if they’re using it or not unless someone in the know rats them out.


I think the tool isn’t a good idea. Regardless of what its status is or will be in the future. The concept itself is awful.

Across the entirety of your posts I agree with you completely.

I have to imagine that anyone from what humans are calling communities these days…I imagine that literally noone was hoping that Dumbledore was a homosexual. I know the last thing I am concerned with is the sexual orientation of a fictional character, let alone another person. I literally couldn’t care less about any of that stuff and I have no doubt that a very large portion of people across many orientations and ethnic background just want a good story that they can connect with.

To a limited degree I can understand maybe wanting to see more of X or Y but for a lot of people, it really doesn’t matter. If the story isn’t good, it also wont matter what your gender, ethnic background, or sexual orientation is. if people aren’t happy…none of that will matter, with the obvious exception of the outliers who do care about that. They are a minority/dying breed though imo and nothing will change their perception.

Instead of pushing out loud for more “inclusion” and “diversity” it would have been more impactful to just quietly do it. Now when I see certain stuff in a tv show or a game sadly, I just see the irl social politics and get frustrated that the largely fictional stuff I am watching is focused on bring real life topics in instead of just bringing characters in to tell a great story.

I personally think all of this effort and emphasis to be diverse and inclusive on the whole is causing more division and harm than good.

I loved shows Like Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Cosby Show…pre…ya know.,…what we know now. Plenty of non white actors and actresses are loved not because of the ethnic background they have, but because of what they produced. Musicians…atheletes etc. Whatever messages were being pushed weren’t huge mainstream in your face stuff but did make you think about things. That was a far more successful and impactful approach to topics than what this is and I think was FAR more productive in cultivating a better approach to things than what is being done now.

Your idea with the server thing makes perfect sense. At least with that you can join a community you know will be accepting instead of having apprehension joining a server that isnt but there are pros and cons to every idea and of course such a dedicated server would be a welcome sign for people with bad intention. It might not be so practical but the principle you make the point on, as you further explain, is excellent in concept. The reaction to it is the ironic thing and the assumption that it is MEANT to cause exclusion and isolation is the dangerous reaction imo.

Take care!


Bingo bingo.


Lol same!!


im genuinely surprised a wine aunt didnt reply and tell you critical theory is just legal studies lololol.


I knew I couldn’t have been the only one. Thank you.


When I first heard of this was sure I was being trolled.

They couldn’t have botched something harder if they tried.
