Kinda CRAZY but i havent seen epic bg premade for 2 days now

I don’t think you know what that word means.

I never preached anything. I simply stated that blizzard will notice when randoms are dead thanks to people like you.

So, either you don’t queue at all or you leave your game as soon as you see a premade.

Thus causing your team to be without a player. What a hypocrite.

Baseless assumption’s haha

Oh, it’s not baseless. You’ve been caught out. Advocating that dropping games is exploiting, while dropping games.

Good thing I haven’t done any of those things lol I don’t think you understand what baseless means.

As in, without a base? A place to go from, like when you said people should stop feeding premades?

How else do you not feed a premade other than deliberately not queuing, or leaving your game, or even worse, afk fishing in WG?

I never told people not to queue.

So, you’re a useless player for your team, you don’t believe in playing fair at all. You’re more than happy to throw people under a bus if it achieves your principle. You are in fact a hypocrite.

Where is your proof for these claims?

I don’t need any more proof than your own posts.

I never said I did any of those things.
I think you are losing it bud lol

You don’t need to.

Just like I don’t need Blizzard to tell me that I am allowed to press an in-game button.

Whatever man it’s getting more clear you are unhinged.

We already know you don’t care about the rules no need to make that clear.

So, you still queue for epics, do you feed premades willingly?

I do and no I fight them.

So, you aren’t practicing what you preach…

Thus you are a hypocrite.

Again, I haven’t preached anything. Now provide the rest of that post, and the post it was replying to.

If people want to read where you evade your own responses they can click the little arrows, that’s why we quote thing instead of retyping them.

Lol you like taking out of context to fit your narrative.

People can read the context all they want.

You want Blizzard to take notice of your cause, you think the way to make them notice is people not feeding premades, but you willingly feed premades, so you’re asking other people to stop queueing, or afk, or leave their games, but you’ll stay and fight.

And you don’t think you’re a hypocrite?

I’d be perfectly happy with you if you never queued, that would make what you want other people to do, perfectly reasonable. But no, you want other people to do something that you’re not willing to do.