Kinda CRAZY but i havent seen epic bg premade for 2 days now

Its been real nice not having my games ruined by these people.

we had a really long back and forth WG and a really really long IoC.

good times.

back and fotrth fun pvp the way it should be, not a lopsided 30 second stompout


They are leveling there FOTM for TWW lol


Opposite here. Every time I queue this character I end up in a premade.


Yep, same here, I would say I would be getting 60-70% premades in EBG.

Really sucks the enjoyment out of it, I dont see how they enjoy it day in day out, 1 or 2 for HK and achieve whatever but it’s the same leaders all day every day week after week.

Zero skill required when a majority PM is against pugs.

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Cool so does that mean you and the 3 others who constantly spam the forums with whine threads won’t be making them anymore? If so, great!

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its a lot more than 3 geek

thankls for the reminder new thread inc soon

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You seem like a very angry and toxic person due to your post history.


Probably because I come to the forums to read topics about things that are actually problems like class balance, not bad players mad because they got PvP’d in an epic bg and the same people spamming threads about it.

Then don’t come to the forums… People are rightfully tired of exploiters running random bg’s. Also, you don’t even need to engage the threads about it. Being angry and toxic doesn’t do anything but make people dislike you.


No one is exploiting. I also don’t really care if people on this forum “dislike” me. I’m here to discuss things, not sing koombayah with whiners.

Because most players are doing blitz brawl where premades can’t fully cheat the system because of rating. The chance of getting your premade into the same blitz brawl is minimal unless they all keep their rating nearly identical. Good luck with that LOL.

Maybe if Blizzard should add some kind of invisible behind the scenes rating to epic BGs so the premades mostly fight better players. This rating should not count towards anything other than making the epic bg fights more fair. That’s why it should be hidden from players.

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Doing something not intended by the game isn’t exploiting? Did they change the definition?


Is everyone that doesn’t agree with you whiners?


People count down queueing in 5 man parties isn’t exploiting.

Exploiting is doing something not intended by the game.


Forming 5 man groups (intended).

Queuing in 5 mans (intended).

The PvP devs explained they don’t want premade raids vs. random pugs because it’s unfair and it drives players away from PvP. Not exactly shocking revelations for anyone who has experienced premade raids roflstomping pugs.

The game does not allow players to queue for random bgs in a raid group.

Every time a premade raid mass drops queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system, yet another epic bg gets ruined because one team starts half-empty.

Premade raids are ruining epic bgs for everyone else.


Syncing and dropping queues to make sure your full raid gets in is not intended. And let’s stop pretending most if not all sync groups are using addons to help.

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Cool there’s a blue post stating people queuing with others at the same time isn’t illegal. I’m not seeing why you and Holycow and several others are still on this idiotic crusade against premades. There’s zero that’s going to be done about it, regardless of how many times y’all are going to link a producer’s opinion from 2012.

Queuing at the same time as others isn’t cheating. Try a different route of argument.

Group leaders are clicking the queue button. Addons are not allowed to click the queue button for you. Addons are not allowed to access the window which pops up when a queue is ready. These are protected frames and require a hardware event. Blizzard has locked down specific parts of the system.