Kinda CRAZY but i havent seen epic bg premade for 2 days now

Wish you would do that.

I don’t think you know what that word means.

I never said people shouldn’t i said it’s the only way blizzard will take notice. Reading comprehension is important

And you want Blizzard to take notice, don’t you?

Doesn’t matter what I want.

Good. Glad you’ve realized that.

Never needed to be realized.

Yeah, according to the TOS premade syncing is definitely cheating so they either shoud start banning people for it or change the TOS to reflect that premade syncing is not considered cheating. As it is, it is cheating.


Don’t waste your time he doesn’t care about the TOS

They don’t need to do anything as they’ve already said syncing queues isn’t cheating lol.

The way to beat queue syncing or premades or whatever you want to call them, is simply do not play against them. Just leave the BG, if you are one that queues in, just leave the BG as well. If enough players just kept doing this, it would get real boring really quick for them. OR just afk at the GY or somewhere. Make a statement to Blizz in some way, but I think it would take a lot of folks to actually do it. Basically, just don’t play against them, queue syncs premades.

I mean they’ll just win the BG since that’s what they’re there to do.

Where did they say dropping queues over and over until all your groups get in is allowed?

You no longer have an argument. You’ve been caught out. You’re a fraud and a liar.

Be gone, pest.


There wasn’t ever an argument in the first-place bud. You are the one that lied it’s no surprise you have resorted to lying even more and gaslighting even harder.

Take your own advice bud HAHA

Nah, you’re lost. And you don’t know that you’re lost. You have nothing. Until you choose to do what you tell other people to do, you’re just a hypocrite, instead of a leader.

How many times has Frey used the term ‘‘gaslighting?’’

I’m just now checking in.

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I never told anyone to do anything bud haha

What am I a hypocrite about? Provide your evidence

Says the guy that keep making wild claims but can never back them up… wild haha


Awww little guy has lost his mind haha it’s ok buddy I know it’s hard when people stand up to you and destroy every argument you have.

Liar. Sock puppeteer. Hypocrite.

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Awww keep screaming nonsense little buddy, it means nothing if you can’t provide any source.