Kinda CRAZY but i havent seen epic bg premade for 2 days now

I did. I provided the facts multiple times. But you ignored them because they don’t fit your narrative.

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No, you provided the ToS, as if the vague clause means anything.

And said, there, job done.

It specially says that exploiting isn’t allowed. Not sure how that’s vague. I’m guessing you might now know what vague means.

I’ve never seen a group of people defend their need for an artificial advantage over the other team so vehemently.


How is clicking an in-game button, exploiting?

Exploiting is using something in a game in a way that is not intended. By getting rid of raid queue into randoms they don’t want raids, right? Right. So, by using something to get something that is not intended is exploiting.

Using it in a way not intended. Keep up.

An exploit (known as “exploitive activity” by Blizzard) is a method of playing the game in a way not intended by the game developers to gain an advantage over other players .

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Using a button incorrectly? How do you press a button wrong?

Actually, I take that back, I’m in a Blitz at the moment, the tank clearly is pressing his buttons wrong, maybe he’s exploiting.

Using it in a way not intended by the game.
You always resort to trolling and “playing the fool” when you’re proven wrong.

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yeah these premades are really annoying. either you get a stomp or get stomped. really wish blizz could do something about them

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They could we just need to force them to follow their own rules.

If you live in the USA, the only way I know of to actually force them is to engage in a dispute.

Which requires you to go through their arbitration process, which does not include posting on the forums.

Or have you only read the Cheating part of the EULA?

No, just takes people stopping from feeding you exploiters.

Good luck with your crusade, queues are still popping. And I’m not playing atm, I’m on a Blitz binge.

Because people are back for pre patch. And they are already tired of the exploiting. Keep huffing that copeium.

You’re the one coping by believing people will, at some point, stop queueing.

I’m stating reality.

Queues are, currently, popping.

They haven’t ever slowed down.

Lots of people have stated they have stopped queueing.

No you are stating your feelings.

Again… Pre patch…

Well, that’s just factually untrue…

10 people isn’t lots.

Especially when at least 3 of them are you.

You got to stop pretending your feelings are facts.

Well, I have never once said I stopped queueing. But of course, lies are your bread and butter.

So, you’re a hypocrite.

Practice what you preach.

Can’t wait until premade communities have mandatory Neuralink Cluster.

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