Kinda CRAZY but i havent seen epic bg premade for 2 days now

So, you do want another blue post which states that using another in-game button is allowed.

Why did you lie above?

Sure, show it lol show a blue post that specially says what you are doing is allowed.

I don’t need to.

You’re the one who wants things changed. You need to show a post which states that using an in-game, provided by Blizzard button, is not allowed.

Moving the goal post I see lol

Let me fix this for you. You can’t provide one.

Also, this isn’t the argument bud. You are dropping queue over and over and over until you get multiple groups in forming a raid of your “friends” to circumvent the no raids queue allowed rule.

I don’t need to.

The button is provided by Blizzard, to do exactly what the button does, it has no restrictions attached.

You want people to not use it, you find a post stating that it is not to be used.

I have. I provided the TOS that says exploiting isn’t allowed. Using something in a way not intended by the game is exploiting.

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How is leaving a queue, by clicking a button labeled ‘leave queue’, not intended?

You are being so willfully ignorant… Dropping the queue is not the problem. The problem is you are abusing that in order to exploit the queue system to do something not intended by the game.

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If I don’t like a queue, I can leave the queue, for whatever reason, otherwise there wouldn’t be a button.

So just because you don’t like it you are allowed to exploit? WILD

Clicking an in-game button isn’t an exploit. Otherwise a Rogue using Stealth would be too.

Using it to exploit the queue system is exploiting. Stealth is part of the game. Raids queueing into randoms is not.

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Leaving a queue, is part of the game, otherwise there wouldn’t be a button labeled ‘leave queue’.

Raids don’t queue. Only groups are allowed to queue. Try to keep up.

You don’t know what exploit means do you.

Correct so going around that rule by queue syncing you are exploiting.

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I know that the Wikepedia version that you have does not align with the version which Blizzard uses.

Quote the one you keep claiming blizzard has.


I have a fair idea of what they’re working from, just be reading these two blues.

I don’t need their definition spelled out for me.

You’re the one who’s argument hinges on it. You find it.

That does not say what exploiting is. It says queueing at the same time isn’t against the rules. Again, you claim is says queue syncing is allowed and it doesn’t

Sorry, I was editing my post, what did you say?