Kinda CRAZY but i havent seen epic bg premade for 2 days now

Premade raiders don’t respect the spirit of fair play.

You, me, the devs… We can all explain premade raids vs. random pugs is unfair and it drives players away from PvP, but premade raiders don’t care.

Premade raiders also don’t care about all the games that are ruined because one team starts half-empty due to premade raids mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system.

They’re ruining bgs for everyone else, and they don’t care.


Everyone has access to the same tools to be successful in PvP. Communities, communication, consumables, guides.

WoW isn’t a solo game at its core. Premades are just people tired of playing with pugs who don’t want to try :dracthyr_tea:

Yup, I was a solo player, I got fed up with solo queueing and having people just up and leave as soon as the first team fight even looked like it might be hard.

Exactly. So your circumventing the system. Ie Cheating / Exploiting.

Fair and while you may have changed your community those communities still drop queues resulting in ruined games that they are not even in.

because rulings / opinions can change in 5 years. Case law gets changed within 5 years for example.

Again, just one recent one. Not 5 years old.

So just bring back queueing as a raid so everyone can do it without having to exploit and have the raids face each other. (I’m aware that if this was implemented a lot of the raids would not queue because they would face other premades lol)


It is, it’s against the TOS :dracthyr_tea:

Come on man, 2007 and 2019 posts… just one recent. Go find a recent one given the current pvp environment :wink:

It? It what? The Button? Sorry bottom.

I can see that you’re angry typing now. Might be time to go and regroup.

Your spin, is your interpretation of what constitutes exploiting.

TBH, Epic’s have been quite fun these days. Could be because of the new class balance and more players are around.

Lots of new random names in BG’s.

Patting each other on the back classic lol

Well, yes, we both play for our team.

You play for yourself. So I can see how it would seem strange.

Ironic hahaha but classic like always.


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New week, same topic, same excuses.

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No one is reading that Tumblr blog. Feel free to read the blue post linked up above to get an idea just how stupid these threads are. Thanks

Literally five sentences but go off, King. I didn’t like English class either.

Also, are we going to talk about you keeping these threads alive by your replies or are we not doing irony today?

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Have yet to see a blue that specially saying queue syncing is fine.

So, we have a Blue post saying that using an in-game button to stack a queue and form a premade is perfectly fine, but you ignore it because it doesn’t specifically state the particular phrases that you’re looking for or it’s not from the correct sort of blue speaker or whatever other reason you want so that you can keep arguing about it.

And now you’re asking for another blue post saying that people are allowed to press another button provided by Blizzard, in-game?

You’ll just ignore that one too, because it won’t say what you want it to say, it won’t be from the right blue person or any other number of other reasons. So why should Blizzard bother?


You do not.

Ironic when you do the same for the TOS lol

Nope, I asked for the post you are claiming that specifically says the queue syncing you are doing is allowed.

They shouldn’t people should simply follow the rules that they provided.

We are queueing at the same time to form a premade.

Your little fantasy that anyone needs to find any other blue post is just fantasy.

We are. The most recent rule iteration is above, in a blue post, which you don’t like.

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The real problem with Pvp is OP healers, without them, we would see how bad the top players really are.

It says queueing at the same time is allowed… it does not specially say dropping queues till you all get in is allowed.

No you are following “your interpretation” of the rules. Even though proof has been provided multiple times