Kinda CRAZY but i havent seen epic bg premade for 2 days now

That’s not blizzard… that’s costumer support.

The irony and complete lack of self-awareness is astonishing… but not surprising honestly.

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It’s always funny that you need to rely on insults lol it just shows what kind of childish person you are.

… you can’t be serious…

Where is your proof of this?

Quote what? I never claimed you said anything.

He’s not a community manager… he’s costumer support. The quote I put was from a community manager.

I don’t know if the Community Managers are the same everywhere, but I do know that the Community Managers over at Coffee Stain Studios are employed to directly communicate the developers intent with their customers.

But Satisfactory is a fairly small audience game, I suppose it might be more strict in a Microsoft subsidiary company.

I’d actually say that Community Managers for a Microsoft subsidiary are probably less able to give their own opinion on things than if Blizzard was actually a small company though.

You’ve never worked a corporate job with multiple titles then?

Your reliance on this phrase is all the proof I need that you’re using your own interpretation:

In [video games], an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.

This isn’t in the ToS. It’s from Wikipedia.

No one is queueing as a raid.

Correct… because you can’t… but you are going around that by dropping until your multiple groups get in to form a raid. Going around how the game is intended to be played… there’s a word for that.

You really need to calm down bud. No not every corporation allows every employe to represent them, and I was asking for proof he mandates what someone higher says. Because someone higher said something different them him.

Says the person arguing for people get to ruin randoms “because they can”

Sure, with queue sync droppers. To argue randoms haven’t declined is dishonest. Games are starting with 10 people on one side.

The game has been bleeding players for years. Of course, it’s not “dead” but it’s player count is declining. Chasing people away from pvp isn’t going to help.


It’s more like average players getting pve’d by bad players that form groups of more than five to puff their little egos. But that’s just my opinion. Have a wonderful day!!!


Horde player looking for horde premade community please

I am run into them still. You must have gotten lucky lol.

And I haven’t done an epic BG all week.

Not missing much. Never liked them. I prefer the variety of combat I encounter in Blitz Brawl. Anything from 1v1, 2v2, to full group on group. Epic BGs rarely offered that in their current state.

The one when I asked for a recent blue post in response to Epic Queue syncers rather than one that was 3 expansions / half a decade ago and you responded with a Gif

( I thought it was funny as it is exactly my thought of what Epic premaders are like when they have to face another premade)

But going back to the topic at hand…

So you agree that timing of posts / references is relevant to the current discussion but you are moving the goal posts on what should be relevant in order to fit your narrative.

As Blizzard has said they don’t want raids in BGs (unless rated/wargames) because it ruins others experiences. Case in point the fact you can’t queue as a raid.

If that changes, then by all means do what you do. But everyone that does it atm are just cheats looking for unfair advantages/easy games imo.

Important enough to obviously respond to when I call you and your ilks behaviour out for what it is though :wink:

Its okay Hirav, you don’t have to take on the persona of “I am more important than all of you”. Your not that guy bro :wink:

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And? So? Well? What?

They also haven’t changed their stance on queueing at the same time as others.

Your interpretation is incorrect. I spoke very plainly.

Who are the:

In the quote? Are you multiple people?

Nah, I’m having a blast debating this guy :stuck_out_tongue: we all know he’s a premade cheat but I have fun knowing he’s most likely livid irl

5 years is a long time bro. Blizz clearly wants raids out of randoms/epics otherwise they would change the system.

I see a lot of it at work so shrugs

Clearly am :wink: its okay I love you to <3

Dont mind me im just here eating snaccs reading everything :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :watermelon: :apple: :strawberry: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :pie: :chocolate_bar: :candy: :lollipop: :coffee: :coffee: :taco: :taco: :taco: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :fries: :fries: :fries: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :poultry_leg: :poultry_leg: :poultry_leg: :bagel: :bagel: :bagel: :pretzel: :pretzel: :pretzel: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :rice: :rice: :rice: :cookie: :cookie: :doughnut: :doughnut: :birthday: :birthday: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cocktail: :cocktail: :cocktail: :cup_with_straw: :cup_with_straw: :cup_with_straw:

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It hasn’t…

Still waiting.

The system that is currently being used has been in place since WoD, so about 2014.

The post pointing out that queueing at the same time as others is not cheating is from 2019.

So, if they want premades out of epics, they can change their system and stance, until they do, have fun in there.

Why bother? You’ll just shift goal posts again. The Blue post will be from the wrong type of Blue or something.

guyz dint u kno wen blzz disabulled raid q 4 randums they secretely wanted ppl to qsink in there raids insted workin as intended


So, pressing a button which Blizzard put into the game is exploiting?

If it’s:

Why even bring it up?

Yeah, I played during those eras when Raids could queue up together as one group. If Blizz wants to bring them back fine, and have them face each other.

I can’t recall when the change was from raids being able to queue to raids being unable to queue though. (which is the point being made)

Blizz / Microsoft is a business, most of what they do is tailored towards what makes them most money. The era of good customer support and listening to the different pvp community overall has long gone.

Can you queue as a raid using the current system into an Epic BG ? Just answer that one for me bud :wink:

Correct me if im wrong, but aren’t you in the same community as Inemia ? I recall seeing another forum poster say something about how that community dropped queues for a couple of hours because they couldn’t get into the same game…

Just get an up to date blue post from them, surely someone as highly ranked and amazing as yourself would be able to get that. /s

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