Kind of want transmog in SoD

straw man argument again

theres quite a few times where ive quickly assessed someones gear getting someone into a group i was running or in pvp when ive gotten owned by someone and have been wary of someone wearing the same gear so i go at it differently.

it will become even more important even in later phases where assessing the situation on both sides will matter.

Armor/clothing dye would be cool, but full-on transmog? No thanks!

I don’t know why you are citing inviting people to group as a problem. You can just inspect and see exactly what they have on them. As far as pvp goes it really just isn’t that big of a deal. Once again pvped back during vanilla and the chief deciding factor of whether i was going to get owned was not gear it was what class they played.

Not really. As I said, folks in Retail PVP just fine against people looking like a farmer.

And? You’re entire argument is that you could hide your armor and make yourself look weaker. Just like how you could hide your BiS Hand of Ragnoros and have the lvl 1 2hand Mallet you get upon creating a Paladin. Then swap to it and roflstomp the enemy.

Offering a solution that both sides would find reasonable is not a Straw Man.

Citing an example of an option that allowed the player to customize their experience is not a Straw Man. But continuing arguing that.

A proper Strawman would be something like “You just hate Transmog.”

You think you do, but I don’t.

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I am ok with transmog with limitations.

1st you cannot transmog an item into another type of item. A 2H sword is a 2H sword. Mail pants are mail pants. No transmog cloth to mail, sword to mace etc.

2nd you can only transmog an item into an item that you own/owned (thinking getting transmog for that item should destroy the item).

Honestly wish they would add dyes to retail tbh.

Irrelevant comparison. There are no niche on use items like in classic and the stats are more streamlined

That’s not at all my comparison and you know it. You are losing badly.

Swinging an actua BRE on the target is not the same as unequipping it for the figut.

Transmogging my BRE to a level 5 practice sword doesn’t even compare with your straw man argument.

You aren’t offering a solution. You are making irrelevant comparisons with zero basis.

What part of “you equip a crappy weapon outside of PVP and equip your BiS once you start fighting” don’t you understand?

No. Not at all. Your solution is “shut up anyone who wants transmog, you can just equip the actual items”. While mine offers the ability to look cool, but also allows those who want to ‘see what my target is wearing’ can still do so.

if they wanted to make it to where only you saw the transmog and nobody else did, nobody would really have a problem with it.

when you force it on others , people do have a problem with it.

thats the only comprimise to be had here.

there are programs that people use that can turn you into anything imaginable including being thrall dual wielding thunderfurys and the only problem with those programs is they can get you banned.

if people dont know youre using them nobody has a problem with them.

thats the simple “sollution” to this whole thing.

Honestly wouldn’t even say its a straw man to say they just hate transmog cause Honestly i think they do. :rofl:

That’s exactly what I am saying.

Hiding it before the fight is completely irrelevant.

Hiding skull by transmogging it is a free sheep break. But if I know he has it it completely changes my strategy

That’s not my argument. That is quite literally yours.

But it doesn’t even matter in the grand scheme of things, because you are not getting transmog and are just replying over and over to cope about it

You like to play dress up with action figures, I wont kink shame dude.

This topic has been beating to death and there is a reason why classic players (I’m assuming you are a retail player) HATE transmog. It completely ruins emersion and and allows for CLOWNS to take over the game.

Chef rogues ganking you? Druid loooking like warriors? Paladins looking like mages? This is all more clownish than the gear you are currently wearing. I want to be able to see players that are in full bis or that have put in the work for a legendary… I know whos good and whos bad by glancing at the screen.

I would quit if they added this as I did 14 years ago with Cata as it is not classic. It plays more like a Tekken than an MMO. Fortunately retail has all the things you need.


I mean i get it but this literally just comes off to me like if i came up to you in wow in a matching outfit you would scream bloody murder and act like i just sent you an unsolicited d pic. Its just kind of ridiculous to me. Lol

You are literally foaming at the mouth and quiting games over a matching outfit. This is hilarious lol. Kink shame? Why are you making this a sexual thing. Now im starting to think people against transmog are transphobes irl like how tf you making a matching outfit sexual??? What are you doing??? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

But how do you know the opponent has it until after you’re ‘in combat’ and now can’t run? You say hiding it before combat is “irrelevant”, which means you’re not using ‘what they have as a weapon’ as a gauge as to whether or not to fight.

So once you’ve initiated combat, you’re committed. And it doesn’t matter what they have equipped or swap to. You play the hand you’re dealt.

Pretty sure you can’t know that. – I’m mean, you are right on a technical level. Because it would require a new client as any client change in SoD would be translated over to Era and HC.

Although I really enjoyed tmog and filling out my collections in retail, I don’t think it has a place in classic/vanilla server types. A character’s power and progression being visible through the gear they wear is an important part of what makes classic feel more authentic.

Going from a warrior that looks like a goober wearing a bunch of mismatched armor to one that is wearing Dreadnaught or AQ40 armor gives players a visible sense of power and progression to go along with the mechanical sense through stats and numbers.

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it matters more in the actual fight with some classes vs some classes to see if the person has the cc break equipped or not yes.

seeing things before a fight can affect things too. its not an all or nothing thing . having more info is good. having less info is bad .

there is a clear sense of progression as well like shreksmash says when it comes to gearing and visuals that is cheapened and completely nullified with transmog.

its a bad thing to force on other unwilling participants.

Do you even understand what you just said here? Lol

He doesn’t even have to be in combat if you can see skull on him before or during combat the strategy remains the same.

You are latching on to a completely useless argument with no merit.

Do you know what skull is and how it works?

No you aren’t committed.

How does my strategy of playing around skull change at all when I am in combat vs not in combat?

The only time the strategy changes is when I know he has skull on. How do you not understand this? Being in combat or not is completely irrelevant you keep saying I’m committed and can’t run. How do you know that without knowing my class?

Knowing if the opponent had skull on even on your combat scenario gives you two diff strategy options because it’s a matter of being or not being able to use a CC combo on him like sheep or blind or rocket helm or magic dust. He can break all of that with skull. If he isn’t wearing skull he can’t do that. But hiding skull is fine amirite?