Kind of want transmog in SoD

I mean i sort of get this mentality. I personally don’t care much for it though, my sense of progression is actually doing high level content and seeing the results of my characters progression of power already gives me that sense. But once again if you want to measure how you have progressed through how your gear looks than just don’t transmog. Wander the world as a mismatched murder hobo and see yourself grow with each piece of tier you equip. That is your choice.

ah yes, I need to look immersive with my giant pink BiS shoulderplates

Transmog is a symptom of the brain rot that comes with parse culture. You want to look cool but don’t want to give up the numbers.

You could always build your RP set and wear it when you aren’t fighting.


Lol for real this guy is a clown. Literally tried to make transmog into a kink :rofl::rofl::rofl:

We use to do that. Our bags were filled with piles of gear we used for our sets. It was pretty inconvenient. Transmog wad a god send to the rp community. Also here you are dunking on tramsmog yet your set is fully transmogged. Stop my dude you got clown paint on your face.

the only argument i have seen so far that is not massive amounts of cope for “i dont like change” has been the argument of pvp and hiding gear, in that small niche area i can actually give you some points. I have been pvping since this game came out and never once bothered to look at what my enemy had equipped before attacking them, but i can see why some might. every other argument has just been cope tho

The actual cope tho is people just not using Imorph to fix their transmog problems right now.
Thats the real cope

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It has been. I barely can take the pvp argument seriously. I personally think its just cover for being a weird boomer about it.

or you can just use Imorph right now.

Its literally already been stated that can get you banned. Who is coping? Just say you are a snow flake and matching outfits trigger you :sweat_smile:

here’s a solution get banned so i dont have to accept that not everything that was changed from classic to retail was bad

nobody is getting banned for imorph lmao. people stream with it

nobody is getting banned. stop being soft.

transmog is just something that isnt really needed and as others have stated kind of breaks their immersion. Im not one for “rp immersion” myself but i do enjoy the game for being able to see peoples power level and i am a pvp main so my arguments for that cant be broken.

Although players could opt to not use tmogs, the visual progression of a character is not solely for the player of that character but also other players in the world. Seeing another player and being able to quickly determine their experience gives each character a visible identity.

They have been broken multiple times. And its literally just you and like 3 other people foaming at the mouth about it. Your pvp argument is a niche issue that only 2 other people brought up the rest is just you getting triggered by a matching outfit.

they have not.

“nuh-uh” is not a refutation.

Heres whats actually going on tho, we are here playing sod enjoying it without xmog and you and 2 other people are just coping about it on the forums.

We are winning and you are losing

mostly only abnormal trolls live on these forums and reddit. they don’t realize they are the vocal minority

Anothor round of some changes means you want retail arguments? No class balance doesn’t make it retail, yet again. No new raids dosen’t mean we want garbage qol from your zombie branch of the game.

You have to go back!

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Most of the arguments are just people who hate retail and are classic andys.

“BuT tHaT’s NoT cLaSsIc”

Even though stated, this isn’t classic, this is classic+, with changes/balancing, but within keeping in the classic spirit, about the journey, the world, grouping/community, keeping classes unique.

Transmog is fine and people who don’t want it are just on the retail hating bandwagon.


This isn’t classic+. This is sod

Sod is vanilla with some wrath abilities and some dungeons that are now raids.

None of this gives me the impression transmog is needed

Here’s the kicker tho:

There’s no transmog in sod

So the conversation is moot and you lost at launch day

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