Kind of want transmog in SoD

I kind of want flying sparkle ponies.

I guess we’ll both be disappointed.

i want to be able to summon my whole group to me without spending a soulshard or having to have other people to click from anywhere to anywhere and i want to do it on any of my characters.

but nobody else can do it . in fact all warlock summons are deleted from all other warlocks spell books other than mine.

but ya it wont happen :smiley:

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I really want a neck massage, that’s where I carry all my stress.

I’m not getting that in WoW, either.

And…that’s why you have the option to disable it in Settings.

PS: you can hide your helm and cloak and others can’t see it. Yet no one complains about that.

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hehe ya i carry it in the middle of my back lol.

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I didn’t say its ruining my experience. I stated it would be nice to have transmog. I am in fact playing sod and having a blast with it. The opposition however told me to go back to retail for even suggesting an optional feature. You guys however are screaming and crying that seeing another player in a matching outfit would trigger you so bad that it would ruin your gaming experience which honestly is ridiculously funny to me. Its such a karen vibe to me. Like do yall wanna speak to my manager? :sweat_smile:

ya but thats even against the rules on most of the 1v1 tourneys that happen .

theres a reason for it.

Holy crap thats true also. YOU CAN HIDE IT HAHAHA!

Who sets those rules?

Okay but we ain’t playing a tournament

The “we can’t see it in PvP” argument is dumb, but understandable.

The “you just don’t like the game” statement is just dumb.

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My thoughts exactly

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You cant hide your offhand nor can you hide your weapons

there also never existed an option to “hide transmog”

it is a 100% non argument and you know it. but good luck gaining ground with no real argument

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the players and the people that run the tourneys i guess.

still something that people actually do set the rules for and would give an advantage to people if it werent in them.

ya helm is the 1 thing that has items that will give an advantage to people in game on like 2 or 3 helms in the entire classic game if people dont see them.

still you can assess the situation fully on all the stuff you can see and its a universal thing that all players can do.

transmog kills that directly and removes a full counterplay to the game with nothing given back in return other than “hey i look cool” .

Honestly feel the situation is being overexagerated as someone who pvped all the time during vanilla. Nobody was looking at gear before they decided to kill a mfer in my day. We just did it lol


I guess I should have worded it as “why you would have”.

Yes you can. You unequip them. Because there isn’t a block on item swaps for weapons.

And, afaik, you have never been able to ‘hide’ weapons with Transmog; Shoulders and I think no Chest and Gloves. But I’m pretty sure weapon slots have never been an option.

Again. Why is it so hard for people to understand…if an option is put in Settings to disable seeing others’ transmog. Then there is no issue.

EDIT: Additionally, your argument falls flat as Transmog is in Retail, and no one is complaining they didn’t now the enemy was BiS because they were running around looking like Farmer Dave.

purposefully ignoring information is your right but it kinda makes you an inferior pvper :expressionless:

that option is never going to be added :expressionless:

You already reinforced my argument that being able to hide certain items grants a benefit here:

Unequipping your Bonereavers Edge isnt much use when you are on a target is it?

It has never been an option in retail. You are making a straw man argument

I mean, they, at one point, had the Death Knight voice modulation as an toggle-able option in Sound.