Kind of want transmog in SoD

I am having a blast with SoD. The old classic feeling with that little something new to discover and explore is tight. Im a fan. However my one gripe is that i can’t customize my characters fit. I don’t want to look like a mismatched clown or exchange a cool looking weapon for a lame one just cause it has better stats. Im pretty sure ill get dunked on by the purests but honestly I don’t think it would take away from the classic wow experience if you had the option to look how you actually wanted to look, nor does it make the game any eaiser or harder. It just seems like a no brainer to flip whatever switch there is to put transmog in SoD


Sorry man, but transmog needs to stay in retail… where it belongs.


Yes you can. Just actually equip the gear you want to look the way you want to look. What’s the problem?


of course you do
because you’re a retail player currently vacationing on Classic Island :expressionless:


Why? I don’t see the issue. Seems like a petty take just to be annoying bruh lol


Nobody ever sees the issue with what they think they want.

What would you even transmog in SoD? Do you have “cooler looking gear” from leveling than you got in BFD?

But yeah, I totally agree:

There’s a trade-off between the stats you want and the look you want.

Want to wear a Red or Green Winter Hat? Well, you’re not wearing your stat helm then.


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retail is over there good sir


Uh okay, literally have been playing wow sense like the 3rd week it was out. I loved vanilla wow. Im just mature enough to know giving people the option to customize their appearance won’t ruin the experience for anyone.


Ya i just think it would be a nice option. People who are against it just come off as weirdos who want to yuck another person’s yum. Its just a super odd mentality to have to me.


You’re asking for a change that removes a significant RPG element from the game, because you want it and you don’t care what other people think.

And worse, you’re insulting people for having different opinions from you.

I’ll take your word that you believe yourself to be mature. And that you probably aren’t even aware that you’re attacking people who don’t share your views.


And it literally exists in a version of the game that some of us prefer not to play.


Make it clientside only so everyone else sees who you really are. People will still get mad and said things like “IT WILL DESTROY THE VANILLA WOW ECONOMY BY MAKING TRANSMOG GOBLINS BUY OUT ALL THE CHEAP GEAR”

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Big brain take dude, magnificent, amazing. You totally changed my mind. Imma delete this post out of shame right now.


it will ruin it for me :expressionless:

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Meh I mean ive always found adding good mogs as an aspect of the economy to be good. Gives more ways for people to make gold. And ya i guess if there was a switch to turn it off on the clients end so they could choose to see people mogged or unmoged that would be nice. I don’t think people who are against it REALLY care though. Its honestly a weird purest elitest attitude that has no basis. I find it super cringe as someone who has been playing longer than most of the player base today.


Oh god another player has a matching outfit. How dare he im going to /log and delete. Lol, no you won’t you gonna keep playing cause its really not a big deal. Just be normal bro lol


I take it OP plays on a pve server and has never, not once in his life, engaged in WPvP specifically in vanilla wow.

Brother probably would never care about the difference between a properly geared enemy running towards them vs a guy wearing greens. He doesn’t care, he just wants transmog.

The rest of us can just wonder if that warrior has a hydra or not.


Retail that a way.

My guy ive been playing this game longer than you. I probably would of stomped scrubs like you in hillsbrad and camped that corpse all day every day while doing that edgy little metal dance on my level 60 undead mage. Sit down lol


I’m into the RPG aspect of the game. I know what my friends chars look like, I know what my guildies look like, if the servers weren’t 80000 people you would know what big pvpers on the opposing faction look like. Being able to change that stuff at will is just weird to me. Same with barber shop. Ruins your identity as a player in the world that is the server.


And you still don’t value being able to look at your opponent’s gear and have an idea what you’re getting into?