Kind of want transmog in SoD

Hey, Thats me! And yeah, some people have some screws a bit loose with the comparisons they were making.

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No transmog. Costumes sure. Instead of hoarding RP sets in bags, you can create a costume, easily equip it with a cast bar timer and it is only usable when out of combat. If you enter combat or take any damage, the costume buff is taken off. No to transmog. Changing appearances of actual items you are wearing to another item permanently all the time is bad. It’s not needed in a game like classic with much less items than retail anyways.

It is stupid for blizzard to create SoD to be like retail. If you don’t understand why you must be living under a rock. There’s retail for that audience. Cata is the game that will split the classic playerbase as it has been since wrath with the wow token. SoD is for classic players who want changes and additions compared to HC/era. They’re not making a 3rd retail lite version for that audience, they’re trying to keep classic subs.


As my retail post has been linked in here If they wanted to put a toggle like I wanted in retail in SoD I would be fine with that. End of the day its transmog if they made it so RPers can switch it on I have no problem with that as long as they let me switch it off:) So I can see the game in its original form.


No transmog, but I would take a Barber.


This thread is over already. And it’s quite obvious you didn’t read a bit of it.

Try reading this:

We all know your expansion sucks and you have nothing going on until you pay another $60 to be bored again a week after patch, but sod is not some branch off from retail. As was already stated in the developer interview. They know if they make the game unrecognizable everyone will quit again except the slaves who stay subbed for a year straight with no new content updates. They are not morons. They know what they can and can’t do


As my retail post has been linked in here If they wanted to put a toggle like I wanted in retail in SoD I would be fine with that. End of the day its transmog if they made it so RPers can switch it on I have no problem with that as long as they let me switch it off:) So I can see the game in its original form.

see this yall? you see this! Ain’t that hard to be reasonable about things if you have a minor grievance with tmog. Don’t act like people just existing and mogging are ruining WoW.

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Transmog is awesome and I wholeheartedly endorse its inclusion


nope gonna keep posting and putting you on ignore kthxbye

I love the insistence that anyone in favor of something like transmog is just too stupid or too dumb or too naive to get the Reasons™ why transmog is Bad™

wrong. Sod is for everybody who enjoys WoW. Its not the exclusive property of classic andys and their rose tinted glasses. There is nothing wrong with customizing your character’s appearance. It does not take away from the challenge, the sense of exploration, or even the immersion of the world. If a matching outfit ruins a game for you then you need to touch grass sorry not sorry


Except I really don’t believe the pvp argument is that genuine (it seems a very niche issue that like 5 people are concerned with lol) I think it was just a concern troll because I literally suggested a toggle way back in the forums and still people didn’t want to entertain the possibility. It was only 400 something posts in when you all actually said okay maybe a toggle because most of your arguments got smashed to bits by a bunch of other posters here. I only suggest a toggle just for people who essentially have an irrational hatred for transmog and sense it’s their 15 dollars a month blizzard should add it so they can have their little safe space. Other than that I don’t really care, most players like transmog, its cool, yall need to touch grass lol


First off, you don’t get to decide when a thread is over you sociopath.

Second, this is a forum where people share opinions about the game. Obviously what people consider classic varies from person to person. The choice of people to look a certain way as far as I can read is viewed as not true to classic but I have yet to read why or how this effects the actual gameplay component of vanilla WoW.

It seems like the majority of folks are seeking some form of nostalgic therapy and apparently this is rooted in people not getting to look how they want.

I have barely played DF, and didn’t even buy shadow lands (first expac I’ve ever skipped) but to deny some of the wins retail has achieved over the years is just delusional. Transmog,new graphics etc is harmless and if that’s not what people would want why would they not just play Era?


ya I put laz on ignore. The dude is trash and he rage quited when some blood elf with the darkfallen skin dog walked his argument and did the same to him. Ugly frieken bright yellow robes with the clashing red hat too. blegh gross

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Didn’t read second paragraph because you’ll quit sod before bwl anyways

Uh what?

They trying to keep classic subs bruh. Cataclysm is coming out and wrath is dead. People will quit playing all together that have zero interest in anything after wrath or just classic. That’s prolly why we have wrath abilities and not transmog


You’re a complete creepy weirdo

You opened this message to read it too.

Rent free

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You don’t pvp. Of course you don’t believe it. It makes your opinion on the matter entirely irrelevant

What gets me is why you’re still angry about it.

You already agreed that if you can transmog that we can choose not to see it.


When I say understand, I’m not saying you don’t understand why transmog is bad. That’s a different story. I’m saying you don’t understand why adding transmog is a bad idea to SoD and serves no purpose to the intention of SoD. It is obvious that SoD was intended to keep classic players that don’t want hc/era, wrath/cata or retail. People who are open to some changes to classic but also want it to feel classic. The first seasonal server was for people who wanted classic fresh servers after tbc launched, just like original tbc, some people didn’t want to move on to outlands and have to lvl again, lose progress, etc they wanted to stay in vanilla. Although there was era with the paid character saves before tbc classic, many wanted fresh and why not do a fresh with some minor changes since there was era with no changes. In SoM, changes being mostly leveling cadence, harder raids, preventing mage boosting, a nod to HC, etc.

Yes, if you enjoy classic WoW, you might enjoy SoD because classic WoW is the base and its foundation. To think its for everybody who enjoys WoW is very naive honestly. Why can’t you say the same for dragonflight? What does that even mean enjoy WoW as if its all one same game. That’s just now how it works for enjoying a game or not, people have different tastes and desires of what they receive from playing a game. If you hate many things of classic, you probably won’t because these runes aren’t recreating the game or changing it that drastically, it might make you dislike a certain class though or fix the thing you disliked about classic classes. It’s not exclusive property because we don’t own it and many want to gatekeep it from being ruined into something not for them, but it definitely was designed to keep classic players subbed - that’s the target audience. It’s not exclusively for the retail audience who would already stay subbed or the wrath/cata playerbase. This is a business, you think they’re doing this so retail players have a fun little side playground?

Financially, seasonal servers only work for players who would unsub otherwise. That may or may not include retail players which is fine, but therefore anyone who is subbed and enjoying wrath/cata, hc/era, or retail is not their main audience, it’s not to exclude those players either but it’s not to attract them as well. People who want classic+, nothing else. Customizing appearance is fine but not at the cost of the impact of player progression. If not having a barbie simulator with your ideal outfit for your character prevents you from enjoying the game or enjoy playing your character then you should touch grass and play retail or cata coming soon, sorry not sorry. See how stupid you sound talking like this?

If stats and items meant nothing, they were also just purely cosmetic skins like a moba then go for it. Transmog would not be an issue. By the fact that they detract from the player power progression being tied to appearance then it’s an issue. Classic WoW is even more intentionally designed on this concept with iconic item designs and their unique effects. It simply does not work on the foundation of classic WoW and required a lot of pruning and simplification in retail itemization and stats to avoid that friction. As much as you want to cry and say you love transmog, it’s 99% not coming I bet.

I would be open to a different type of transmog system that I’m calling costumes for RP costume sets because I also am open for more player customization, but transmog doesn’t come without negatives or tradeoffs. Here’s some tradeoffs: now item upgrades are less meaningful, now it’s harder to discern the power (gs/ilvl which is useless in classic) of a player, no real need to create good looking items, class sets, etc. I can see transmog’s benefit to adding more customization and farming/grinding timesinks for casual gameplay, but I would rather see player housing for something like that or literally any other version of player customization.

Even something like client side transmog is weird. If it was a toggle so you don’t see people’s transmogs. It might be kind of pathetic though, like taking off goggles and seeing all the filters people put on social media to make themselves look better and feel cooler. In classic WoW you earn that, something you don’t see with account wide transmog. It would be better for a more immersive game that the item you equip is the item you use. Therefore, having your costume/clothes and then after taking damage/entering combat putting on your actual equipment is fine. Even this could still cause pvp friction unless it was disabled in contested territory

You can always look cool right now, just create a good looking RP set. You might not be the most powerful, but are you super zoomed in looking at your character when actual having combat gameplay or just wanting to look cool afk in a city with an RP set? Looking cool with harder to get items whether it be weapons, armor, mounts or tabards has always been a big appeal of mmos.

Also, retail should break transmog for a week or two and see how players react. It would be met with frustration and outrage, but also unexpected benefits. There is no visual player power comparison in retail. It’s just a number. I remember watching Scripe from Echo mentioned how they should do this because that actual visual comparison of seeing a player with good gear vs a scrub has an impact that is lost in retail.

Basically, items have non streamlined stats and unique effects in classic (player power progression is tied to appearance) this makes for messy transmog. Tradeoffs is devalue item upgrades, messes with pvp and allows clown looking gameplay like a lvl 60 armorless main tank using a lvl 6 shield, disincentivizes new good looking sets, requires caveats for no account wide xmog, should focus on new player customization instead (player housing, barber, armor tinting, costumes, anything else).

Read my other post about this below. If items had no stats and all of that was loaded onto something else, sure give us transmog. Easy way for Blizzard to print money with mtx in WoW 2.


You hurt Laz’s self entitled feelings. Apologize.

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Thread summary: Transmog is bad and will ruin pvp in SoD just like it did in retail.

I rather they add flying.

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That’s not the summary that’s your opinion it’s a pretty close split of opinion on here.

The real summary is

“Classic die hards are afraid of any changes and think every change ever implemented somehow worsened the game, meanwhile some players would like an updated and innovated classic experience.”

That’s the proper summary :+1:t2:

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