This is the most unhinged rant I have ever seen. Yes you fool this is a business and SOD is casting a wide net to appeal to ALL of WoW’s player base (BECAUSE THATS HOW YOU MAKE THE MOST MONEY DINGUS) . People who play this want the old and the new! Yes, it is definitely trying to keep the subs of people who played vannilla/classic, but guess what? NOT EVERYONE WHO PLAYED CLASSIC IS A PUREST! (I would in fact argue most of us are not myself included) A lot of us are actually people recognize some the improvements that were made to the game over the years and don’t just irrationally hate something because it’s a retail feature. Also go on retail right now and see how much of the player base is transmogged, its just about everyone. Trans mog is a popular evergreen feature that most people love and once again does not affect anyone’s experience unless you yourself CHOOSE to let it do so. It does not impact player progression in any way you literally level, travel, and get murdered at the same pace as you would if you looked like a goofy clown. I mean it honestly sounds like you just want everyone to be unmogged so you can feel better about yourself and virtue signal about how you EARNED this gear. Which is just cringe in my opinion, like okay you put like 80 hours a week in this game, your crusty, you live in the basement, we don’t care. Most of us are just trying to have fun, please take a shower, go outside, touch grass lol
You’re doing a lot of handwaving here, because this is more of a ‘vibes’ thing than an objective truth about what is and isn’t SoD. This is just warmed over “Spirit of Classic” discussion, and like the #nochanges crowd of the first launch of Classic, there are really no hard and fast rules here.
But look at your own list of what SoD is allegedly not intended to be: Hardcore, Era, Wrath, Cata, and Retail. Now compare that to what Rogues have received thus far (with more to come):
Deadly Brew (Cata)
Just a Flesh Wound (New)
Quick Draw (Legion)
Slaughter from the Shadows (Wrath)
Between the Eyes (Legion)
Blade Dance (New – or – Demon Hunter skill)
Envenom (TBC)
Mutilate (TBC)
Shadowstrike (Legion)
Saber Slash (Legion)
Shiv (TBC)
Main Gauche (Cata, sorta, it was a Mastery bonus)
Rogue Tanking is already a far-cry from where Retail has even gone, and it is already taking some pages from Demon Hunters as is. If Rogues get a future rune to have us automatically attack anyone we parry for AoE damage/threat, we’re pretty much using the full Blade Dance DH skill at that point. Oh and don’t mind the Warlocks running around constantly in their Meta forms, looking like a TBC-era end boss at all times.
Professions are getting a facelift with even more crafted items to use, and specialty gear that’s immensely powerful. Had you shown anyone the paragraph of text the LW gloves have on them in Vanilla, they’d have laughed you off the forums suggesting such an item was real, let alone craftable from a 10m “raid”.
Then there is how the PvE world in general has changed, where mobs have scaling health and soon will be SoM+ levels of damage and mechanics. BFD includes raiding mechanics that were new and troublesome late-Vanilla and early-TBC. The Gnomer raid is only going to be massive extensions of that. The changes in SoM barely hold a candle to how BFD redesigned its boss encounters. Oh and SoM even got weird things like all the buffs and power-ups in Naxx (including a Naxx-specific costume) and options to add C’thun to every AQ40 encounter. We have lvl25 mounts in Ashenvale and we’ll likely get specialized STV transportation in the next phase. Some people think it’ll involve the arena… which if they add Arena officially to SoD… LOL
And as far as looks are concerned? We’re even more generic looking than ever before, especially with how many “of the Tiger” or similar items are very very close to BiS for many classes. Can you tell at a glance if I’m using the WSG sword over any of the other generic hilted swords? Can you tell if I’m wearing the WSG damage reduction hat when its hidden?
And yet if I transmogged my current character… I’d still look very generic, but at least I’d be in a matching color scheme, and it isn’t like you can tell what I look like before I jump you… I’m a Rogue after all. Oh and again, never mind the Druids and Warlocks.
We have abilities from every expansion pre-BfA with more to come, raids that will be Wrath/Cata level before long, brand new areas planned like Kara Crypts, etc.
So why exactly is looking as one wants so bad against SoD?
When you can’t tell power level of people by looking at them, you cannot make educated guesses on what actions to take, thus pvp becomes less serious and more clowny. So good players will leave to a game that actually respects pvp (the wsg ghost nerf and resil helm are another issues that will cause this)
Then, overtime, blizzard will start to make all gear more and more the same because they don’t want overpowered people in hidden gear being so powerful.
So add transmog wait a couple years and you are basically back in the dead pvp scene of retail.
Pretty much summed these people up accurately. They are like a cult. The one dude telling me lastnight that every journey through loch modan is special and unique because of the players there was the most cringe Bs I’ve ever read. All people are doing is tagging and fighting over quest objs.
You’re assuming a lot. How is my rant unhinged when you’re the one having to turn on caps lock to express your emotional instability. I’m not a classic purist for SoD either I also see many improvements they’ve made in retail over the years, similarly many mistakes. I don’t hate transmog because it’s a retail feature. How can you read what I wrote and get that when I literally said
I have nothing wrong with transmog but the problems it has within Classic. I don’t think you understand the meaning of virtue signal lol. Thanks, but sadly I’m just a casual that wants a better version of classic that is innovative for what the game should have done instead of copy pasting the tradeoffs transmog brought. If you disagree, that’s fine, but you think it has no negatives, no tradeoffs and everyone loves it which is completely delusional.
Nah Im basically right about this, it doesn’t have any trade offs unless you are like 5 guys screeching on the forums. Just because yall won’t shut up about it doesn’t mean you are right. Once again go on retail, look how many people are trans mogged. Its basically universally loved. I’m usually open to debate on a lot of things but also there are just times where people are objectively wrong, and I’m sorry my dude you are just wrong. I could try to convince you but you will never accept the material reality that transmog in no way effects progression. If you want to measure your own progress by what gear you are wearing then just don’t use the feature, its an optional feature, it’s your choice to use it.
I don’t think you’re using this argument but I’ve seen many people use this rationale. Your classes do not define the expansion. It’s just one aspect, one facet of the game. Important but not defining. Class gameplay to be very different rotations, mobility, knockbacks, defensives/offensive cd’s, gcd, etc all change the feel of course but we can’t say because classes are different this isn’t classic. It’s a classic seasonal server. It’s not classic no changes, thankfully and it’s not trying to be anything but a classic server with changes. Obviously, the end result of SoD’s runes is improving classic’s classes, class balance, the hybrid classes, the inferior specs, the 1 button spam uninteresting gameplay rotations, while also making things feel still classic like they could belong in the game since 2004.
If classes defined the expansion or game, we could revert all of the talents and class abilities in dragonflight and ask “Is this classic now?” No of course not, there’s tons of other systems and other game design decisions that alter the game to not feel the same. Placing classic vanilla classes into dragonflight will not make it feel classic just like adding a few new abilities in classic doesn’t make it not feel classic (this has a caveat of course). You listed many changes and I understand where you’re getting at, but the problem of looking as one wants is not about SoD but about classic WoW in general. It doesn’t fit in the game when items have a lot more meaning than other versions of WoW. Why can’t my human mage look like a dwarf mage, I want to model change. Why not be an orc? I want to play on alliance but have a horde model. None of these are things are bad or wrong, just like transmog it just doesn’t fit the goals and design of classic. Of course, add dwarf mage, but for those examples it would require recreating the game a bit, changing faction issues and lore, there’s narrative immersion of your class model staying as one race instead of changing.
Similarly, for armor and weapons, they give you power, therefore you should be visibly wearing that armor and weapon to use that power. If they did not give power and were just there for aesthetics I’d totally be okay with it and I can definitely play a game like that. My solution is allow players to create RP sets without filling up bags, equip the set, and remove the set when entering combat to keep that immersion quality. You have your chill clothes and armor and your actual combat gear. Of course it still presents issues for world pvp unless it was turned off in contested zones. World pvp is its own can of worms when it comes to balancing an mmorpg with pvp and pve, instanced pvp making things much simpler. People just want their character to look cool and transmog is just one solution of many. There’s also value in looking weak at first to then becoming cooler looking and stronger. Other options could be armor tinting, better graphics more aligned with classic, more barber and character customization options, player housing/guild halls offering many forms of player customization and player fantasy. If stats were very simple and linear and not as complex as classic, we could have players artistically create their own armor with many toggleable options when crafting and just add an ilvl stat next to a character’s player level to denote that player power. It just doesn’t fit with classic. One day I hope WoW improves on it in general in retail’s version probably after the saga
600 replies, only 20 likes. First reply has more likes than your original post. You’re in the minority. Everyone wants their character to look cool. No one is going to grief themselves when transmog is an option. It’s like acting like oh just don’t use world buffs. Why? It brings more satisfaction to have world buffs, do more dps, clear the raid faster and have better success rate at clearing the content for loot. Why would I not use transmog, if my character doesn’t look cool, I want to change it. Giving the option drastically changes the game. It’s not an opt in or don’t. We could say the same for flying mounts. Omg flying mounts kills the world, immersion and world pvp. The world is less dangerous. Lol okay just don’t fly. This isn’t logical. Anyone would use flying because the end result the goal, getting from place A to B is faster and less dangerous. Similarly, the goal of getting more powerful and looking cooler in an RPG game. Look cooler faster, you’re not strong but at least you look cool.
Requoting this for him to make sure he sees it again.
And another reminder that all zero of them knew what skull was or why noggenfoggir is used for a practical purpose (even if it didn’t turn you into a skeleton)