Kind of want transmog in SoD

Nah that trash can stay in retail. It’s wild they added it and never allowed people to disable it client side.

Retail is a light show where nothing looks or feels cool. It’s nice seeing people earn their gear and you can tell what kind of gear they have in pvp by glancing at them.

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The only legit argument against mog in Classic is this (PVP). All the other stuff is meh.

FYI all the gear players mog in Retail was earned in one way or another. You can only mog an appearance you collected. Whether you value how players earn gear in Retail is between you and your maker.

Sorry, you would be wrong. Go to retail.


alot of anti-transmog ppl.


The Raider Mail is a cool af Red Set, so yes.

blizzard can’t/won’t do this though :expressionless:

It has its place in retail. Theres like 10 expansions worth of items there. There’s not enough bag/bank space to physically hold all of the items that you want to transmog around to.

Same goes for glamour in ff14. Theres some really good looking items, and not enough space to hold them all. Plus glamour is the end game there.

But this is classic wow. Its a different game. It simply doesnt belong here.

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Why they have never introduced tmog as something you only see on your own screen is beyond me.

That being said people live stresm themselves using tmorph and dont get banned so :man_shrugging:

least its a better reasoning than that one guy who went on a entire episode on how “Transmog destroyed wow!” after every sentence.

Transmog is the 1st step in leading to the WoW token and the cosmetic cash shop.


I had explained what I meant by this in a previous post. Perhaps you hadn’t read it at the time of your response to me.

Evaluating this trade-off gives the player the opportunity to select either the look they want for the character or the stats.

Now, someone might say that in Retail, you can do the same thing, you just don’t have to make any tradeoff in looks and stats. It’s more convenient! And that’s the point. Retail has taken the path of convenience over decisions or trade-off evaluation, and all sorts of things that have moved it further and further away from its RPG sandbox roots into much more of a lobby game.

I’m not trying to say that one has to prefer one style over the other, nor that either is fundamentally better than the other, btw. All I am stating is my own personal point of view, which is primarily that if Retail and Classic follow the same design directives, they will no longer appeal to different audiences. If they follow different design directives, they may appeal to more audiences, though I feel that the Retail audience largely says and asks for a lot of things that nobody wants, including them.


Do any of you requesting this even remember how transmog worked before the collections tab? Or do you all just assume they came together in a package?

Literally this. And honestly i don’t get the pvp argument that much but im not against people being able to turn it off client side. Most of the arguments i see though just seem to be loosers who probably didn’t even play vanilla wow imposing their will on others. Im pretty sure most of the playerbase would love tmog in sod or just not care either way. I sure af know nobody would quit sod over it. Lol

Or it could just lead to people being able to customize their appearance. Blizzard knows they get push back when they do cash shop it ain’t gonna happen in sod. The worst they would do is add some pretty mount you can buy when tbc sod comes out and they literally would do it anyway with or without tmog. Please stop malding dude lol

If the choice is between stats and looks its not really a choice though. The material conditions will dictate that you go for stats. Like nobody will invite me to a raid if im wearing a hood with no stats on it that i think looks cool over some epic helm that looks to gaudy for my taste. Also you seem to be engaging in a slippery slope argument which honestly is not a valid assumption to make. Just allowing people to transmog does not mean blizzard will make a bunch of other changes to sod. If they just did tmog and just continued down the path they were going im pretty sure the player base wouldn’t know much of a difference. It would just make rpers and people who like to immerse themselves in their charcter happy.

that is such a bad take. how does being able to customise the appearance of your char not IMPROVE the rpg element of the game. an element that is honestly considered a staple, one of the first things i look for when i play ANY rpg game is how can i customise my char, i wanna customise hair, i wanna customise skin, i want to customise my armor.

why? what negative impact on you does having the option to customise your gear have?

genuine question, how many of you who had the option to transmog your gear in retail back when all we could play was retail never transmogged your gear? i am willing to bet 99.9% of you transmogged your gear.

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This this this! Like customizing your appearance is such a staple of rpg. I feel like im talking to a bunch of boomers looking at the past with rose tinted glasses except im also a boomer in this case cause ive been playing wow forever! I know what was cool about classic and it certainly wasn’t looking like a mismatched clown

I’m willing to bet that pretty everyone who played Wrath Classic queued RDF, and used their account-wide mounts, too. That doesn’t mean they are features I think are positive for the game.

You’re right, that is not a valid assumption you’re making. For one, slippery slope arguments are not always logical fallacies. However, I am not making a slippery slope argument.

I do not like transmog. I think it’s a horrible thing for WoW. I hate it actually. And it doesn’t even matter if I have any rational reasons for that, because I’m not trying to convince you or anyone that my opinion is correct. It’s my opinion, and I’m simply sharing it.

I’m also not attacking other people for having different opinions, or trying to force my opinion on others by insulting them, using negative terms towards people who disagree with me, or attempting to act as though my opinion is a truth and that the features and things that I want in the game are universally better for all, while anyone who disagrees is [insert-ad-hominem-here].


Transmog has been is the game longer than classic, tbc and wrath have been out. It’s a basic part of every mmorpg by now.
Saying go to retail is hilarious because SoD has retail skills now. You are playing a version of retail and many things taken from it. You’d be better going to era if you want caveman mechanics.

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The release of TBC and WotLK Classic with first the “Passes” and paid level boosts leading into the WoW Token is all the justification required for the slippery slope to be a valid assumption to make until proven otherwise.