Hell nah. Im yolo all day every day. If i die i die. Its more immersive not to know in my opinion.
that makes no sense
Then do us all a favor and transmog yourself back to retail so we won’t know you anymore.
Okay cool. Then just don’t do it and let other people have fun with it
There is a client side tmog Sonidigital uses it.
Huh? Explain
Nah you can just stay mad. I swear folks like you didn’t even play vanilla. All talk
That’s not the point. It completely changes the experience for everyone. It’s one of the arcade features of the expansions that removed the heart and soul of the classic experience. It effects all players.
I find it more immersive to not know every single aspect about your enemy in a situation where you are fighting to the death in a chaotic battle field. Like this ain’t dbz where i can turn on a little power reader and be like MY GOD HIS POWER LEVEL IS OVER 9000! My guy the fact i have to explain this to you is annoying😑
I 100% agree with the main counterargument to transmog which is being able to identify the power level of other players by looking at their character is an important part of the game and I think the transmog aspect of retail makes it feel cheap and tacky.
HOWEVER, I have to admit I am struggling to argue against transmog if there was a setting in the game options to disable transmog so you would just see other players wearing what they’re actually wearing. And then all the RPers and retail lovers can be happy… but the game wouldn’t be changed in anyway for myself so it’s hard for me to argue against such a feature…
It actually doesn’t. There is nothing about it that effects other players unless those players want it to effect them. If you are letting someone who decided they want to make their armor match or change their hair cut effect YOUR experience that is literally a personal problem you should probably work on. Also SOD is not just supposed to be classic, its something new and old at the same time. If you want a pure classic experience than literally just go play a regular classic server.
they are giving later expansion spells so why the heck not xmog?
I’ll fight either, what are you only going to pick fights with freshies in greens?
Depends on the current situation. Am I playing a well geared toon, or a poorly geared toon? Am I low on health or mana? Does he have friends nearby? And most importantly…
Does my opponent want to pvp at all?
Sometimes you can look at a guy running towards you on a road and go “oh he doesn’t want anything to do with me, he can’t fight wearing that set of gear”. And sure enough, he’ll run by you if you don’t attack him. Or…
There’s no way someone wearing certain gear will ignore you.
Looking at a person kitted out with obvious gear meant for PvP gives you all the information you need. He will fight you, and you will be ready for him. Maybe you need to back away from him because you aren’t ready, but spotting them wearing that gear gives you the time you need to respond.
In retail, you’re clueless.
Thank you for the valid and well thought out take. You get a hug sir
My thoughts exactly lol
Yup thats called the fog of war. Thats how war plays out in the real world. You don’t always know if the guy running towards you is civilian or enemy combatant. Sure maybe if they are fully kitted out you can tell but honestly even if its a plain clothes guy they might turn out to have a weapon concealed. Thus in a sense not knowing EVERYTHING about your opponent in game is more immersive in my opinion.
No retail cope allowed here, class changes and new raids doesn’t mean full retail changes. I know this is hard for retail players to understand but you have to go back.
My guy this is my thread. Im allowed to do whatever i want. Deal with it. Also I’ve probably been playing this game longer than you sense i started playing the first month vanilla was out. Im as classic as you can get and im saying you are cringe lol
except, it doesn’t ?