Kind of want transmog in SoD

Sod is more than just a seasonal game tho. You can cling to labels as much as u want.

90% of sod players are here for classic+ and that’s why SoD is the most popular wow release in years

Nobody cares if it’s just for the player to see

Give them xmog if I can choose to ignore it and see what they’re actually wearing. If I can turn it off then I don’t care.

The 3 randoms in here who don’t pvp and don’t understand why you need to see gear and weapons do not understand why that is because they do not have their mind adjusted with a pvp mentality. They’ll never get it and it doesn’t matter because they’re just the next group of people to quit when their runs start requiring full world buffs and a bag full of consumes. just ignore them. They will quit at bwl like the resr

They want player choice?

I want the choice to not see your xmog

Deal or no deal?

Where did my “player choice” furry go? Where’s my choice? We got a deal?


Sure, try wrath then. But seasonal VANILLA clearly isn’t for you and never will be. You’re not gonna get your changes, I know the cope about retail abilities in vanilla empowers you but you’re gonna end up leaving in 3-6 months when you do not ever get those QoL changes. The sooner you accept this, the better.


Yeah that’s a fair compromise. You can choose to disable xmogs for everyone if you want on your client side.

Win win

It is popular because Era is good, and y’all have a new excuse to come here (because they added a bunch of retail abilities).

Please don’t ruin it while you’re here.

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Because the second part of the post is irrelevant. You can’t concern troll about development time when its a program that has already been developed.

That would be fine, but retailers really really hate that. Let me find you the thread.

It’s not era, everything that is a change does not = retail. Do you have Asperger’s you don’t seem to grasp this no matter how much it’s explained to you.

yes but everything that is a change thats already in retail does equal retail

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Retail is an ideology not just the specific game mode.

When you make the game easier = retail
When you turn players from adventurers to savior of azeroth = retail
Add cash shop = retail

You’re talking as if we came into your house.

We are not the new kids on the block. We do not come from retail.

We come back from original vanilla. The game wr played and cleared back when you were still a kid. You probably first started playing wow in tbc or wotlk and try to label yourself as an O.G. thats why you’re so protective over “classic”

But for us who already did all the classic stuff back when it was new and current. We welcome some classic+

Fine. But I have people in this thread telling me that I MUST see their transmog.

They want the choice for them but not for me.

I do not want to play a game of wsg with 9 naked gnomes with a pirate hat and a weapon and an offhand that look like a broken beer bottle

For some reason thst want me to HAVE to see their mog

And thats your choice. If it bothers you that much that youd refuse to play something due to a feature you never have to use thats your loss

I played vanilla as a little kid and almost got to 60.

If you stuck with retail after a few horrible expansion (tbc / wotlk) and kept playing for all the years, yes I will label you as a retail player.

I went to dota and pservers and only returned in 2019 when they made the game reasonable again with classic release.

Here is the thread of people raging against a very reasonable request of turning off transmog (just to the one that wants to see actual gear others are wearing) and why we shouldn’t open the door to the idea in SoD: Disable all player Transmog toggle when?


Well I cleared everything up to naxx. I had full t2.5 on my warlock. And back then, that was not an easy thing to achieve.

I cleared everything in tbc, wotlk and me and my guild got 4 servers firsts in cataclysm. I was the highest GS player on my server when I quit wow.

I am not a retail player. When I played wow we didn’t have that word because there was just one version of wow.

Retail is some new age bs that I don’t associate with.

Transmog is a bit like flying, it was a cool at first and everyone thought they wanted it until it was added and it changed the game for the worse. Why repeat the same mistakes that made retail bad? The whole point of sod was to experiment with changes that derail from retail not doing the same steps that ruined the game.

Well retail ideology is why tbc, wotlk, SoD and the current newest version of wow are so clownish and pvp is so much worse than vanilla.

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Horrible fallacy filled post, clean up your act. I’ve been a guild leader and raid leader for vanilla since vanilla. I have a massive guild, my players have followed the guild for a decade and only play for that classic vanilla experience. We did it on a dozen vanilla servers with hundreds of thousands of others. You’re uneducated on vanilla in totally.

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Flying is better than transmog since it doesn’t ruin battlegrounds

There’s a difference between difficulty and aggravation. Spamming lfg for an hour isn’t hard, running 30 minutes to a dungeon isn’t hard, constant mana issues isn’t difficult to deal with. Having to return to a trainer to lvl up skills isnt hard. These things are annoying and frustrating. The hardest dungeons and raids blow anything classic has out of the water.