Kind of want transmog in SoD

You didn’t need to write an entire post to show you are bad at pvp Eliosian… Your retail portrait and desire for transmog already that away.

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There are tons of good looking, cute, fun, etc items from midgame - also, if you really hate it most of your toon can be covered with a tabard.

There’s no need to ruin the game with a terrible feature to appease people that want to give themselves insane magical powers of transmog.

If you want to wear an RP set, it is super simple, equip those items and your character will display them. If you don’t like the power level that gives, then retail is always available…

I wasn’t a whiny little snowflake about a stupid skull so i must not be good. Yup. Great logic. Sorry I don’t make excuses for getting owned in pvp i just get gud. Cope and seethe about it

Pretty confident Lazarak would pwn you in almost any pvp situation.

But that’s besides the main point - skull is just one of many examples of how transmog would ruin pvp.

In WOW items are what define the power level of characters - when you do team pvp, you can see what items enemies are wearing, and that is the most important indicator of how to act (unlike retail in which it probably doesn’t matter anymore what enemies wear you do the same actions).

Example, you are in wsg and enemy team has two warriors (one in full t3 one in mix pvp gear and t2.5) - if you decide to kill the t3 warrior first, you are definitely greifing yourself and going to lose - whereas you may actually have a chance to kill the other one. The gear is the only factor that drove that decision.

Taking away that information will just simplify pvp and reduce the skill cap, it adds nothing and takes away a ton.

Go into settings and show the health amount of the enemy. Then you can see how geared your opponent is. Problem solved NEXT. you didn’t have to write a whole para to tell us you dumb

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HP is a far worse indicator than gear.

Please don’t say that the pvp impacts will be small if you lack experience in that area.

You can say you want transmog, idc, but to say that it won’t significantly negatively impact pvp, is just showing you don’t have classic pvp experience at any decent level.

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Your loved starsurge is a rEtAiL spell.

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Pvped during vanilla. If someone is fully decked out in tier gear they gonna have way higher health than otherwise. My guy you don’t know what your talking about, but keep digging

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Are you okay? Im not gaslighting you but I question your state of thinking and mental health.

Seriously you are trolling at this point and being very abusive. I get you like dress up play, barbies and GI Joes are still popular toys. Most of the classic players here dont want transmog and have expressed why with points and reasons multiple times. Yet, you are just here now to insult people and make the same points that get shot down every time. Take a hike dude, its very good for you.

Also you really think the tiny team of devs they put on Season of Discovery has time to implement transmog? lol… no.


Im not gas lighting you but

/proceeds to try to gaslight in the most obvious way

The arguments they have put forth are invalid. Multiple people have stepped in and destroyed them. Yet they continue to repeat the same argument and act like classic andy snobs. Respect is earned not given. They don’t get respect they get me clowning on them

Go touch grass

Me too, just give the option to turn it off to the crybabies here

I really dont care what you think about me. You are a literal who

All i know is transmog isnt in sod so you lose by default


What did i loose? Yall made this into a flame war because the mere thought of someone having a matching outfit made you snow flakes loose your minds. You all threw a tantrum so bad that more folks showed up in the comments section to dunk on you. Imagine being so lame that someone else having fun doing something with their own character would ‘ruin the game for you’. I have no illusions about my little forum post getting blizz to put mog into sod. They either will or they won’t. You also all showed your concern about pvp was not genuine because you did not even want to entertain the possibility of making it toggled. You all literally just want other people to play the game a certain way and will throw a tantrum if they don’t because it ruins your rose tinted fantasy of a classic wow that never existed nor that you ever really played. Go cry and get triggered in your little safe space dude, no one is buying your little concern troll act. I will also continue to enjoy sod even without transmog just an fyi


Didn’t read

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Those of you still responding in this thread, just let it die. Stop replying. Just report him and move on.

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Oh no i lost the argument and he hurt my fi fis im gonna report him. :pleading_face: trash my dude classic andys are trash :rofl:

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Insert runes. They give abilities that are in retail and not classic. You should go play retail by that standard.

Transmog and dual spec should 100% be added into SoD.

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Which standard? Sorry, I’m not quite sure the context.

I mean, of course you’re entitled to your opinion, and it’s 100% correct for you to champion that opinion.

I simply disagree. And that’s totally OK.


No. Wrong. Class balance isn’t qol. They’re vastly different. 100th person to try to use that argument though congrats! Guess what you won???

A free trip back to retail!

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You classify runes that make Rogues, Shamans, and warlocks become tanks as class balance? Thats QoL in every aspect as it just added more tank classes to fill some role disparity. Fact of the matter is they are implementing some things from retail and adding a new twist to content for a limited time. Dual spec just saves you from having to go to your trainer everytime you want to engage in a different type of content or roleswap.

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