Kind of want transmog in SoD

Is this actually a serious question? lol.

Yes I really don’t get it- you can wear whatever gear you want- I’m chilling in UC with my priest im wearing my spider robe from the spiders in Tirisfal Glades- and when i’m out questing i’m wearing my actual gear.

Players who don’t know what skull is and have zero pvp experience getting owned in a debate about pvp is like getting beat up at recess and then telling your friends you won.

This thread is a cope circle for 3 retail noobs who are F tier players

I’ll be sure to necro this thread at the end of sod to remind you

Retail players go home, your arguments are bad and you break down to my level of street refuse faster than a 2 dollar hooker works it. You have a game, play it. If that ones bad, take a hint. If it’s good, why are you here?


You can’t have transmog because people apparently need to look at your gear to have an idea of what kind of damage you can deal rather than looking at your health value and having a rough estimate of how good it is and that’s a “core staple” of Vanilla gameplay… Just never mind the fact I’m going to cast sunfire which didn’t exist in cat form if I can’t catch up to you which should unshift me, oh wait just kidding, in Vanilla it didn’t auto shift you without an addon that allowed for more creative macroing (Supermacro), you had to cancel the form to then use abilities out of form, also having something reminiscent of fireblast doing damage and zero mana wraths of which my fireblast clone somehow does more damage than.

I’m so glad we’re making this the hill to die on talking about integrity and the spirit of Vanilla. Nothing says “Vanilla” to me like my strongest spells costing near nil mana and my hybrid class actually being pretty dominant in all things I could want to take it into, this is true Vanilla. Get your roleplay crap out of my ROLEPLAYING GAME made back during years when roleplaying was far more popular and something more people within a playerbase did.


Again. You can swap weapons in combat. So that CC breaker your all concerned about can be equipped mid-fight.

As for gearing and visuals. How does it nullify. We go to WoWhead, look at the gearing and guide and get our ‘bis list’.

Unwilling participants…those of us who want transmog are forced to be ‘unwilling participants’ in a version of the game without it.

You’re the one who said you had to see what the person was wearing to determine how best to fight them. You cite a particular item which is classed as a ‘weapon’ and therefore can be equipped ‘in combat’. Which means your reasoning is moot because the opponent can go into the fight looking like they don’t have the CC Breaker. Then equip it during the fight and ‘surprise you’.

Your citing:

I’ll even bold the part where you state if you knew they had Impending Doom, you’d fight them differently. - I, once again, reiterate that Impending Doom is a ‘weapon’ and can be equipped ‘in combat’. So while you would engage them while they didn’t have it equipped. You would quickly find out they did, in fact, have Impending Doom.

Now, if you’re pointing out that they’d most-likely have it already equipped to avoid the 30sec CD triggered upon equipping items with ‘on use’ effects. Then there is some merit. But kind of falls flat due to all the stuns and other interrupts that easily allow the opponent to wait out the 30 seconds.

If you’re suggesting that players are running around on the PVP Server (s) with Impending Doom equipped at all times for that one time a mage or rogue might get the jump on them with a sheep or sap (respectively). No. That is not happening at all.

I would point out that most of us are not paying attention and too busy fighting with only rogues or druids really having the opportunity to take the time to see what a potential opponent might have.

What this boils down to is simple: People don’t actually want SoD, where Blizzard is free to try a new spin on Vanilla (within the limits of Era, HC, and Season all sharing the same client), they want Era “F R E S H”.


it wasnt just prior to the fight seeing it. its been a few times mid fight i see it get equipped but whatever. it has a cooldown after being equipped and i can plan around it when they do.

having actual visual indicators of a players power or “special abilities” due to the gear is indeed a useful tool.

please dont say that it is not. it would be silly to do so.

I think transmog would hurt SOD and i feel like if you want those things retail is a great for it. Cool looking gear being tied to power progression is good for the game, skins are boring.

If that’s the logic then we gonna be in retail in no time.

“rEtAiL tHaT wAy” “gO bAcK tO rEtAiL” andy nerds should stay in era and some hardcore nerds should stay in the ghostown hardcore is now, this is sod and you’re playing retail classes in sod.

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funny cause when i go to log into the game sod seems to be in the classic client category … i dont know . must be a mistake ?

Just ignore the Baby Boomers in here. Their generation has the biggest “I’m right you are wrong I don’t need logic or a reason to think so” complex this world has ever seen, not to mention their sense of entitlement. Ignore them, keep requesting things you want, the Boomers will either deal with the things added to SoD, or they can go back to Era. Arguing with them just makes them think they are right.


Incorrect, era is sod. You’ll be heading back to retail soon though! You can look like uwuthas and iwudan there though!

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Who cares the feature in question is ALREADY IN THE GAME, Why are we even continuing this thread? YOU CAN WEAR WHATEVER GEAR YOU WANT!

Please do NOT add transmog. A big part of classic is the hardwork to get full tier sets and looks awesome and others can see the work you did and you can be proud. Not have everyone all transmoged it woukd ruin a part of the immersion and charm of classic.

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This is always the argument. Transmog should have option:

  • Enable/Disable transmog for other players

*Enable/Disable your own transmog

And this is already in the Game But not option for players, i know what i’m saying because in retail some cinematics Disable your transmog.

Edit: or just let an addon do this job for you like always and do not ban people for this …

Strange that you say Era is SoD. My Era paladin doesn’t have crusader strike, it can’t use the dual talent feature the SoD Devs have already teased that they are planning to add. Even stranger that you tried to start an argument with me when I stated that the best way for all to handle this is NOT to argue, but instead to leave your feedback and deal with whatever comes. This is why most wow players hate Boomer Classic Andys, it isn’t enough for you to make suggestions or leave feedback, you have to go and actively try to belittle anything you don’t like, the same way Boomers act IRL. There is a reason people don’t like you, and it isn’t because you are right. It is because you are insufferable no matter whether you are right or wrong. Be a decent human being, make your feedback in an appropriate civilized manner. Throwing temper tantrums over things you do not personally like is childish, strange that the older generations have to be reminded not to be children, you’d think they’d have learned this by now. But what else can you expect from the “Me generation”.

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Nah transmogs are wack this is classic this is the reason we dont need gear score u can tell what somone is wearing . Not random stuff

no. as long as they keep working on itemization at each phase and adding gear that looks good together it’s fine. my hunter looks so cool in his BFD gear, and everyone knows he has full bfd gear cause no transmog. its great

One some people want to wear their prefered look while doing both, two the bag space to keep all yoir rp gear in, three some people just like collecting appearances. What works for you doesn’t work for others.

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