Kind of want transmog in SoD

I literally just nuked it from Orbit, you being ignorant about reality doesn’t help your case.

You didn’t even know about Transmog restrictions and your actions informed everyone here, that a single item has you cowering in your boots instead of adapting to your situation and overcoming. It’s pretty clear, you’re the noob here.

Don’t bother trying to argue your case now after I called you out on how Transmog actually works and explained it to you in fine detail. You’ve already lost.

In your own imagination.

But want to know what’s funny?

Sod doesn’t have transmog.

I win.
You lose.

Now you’re on the forums begging and looking pathetic.

It’s amusing and I’m glad you’re upset.

Nobody is cowering about anything.

Just because you are begging with your life because you want to play dress up with dolls just like you dress ITL doesn’t have anyone shaking in their boots.

Retail has xmog. You are welcome to go there.

“Nuh-uh” isn’t a refutation.

But please, continue to reply. You and the 3 other pathetic xmog beggar, bottom of the barrel players can keep on amusing us.

Your anger is my entertainment.

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Retail has divine storm. You are free to go there.

Retail has dual spec.* You are free to go there.

Dumb arguments are dumb…

*not yet in SoD but Blizz is thinking of it

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Good luck.

I’ll be sure to @ this entire thread in a necro after sod is over to remind them it never came

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They teased it and discussed it. Which means they could very well do the same for transmog, or any other thing from retail. SoD has proven that nothing is off the table for Blizzard.

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Please point out where I have personally begged for Transmog. Go on, I will wait.
I don’t need Transmog to be in SoD. I would like for it to come to SoD, so would others. That’s why people are requesting it. If you can find one single post of me begging for Transmog, you will win but you won’t because it doesn’t exist.

The only person who looks pathetic right now is you, in your desperate attempt at trying to be right and win a forum argument. Sad!

Then Transmog in PvP is a non issue, thanks for finally admitting that.

No need to be so upset over a feature request.

So you didn’t like that my argument nuked yours and now you are resulting to this? Sad!

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You didn’t.

You just don’t know what skull does in game.

I had to explain it to you because you have zero knowledge of this game and zero knowledge of pvp.

You are a completely clueless bot. I’d play with the dungeon bot farmers before I brought you around for anything

Anyways, ignored noob

Absolutely not. Never.


I did and it wasn’t pretty.

Boosts your Movement speed while dealing damage to you thus breaking you out of CC. Whoops, was I spose to not know that cause of your argument?

Xtrasecksi brought it up, not you. Prolly shouldn’t put your foot in your mouth like this.

Have fun dying in PvP from your lack of skill over whether or not you can spot a tiny Off-Hand item that doesn’t even appear while sheathed.

Putting someone on Ignore is a sure fire sign, that you lost your argument. Thanks for admitting defeat.

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They can go back to retail.

They all lost at server launch.



Fair enough. I won’t. Heck, I don’t even have to play a game that has it.


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Bro the edgy blood elf just nuked your argument. Get good son. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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He didn’t even know what Skull was so no. He didn’t.

You lost hours ago. You got hanged up on and completely crushed.

Doesn’t matter tho, xmog isn’t in sod

Transmog already exists in SoD you can wear whatever gear you want to make yourself look however you want- I don’t understand? I mean you can’t be a cloth wearer and wear plate or anything sure- but that wouldnt really be fair.

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What are you talking about?

What are you talking about? Why are you still here? You have to go back!


Yes. Let’s continue to remind them that transmog IS available to them.

It is just not available on sod

Nah, im still here, you are still a triggered classic andy snow flake. Life is still good, stay mad. Its funny.

I just don’t understand YOU CAN WEAR WHATEVER GEAR YOU WANT.

There’s level requirements and you have to have the skill to equip the gear IE; Plate vs Leather.

I don’t understand what you’re asking for.

Just like we will continue to remind you that you got dog walked so bad in your last little debate you rage quited. Sit down lol

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