Kill the Horde council

Warchief made the Horde special. The council turns us into the red alliance. Making us weaker as a whole. The Horde has never been more vulnerable and the alliacne already exploits that weakness in the current books and novels. The council was the worst idea ever made.

Counterpoint ā€“ Warchief has only got the Horde smacked down repeatedly and painfully.

As youā€™ve exhaustively documented.

Warchief made the Horde interesting. Read shadowā€™s rising. THe Horde failed to protect the Zandalari. And denied them their vengeance for Rastakhan. The Horde council needs to be killed off. No debate. Stop being against me. I am in the right. My opinion is the correct one.

Edit: What I want is to cause carnage and mayhem upon the alliance. Until I get my will. I will not stop posting about it. Honor doesnā€™t matter. The only important thing is that the alliance finally suffers the same humiliation that the Horde had to endure in Bfa.

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When is the last time the Horde, led by a Warchief, has actually won a war?

Progress so far:
Annoying the hell out of the people in the forums, who, if convinced, could be valuable allies in my agenda.

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The alliance is the only true enemy that matters. Until they arenā€™t all killed off for good my fight continues. The Alliance will fall. And the Horde rise. Azeroth belongs to the red team.

Itā€™s impossible for your opinion to be the right oneā€¦because itā€™s just that. A opinion, nothing more.

Donā€™t go there. Please. Itā€™s a waste of time.

Letā€™s try something new.
Letā€™s say, the Alliance will be completely wiped out. No longer playable in WoW.
No PvP, no more Alliance cities, no important NPCs left, no Alliance only players.

Thenā€¦ what?

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The Orcs settle in Elwynn. FInally having good lands that actually is rich with soil and food. The Forsaken return to Lordaeron and rebuild their kingdom. The Forstmane trolls get Dun Morogh for themselves and help the Drakkari rebuild their own empire. Darkspear go to stranglethorn valley and repupulate Zulā€™gurub. The age of the Horde will usher in alot of races getting a better deal by claiming all the lands that previously belonged to the alliance. That way a new age for the native races of Azeroth breaks. A new dawn if you will.

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Iā€™m talking about the game. They would lose a ton of players and the Horde would rule unchallegend over Azeroth. This would be the end of WoW. Ever thought that far ahead?

But Ashenvale is right there.

That goes to the blood elves. As revenge to Malfurion that they banished the high elves 3k years ago.

Alliance players will be forced to reroll to Horde. Since they have obviously better races.

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Have you ever tried leveling your mage? Think about all the alliance you can kill in war mode?

lvl 10 is enough to post on the forums.

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and i hoped for one second that he got another bann nowā€¦to stop this spaming behavior of himā€¦

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And then do what exactly? Wait until the next big invasion comes that kills the small part of the Horde that is left?

What a surprise, you havenā€™t thought this through at all. Just as you havenā€™t understood that the Factions exist only because of each other.

The only way to stop my posting is for Blizzard to meet my demands and give the Horde what they rightfully deserve. Starting with the death of Jaina.

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Just wanted to leave this here. No reason.


His Thunder Bluff thread just got closed, but they still didnā€™t ban him. I think heā€™s friends with the mods.

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The mods support what I do. They are able to understand that there is alliance bias.

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