Forum Moderator Note: While it’s not quite over the line, it’s pretty over the top and edging close to a potential Code of Conduct violation. As such, I’m closing this down.
I think this is the most direct response I’ve ever seen from a forum mod on the story forum.
A mod also did edit my post on the story forum one time, to say that the r-word that happened to Alexstrasza is not allowed on the forums, despite the fact that it isn’t a censored word.
Unfortunately, the thread itself is now gone.
Where did you find that Moderator Note?
It’s a mod edit for Erevien’s OP of his “Burn Thunder Bluff” thread
Thank you, didn’t cross my mind to just scroll up. I’m still used to Blue Posts as the last message in a closed thread
Haven’t you been banned like three times?
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You and I know deep inside that Horde is a terrible faction and untrustworthy to be part of. They can’t be trusted with our powers, that’s why Void Elves left, Blood Elves like you also must wake up and realize this, you see, unlike you, I still view Blood Elves as my family, you people are literally hanging with a bunch of primitive spear-chugging fools instead of being around races that better match us. It’s not human potential, it’s common sense. We (High/Blood/Void Elves) have more in common with Alliance races than those primitive Horde folks.
The Horde is the best faction. Kael’thas made a good choice lending us a hand. There we can have a status of almost independence. Unlike with the alliance where all elves are pretty much doormats for the humans. The Alliance is awful adns trips you of all your agency of you aren’t human.
Alliance bias has plagued this game for far too long. It is time to put an end to it and make sure it is the alliance that gets handed one humiliating defeat after another.
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Alliance cities are more cleaner whereas Horde cities smell like poop, especially Orc and Undead city, good lord the stench is vile…How can you say that Horde is better for Elves, you are probably one of those Elves who hasn’t stepped outside Silvermoon. Yeah declaring independence would have been (in theory) better than joining Horde, but that never happened, so in comparison I’d say Alliance is better for Elves than Horde if the choice was between the two. Void Elves (and many Blood Elves) were smart for leaving those primitive cesspits in the Horde, you need to also wake up and do the same friend. I don’t know why you believe Elves should live in between Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Undead, all those folks, literally there is no resemblance, Elves deserve better.
Is the Horde council dead yet?
No but who would you want to be warchief then?
Erevian!! Sylvanas is not a true patriot of the Horde. Sylvanas is only secondary, the Horde was founded by Orcs, Trolls and Tauren in Kalimdor. The Trolls of whom are the original denizens of Azeroth. It is for that reason that Azeroth belongs to the Horde, not the Alliance. I agree with you about the council being too peace loving. But Sylvanas was a traitor to the Horde, she killed Saurfang. Before becoming Warchief, she was rebellious to Garrosh and Thrall, two of the greatest Orc Warchiefs. Sylvanas has no love for the Horde. I agree with you that the Alliance must fall, but Orcs, Trolls and Tauren should rule the Horde and Azeroth, not the lesser Humans, Elves and Forsaken
Garrosh Hellscream should have been Warchief, in my opinion he had the most love for the Horde.
You are wrong Void elf, soooo wrong. The Void elves stole the Amani trolls land and so have done wrongs throughout wow history. The elves, including the blood elves are weak and should be destroyed by both Trolls (the original people of Azeroth) and Orcs (the original people on Draenor).
I really dislike the idea of the Horde council. The Warchief title was synonymous with the Horde and with that gone, Horde is basically the Red Alliance.
For the Amani, is all i have to say to you Void elf.
Idk, I never considered the Warchief title as a core element of the Horde identity personally. Somehow it feels right that the Horde is now less centralized than the Alliance. Thematically it fits its concept as a multiracial ragbag of a faction
You mean the orcish horde but I don’t know if that’s even true considering he did die for the horde in shadowlands. He didn’t redeem himself but he did help us
Yes, but now we have two multiracial ragbag factions. I liked that the Horde had a central leader to rule them all, whereas the Alliance was a collection of leaders to contrast.