Orcs: All the AU warlords
Trolls: Jindo the Breaker
Tauren: Magatha Grimtotem.
Blood elves: Kael’thas
Goblins: Gallywix
Undead: Sylvanas
Pandaren: Chen Stormstout
Nightborne: Grand Magistrix Elisande
Zandalari: Rastakhan
Maghar: Same as Orcs
Highmountain Tauren: That drogbar king.
I want demigods who are at least as powerful as the likes of Malfurion, Tyrande and Jaina are. Elisande is a first step. Did you miss her introduction? She stopped the entire advancing rebel army with a single spell. Screams being OP to me.
The obvious insults aside… you really don’t see it, do you?
Alynsa is holding up a mirror to you. She responds to you exactly like you respond to others, especially when you’re confronted with actual arguments.
… is still irrelevant to anyone but yourself. And it continues to be, even if you repost it daily.
You want more bad storytelling and anime powerlevels. We got it.
That is not bad storytelling. That is faction pride. The Alliance got a massive amount of that. All the Horde earned was humiliation. I want the obvious Bias to end. For that the Alliance need to suffer real defeats on the same scales the Horde had to endure in Bfa.
And I will continue to do so until I get what I want. You can not stop me.
If you hate the Horde then you are alliance biased. I will work with pleasure to see your presence removed from the forums.
The Alliance bias is the core problem of the game. It needs to be dismantled. For that the Alliance needs to suffer a real defeat. By that I mean their leaders need to die the same way Blizzard offed Horde leaders in MoP and Bfa.
Edith: I will never stop. Until the Horde has better leaders and the Alliance is defeated and broken. That is my ultimate goal. And I will not give up until I have succeeded. Death to the Alliance! Long live the Horde!
You want Demigods with a defined “powerlevel”.
When we discussed the absurdity of Jainas Deus-ex-machina in Lordaeron in the german forums, all you said was “I don’t care if it’s overly dramatic and out of nowhere! I want something like that for the Horde!” You don’t care if the food is rotten, as long as everybody has to eat it.
As I have told you (very often), “Faction pride” is a subjective feeling, there is not just one definition. There are Horde players that felt “Faction Pride” at Teldrassil, there are Horde players that felt it when Saurfang tricked Sylvanas, there are even Horde players that felt it when Baine decided to go against Sylvanas. So it’s nothing that you can allow or deny other people. This game is not made for you alone.
You call everything “humiliation” that doesn’t fit in your power fantasy.
This again. In these forums, you are running in one big, delusional circle, a circle that doesn’t lead you anywhere. It’s been years, Erevien. We took you seriously, translated your posts into actual arguments, tried to reason with you, we even made deals about a “spam free week” in the german forums (which of course, you didn’t honor), yet, you continue to treat them as your own personal blog and derail even threads from other people.
You’re talking not with people, you talk down to them, so while you may see yourself as a proud, invincible warrior of the Horde, what I see is basically a loop of this:
This… has nothing to do with the part you quoted.
I was referring to “Alliance scum” and “filth”, words that you used to describe Alynsa.
This is not the Roleplay forum, so when you call people names, it’s an actual insult.
Please, feel free to report any of my posts here, I would be surprised if the mods ignored your wording while reading through all of it. Again, this is a forum to discuss things, not your personal blog.
Yet you keep repeating the same posts, over and over again.
You see the difference with leaders? Anduin actually orders to carry out an attack on the Zandalari to render them useless so they can’t aid the Horde in the ongoing war anymore. People like Baine however are already offended even at the idea to strike in revenge. That is why Alliance leaders are so much better. They actually get their hands dirty. But with people like Baine in charge of the Horde the only thing we get is a cast of characters who surrender to the alliance with the worst peace conditions possible. Anduin is cool. Baine sucks. That is very obvious with how Bfa ended.
I think Erevien is right.
Kill the Horde council but then do as Blizzard does.
Don’t replace the things that you take away… then the Horde can become what they are truly meant to be!
An Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune that is an autonomous collective with no lord or warchief but who take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for a week whereby the decisions are ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs but otherwise require a two-thirds majority in any other case pertaining to the executive officer’s decision.
Yeah, it’s almost as good as conquering Teldrassil, so you can hold it hostage, start negotiations and then finally march on Stormwind.
… prefer to heal the planet before starting another war.
… have a cultural bond to Life and Druidism and therefore value it.
… don’t want to sacrifice everything to win.
… don’t want the Horde to become another Scourge.
… have a code of honor, something that once distinguished the Horde from the Alliace
But we’ve been there a million times already, so go ahead and pick your cherries as usual.
Err… Alliance bias?
I agree, but then, they need to change the battle cry from “For the Horde!” into “For our Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune and its temporary XO!”
They can start cheering for “Mandate from the Masses!” As their battle cry but this is presuming that war was ratified in the two-third majority in the bi-weekly meeting.
All I am saying is supreme executive power is granted by a mandate from the people not some farcical single combat ceremony.
betrays the Horde for the sake of keeping his friendships with Anduin and Jaina.
tells Talanji to suck it after she demanded retribution for the death of Rastakhan.
kills loyal Horde soldiers to set a prisoner free that was under guard by the command of the warchief.
Wants to negotiate under unfair terms which would have the Horde suffer under bad conditions.
all in all he is a pathetic loser who should have died back in Cataclysm before he could have damaged the Horde fforts any further. He should just die already-
He defended the one rule that Sylvanas set for the Forsaken and that she broke without explanation - free will for the the undead.
If you’re looking for the real traitor, who betrayed their own faction and actually wanted even more Horde soldiers to die, here’s a hint: The person yelled “The Horde is nothing!” at the climax of the last expansion. But of course, you will - again - ignore this.
And shockingly, she agreed with him in the end. Almost as if this fictional character has understood something that you can’t grasp.
Actually, he let the crew escape and only killed the personal guards of the one person, who later revealed themselves to be the actual traitor. But since it doesn’t fit your narrative, feel free to ignore this.
And why did he need to do that? Again, who was it, that betrayed the Horde and wanted more of their soldiers to die?
You’re like the guy who yells out of the window at midnight and when people yell back and tell you to stop it, you start to complain about the the noise disturbance in the middle of the night.
If you don’t want a debate, don’t start one. Again: BLOG!
She didn’t agree to anything. She was strong armed into decisions she didn’t want to make. IF she had her will the war with the alliance would start again and Jaina would finally die. But since Baine is a weak and pathetic loser the Zandalari are denied their revenged. As it seems the partnerhship with the Horde is not worth the effort for the trolls. They should leave the Horde and attack the alliance on their own behalf. That seems to be the only way to actually avenge Rastakhan for good.