Kill the Horde council

Lol ya. Tho i agree your council will fail, its not becuase they are traitors but becuase one of them will undoubtedly desire control. Sylvanus and nathanos did not want what was best for the horde in any way shape or form. Burning the world tree was not in any way in the hordes best interest nor did it look in any shape or form strong or honerable. Just scourge wannabes.

Reported for necro

Theyā€™re honestly pretty boring.

I see Doness is on the ā€œnecro thread so I can get a forum vacationā€ phase again.


The Necros are getting out of hand.

Underrated strategy.

I like the US forums. No really. Everyone here lives up to the gimmick. You got the most human ret, human ret in WoW, making threads about purging the Horde, including the players themselves, one step up from the human rets Iā€™m used to. Now you got this DK necro-ing the crap out of the story forums. I mean he is a DK, right? I like these forums.

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the council is weak
a chief is strong
the weak should fear the strong


Oh Erevienā€¦ when I read your comments my imagination even adds the voice to them! The Horde passion you can read from its is invigorating! :joy:

Calm down, I could possibly be wrong but, I have a tiny suspicion Alliance will get a few hits before Blizz starts to retire the OG characters from WC3!

Panda remix was good, as it was a quiet a nice eye opener to the few faction plots and lose ends of the ā€œOldā€ faction wounds.

However donā€™t expect too much either if it happends to be trueā€¦ IMO I donā€™t think Alliance Leaders will ever be hit as hard or bad as the Hordeā€¦lol
:grimacing: :crossed_fingers:

Either way Iā€™m ready to move on from WC3 story characters and more into WoW characters. I just hope they donā€™t butcher the OG Leaders to much before their retirement. :face_in_clouds:

Yes alliance bias is real we know. Would be a fine served punishment.

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I donā€™t wanna hear a thing about ā€œAlliance biasā€ when it comes to this company :rofl:

Is that why 90% of all NPCs in TWW so far are part of the alliance leadership? Your delusions are not reality.

I played through Cata and Mists so as I see it, any leaning towards the Alliance side of things is course correction after all that nonsense.

But you wanna know the dirty secret? I donā€™t think Blizz is actively out to screw either faction because why would they be? Why alienate a portion of the playerbase intentionally? Especially when they do such a good job of that unintentionally :stuck_out_tongue:

14 years ago mate. Get over it.

You sieged our capital and got a title for it. What else do you want?

Of course this is intentional. This is obvious. They killed all known Horde NPCs and now only alliance ones are left.

This needs to change. The Horde slander is killing the game.

Not just for the heavy Horde bias either. Which Iā€™m happy to see is now at least being acknowledged as Horde bias nearly a decade and a half after it was current. Lots of denial back then.
Anyway, yeah, not just because of the Horde bias. They fundamentally re-made the old world in a way that removed all the charm it used to have, and even fourteen years later itā€™s still not been updated to reflect the passage of time and maybe reclaim some of that old charm.
That this was done to give the Horde more territory at the behest of the Alliance- blatantly- just makes it worse.

But Iā€™ll make a deal with you. When Southshore is a recovered, fully functional Alliance settlement then Iā€™ll ā€œget overā€ Cata.

I can forgive you for this, since Iā€™m guessing you didnā€™t play the Alliance side of the buildup to the Siege. I did. I also played the Horde side. The Horde got an indepth questline about its internal politics and the dark path Garrosh was going down.

The Alliance got a remote controlled cat.

Also the big Alliance fistpump moment in Mists was 1) undone by Legion and 2) in canon resulted in the ruination of the last real attempt to bring Silvermoon back into the Alliance.

Yeah. We got to besiege Orgimmar, and that was cool. But the expansion was more of a mixed bag then youā€™re making it out to be.

As for what I want? I donno. The old world updated to reflect the healing fourteen years after Cata? That would be nice.
But as for faction balance/favouritism? Not much. Just for the Horde to start emphasizing its own motifs, themes, lore, and characters and not swiping stuff from the Alliance to seem interesting.

And you call me delusional.
Been playing since Wrath. ā€œX IS GONNA KILL THE GAMEā€
Gameā€™s still here.

I fully concede that Blizz makes dumb decisions. Everything with Sylvanas was ill-written and worse in execution.
But the idea that Blizz is intentionally out to screw one of the two factions is nonsense.

Even at their most blatantly pro-Horde- Cata- Iā€™d say they were more trying to fix issues with the old world and faction balance and got put in a tough spot.

No one from Blizz is intentionally trying to make anyone cry because they root for Team Red or Team Blue

This was done to make up of the unfairness of the old world giving the alliance twice as much content from endgame quests to leveling zones. You lost nothing. Stop being entitled.

They are Horde and that not changing. It took until Legion until both factions had just as much players. Beforehand the alliance was more popular especially on RP servers.

This is the first time Iā€™ve ever heard of the Purge being a fistbump moment for Allaince players.

Wait, were you the person the BFA devs were targeting when they said the expansion was gonna be full of fistbump moments on both sides?

ā€œEqualizing faction zones is horde bias!ā€

Cata was a hamfisted attempt to fix the disparities caused by poor planning giving the Alliance the lions share of zones and dev time in vanilla. Kalimidor was rushed like hell.


IIRC, the devs of the time said they intended it to be one for alliance players, even using the term fistpump themselves.


I hated the WoT so I just canā€™t wrap my mind around being given a list of shopkeepers to kill and thinking ā€œboy, this is great, I love thisā€

I get that itā€™s an Alliance ā€œwinā€ but cracking the skulls of random innocents is bad even without the context that the Sunreavers at large were pushing for the belves to switch sides.


The Horde had 5 the Alliance 9 zones. If you think it is bias to make it fairer you never played another faction based MMO before it seems.