Kill the Horde council

Erevien, we don’t always agree on everything.

But this time? You’re 100% correct. Let’s team up and start a revolution.

Edit: But **** Sylvanas and Gallywix. Like I said, we don’t agree on everything :stuck_out_tongue:

Threadly reminder horde has around 10% more quests in classic than Alliance.

And it still wasen’t enough to solve the leveling disparity. The reasons are entirely gameplay and the lore was written around it


The Alliance has always been presented as the faction with the well-established, thriving, and ancient kingdoms (Stormwind, Ironforge, Gnomeregan, Kalimdor).

The Horde has always been presented as the faction with the outcast races just barely existing in a hostile world that rightfully despises them (Orc survivors, Tauren survivors, Troll survivors, Lordaeron survivors).

Not sure why Horde players are Pikachu-faced when the Alliance is given more levelling zones than the Horde. Not really that hard to understand the thought process behind this decision, one based on lore and world-building.


What a ridiculous statement. This is complete nonsense.

Because we’re outcasts, we cant get any focus? What the hell are you even talking about? Not having ancient races? Trolls, you fool.

I don’t think I’ve ever read a post on this site so short yet so dense with nonsense.


You can get focus, but you can’t get more levelling zones than the sprawling Alliance kingdoms.

Also, Zandalari joined the Horde only in BfA, when this topic was about Classic and Cataclysm.

Oh, and you people constantly want more focus when you got multiple expansions of focus (Cataclysm, MOP, WOD, BFA, SL), this truly is hilarious. You people will not be satisfied until the Alliance is erased.

This exchange is over.

However to be fair this is how a lot of Alliance players think… my own irl talk like this too, if a bit more um…bias and see the Horde as inferior in all aspect (cities are reck, they are ugly/evil monster that deserve to die etc).
Mostly they express like this to tease me but all and all that’s basically what how they really think Horde Evil… Alliance Good. Also talk to quite a few players over the years while playing alliance and they feel like this… as silly as it sounds it is what it is.

Good news is the Horde is almost out of Leaders to kill… so no more sieges to our main cities for now! :laughing:


It’s honestly just gross. And based in complete lore ignorance. We can argue the evil bit (and blizzard loves forcing us to be evil), but not having ancient cultures? Thinking the Zandalari are the only ancient culture in the Horde? Are you dumb? Racist?

What a confluence of idiotic opinions.


To be fair to my friends they been complain about Alliance staleness and boring theme for some time now… they even last night were chatting that Jaina get off by a Horde so they can have another War and maybe even have a siege on Stormwind lol…

I told them that they are just murder hobos looking for a righteous excuse to kill just like the Scarlet Crusade! That they should join the Dreadlords… if that what they want! :rofl:


You people will not be satisfied until the Alliance is erased.

Human Male Paladin projecting says what?


I’m betting this counts the stuff added post-launch because a lot of Horde hubs had to have had quests added later because they were that barren at launch.

You put the “Pro” in Projection.


Imagine acting like the Barrens (Horde-exclusive zone) isn’t the most iconic/popular/beloved zone in the entire MMORPG genre.

The Alliance, while having a few more (and smaller) zones, doesn’t have anything that even comes close to the Barrens in terms of “presence” in pop culture. Not even Elwynn Forest is as memorable and iconic as Barrens chat.

Imagine acting like the Barrens (Horde-exclusive zone) isn’t the most iconic/popular/beloved zone in the entire MMORPG genre.

In the -ENTIRE- MMORPG genre? :roll_eyes: It’s not even the most popular and beloved in WoW, let alone the genre overall, its state as the most ‘iconic’ is debatable considering how few the voices are that praise the Barrens in the modern day; I can’t even recall a single one.


Actually doing a quick look at the DB of quests, its not even correct

1,434 Horde exclusive quests 1,610 Alliance exclusive quests

And thats after they added a bunch for the Horde post-launch…


Tyrande for Warchief!

That’s not bias. That’s cause people on the Horde were more fun.


The Barrens literally got an entire expansion in Hearthstone. It absolutely is the most iconic/beloved/memorable levelling zone.

The Barrens are also Horde-exclusive, with not a single Alliance zone coming even close in terms of size or pop culture presence.

As per usual, the facts are stacked against you and yet you resist to seeing them.

The Barrens literally got an entire expansion in Hearthstone. It absolutely is the most iconic/beloved/memorable levelling zone.

Ignoring that Hearthstone isn’t canon, Uldum, Darkmoon Faire and the Gurubashi Arena all got expansions.

The Barrens are also Horde-exclusive, with not a single Alliance zone coming even close in terms of size or pop culture presence.

Elwynn Forest and Duskwood both are equivalent to the Barrens, unless you’re not aware of the two famous mobs that can be found within.


Irrelevant. You completely missed the point once again.

The fact that the Barrens got an entire expansion, proves that they are iconic and memorable. That’s the point.

None of which are levelling zones from Vanilla.

I think I’m done wasting My time. Clearly you are not arguing in good faith.

Irrelevant. You completely missed the point once again.

You’re the one that brought up a non-canon material.

The fact that the Barrens got an entire expansion, proves that they are iconic and memorable. That’s the point.

The Barrens getting an entire expansion in a non-canon material means jack and all.

I think I’m done wasting My time. Clearly you are not arguing in good faith.

The only one not arguing in good faith is -YOU.-