Kill off Liadrin

We may need to dim the light so we are not blinded. It is creeping its influence into the Horde. I’m not saying torture the naaru again, there is a sunwell we can use.

The Sunwell is not meant to be a religious side. It is a source of power first of all. Torturin a Naaru again and snorting fel coke is what made blood elves cool back in TBC before they dialed back on it after patch 2.4.

Two Alliance members and a human cooler than Liadrin? The plot thickens.

I mean, they have priests.

I think they explicitly related it to their veneration of the sun.

No plot to thicken. Evian is a headcore Alliance fan, through and through. He misses the days when the Horde were the faction of emotionless monsters (I know, I know, yesterday) and hates when they are portrayed as having any members that might be sympathetic. He doesn’t want to kill sympathetic monsters; just plain old evil monsters.

He has a deep love and reverence for all things Alliance. He tells us this all the time.

Evian is an Alliance fanboy.



I haven’t seen a single religious building in Silvermoon so far so we don’t have reliable sources on that.

The problem is that paladins used to be an alliance only class which is why the humans of course have more notable characters in that field. It is not Liadrin’s fault. What ires me here is that they made Nobundo(an alien) the high shaman of the ER for some stupid reason but I am not that salty about it. Horde has other fields where they can shine.

The Tomb of Sargeras used to be the main Elune temple of Suramar but it has been defiled for over 10k years and Elisande never tried to build a new one.

I want a Horde that shows their enemies no mercy like in the good old days. People like Baine and Thrall and their continued appeasement towards the alliance have caused us more harm then anything else. From the banished Tauren of the barrens to Suarfang’s rebellion in Bfa, the faction has done more to tarnish itself then the people they should actually be fought. Aka the humans and their friends.

Because you’re a hardcore fanatical Alliance fanboy, I know. I said that already Evian!!

Im mainly making a joke off the fact every horde race can be priests now including orcs.

Another thing that makes no sense. Orcs had no concept of religion so far. They had their ancestor worship and the spirits of the elements. We have our warlocks, rogues and hunters. That is what the Horde races should focus on.

Well unfortunately this type of thing died in BC when alliance got shamans and horde got paladins

Seems pretty reliable.

The Highborne dubbed this glorious cradle of power “the Sunwell,” a name chosen in honor of Dath’remar and his bold quest to reignite their culture.
Thereafter, the Highborne abandoned their traditional worship of the moon, instead taking their strength from the sun.

Not only had the death knight Arthas Menethil left the once-beatiful lands a blighted graveyard, but he had also tainted the Sunwell, the fount of arcane magic that was the beating heart of high elven society.

Quel’Thalas’s culture revolved around a fount of arcane energy called the Sunwell. It empowered the high elves and bathed their homeland in eternal light. It was everything to them, and they would fight to the last to protect it.

Well not just notable, ones you think are cooler.

High shaman? Seems like he shares the responsibilities with the other members.

And? They still have priests. You can have religion without big, flashy temples.

Not for me. Any society that actually cares about their religion builds places of worship. Like the cathedral of lightin Stormwind. Or the moon temple in Darnassus.

Yeah it is one of his titles. One would think Muln, Thrall or Rehgar get the job again but nope, they gave it to the deformed Draenei misfit. Check the wiki if you don’t believe me.

Because they are. Turalyon is a revived veteran of the second war and one of the founding members of the original paladin order on Azeroth. Arator is his son and Tyrosus gave us the Argent Dawn. The Blood Knights came late to the party so they lack world building and lore to make them comparable to the other big light organizations.

It was their center of culture. It says nothing about them worshipping the sun. The light faith was adapted during the time they allied with humans.

I don’t think so. The Orcs and Tauren clear about their religions without building big places of worship.

What’s the source?

I know you believe that, lol. Again, I’m just surprised you like these Alliance / human characters more is all.

It specifically says they abandoned their worship of the moon and instead taking their strength from the sun.

Come to think of it, the tauren worship the sun as diety the same way they do the moon, who’s Elune under a different name for them. Strange that the high elves didn’t take up worship of the same solar counterpart.

I think they were more interested in the arcane power they were getting from the Sunwell rather than any spiritual meaning from it. At least up until Velen helped them restore it after Kil’jaeden tried using it as a back door.


I only do Blood elves for RP. Trolls has overtaken them as my favorite overall race in the game. But the Horde is still where my heart belongs. I only like the human paladins more because the Horde characters I used to cheer for are dead or otherwise gone.

There is none. He is just listed as one of the secondary leaders of the Earthen Ring.

Are nomads. Before Thunderbluff they didn’t have the concept of settlements. Even now it is vague. So I am not surprised they haven’t gathered to share their stories and myths.

They actually had a temple dedicated to the elements back on Draenor before it was destroyed. In Nagrand.

I see the blood elves as a society of scientists. Just like with the Nightborne they put the study of arcane magic above everything else. I have never seen priests inside the city walls. The BKs are a strict military organization. Unlike the priesthood of Elune or the church of the holy light.

Then why are you citing without a lore backing?

So we agree, they are a society that doesn’t seem to have built large places of worship but clearly still hold their religion important. Which was your criteria.

They more or less found Grond’s skull and made a few adjustments. But they still hold religion important (after retouching their roots) but still haven’t built some new site.

You can see it however you want. I’m just saying they have priests, so it seems like they have some faith among them.

Well the Tauren and Blood Elves both have paladins and venerate the sun. I assume their lore is different, though.

Here are a list of all known religions. Tauren worship the sun to some degree but their main concern is still the Earth Mother.

and some final thoughts. The light should have no place within the Horde. Blizzard is trying to put the “human” mark on everything they can reach. It was already bad enough with Calia and Derek. I don’t want the uniqueness of the Horde ruined by throwing some pale girls and boys trying to change our culture with their stupid agenda.


Well, hot dang! I murder and eat people! Sometimes not even in that order!

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Horde seems so split 50/50
One half wants to be evil the other doesn’t.

Part of the lore behind the Earth Mother is that the sun and the moon are her offspring (or her eyes more specifically). Also the Highmountain Tauren often say “An’she Guide You” and An’she is the sun in Tauren mythos.

I can’t speak for others but I’m honestly sick to death of Horde constantly being smashed in the face with the Villain Bat every time there’s a frickin’ faction war.


I feel like the divide is a lot less stark. Maybe 75/25.

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