Kill Baine Bloodhoof

I don’t wanna hear about your wet dreams, dude.

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Assuming Blizzard can be convinced to agree with this idea that the Tauren should be lead by a violent warmonger whose hatred of the Alliance outweighs his own good sense, duty to his people, or desire to better the world, it would still be easier to write Baine as such a leader.

If Baine is killed off it doesn’t open the way for a violent Tauren to step up and take the reins of Thunderbluff by default. As we’ve seen, the most likely thing to happen if Baine dies is that the Tauren have no leader for however many expansions it takes for Blizzard to promote whatever c-list Tauren is convenient. And that c-list Tauren is more likely to be exactly like Baine than to be a drastic change in course for the Tauren.

So what you should be pitching is a storyline that shows Baine that the Alliance are not to be trusted. Possibly something utterly tasteless, a scenario named The Battle of Wounded Horn, that turns Baine into the kind of leader you want.

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That kinda sounds like what Camp Taurajo was supposed to be back in Cataclysm, but that didn’t amount to anything either.

Well Taurajo intentionally had the Alliance attacking due to bad information. And tried to minimalize casualties. And further, it was probably supposed to juxtapose Baine’s reaction compared to Garrosh more than anything.

We already have a Tauren character developed for that. Her Name ist Magatha Grimtotem.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you… It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the force to influence the midichlorians to create… Life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side he could even keep the ones he cared about… From dying.


You’re not even from a roleplay realm! This is cultural appropriation. Leave being weird to us.

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I will not stop my posts until the Horde council is removed from this government.

It’s always the blood elves or the Sylvanus loyalist. Usually both at the same time!

Isn’t odd that the great evil he couldn’t take anymore was what was happening to derek? What about the rest of the evil?

Sylvanas is cool. The rest of the Horde is not.

Your Sylvanas bias is showing.

I am the last true Horde patriot.

You’re just a Sylvanas fan. You don’t like anyone in the Horde.

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I will like the Horde better once it is led by the characters I picked for the new leadership.

But it isn’t. Hence you’re a Sylvanas fan, not a Horde fan.

Sylvanas allows me to kill the Alliance. Baine and Thrall don’t. Therefore Sylvanas is superior to both of them.

So you’re not pro-Horde, you’re just anti-Alliance.

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That is the same thing.

Hence why you are a Sylvanas fan and not a Horde fan, yes.