Kicking people from Dungeons

I’m not under any impressions other than that if you want to vote kick you should be willing to put your name beside it.

If we are kicking an AFK or a person deliberately causing issues, is there a problem with that?

Your name should be tied to this action. I would not mind if mine was.

If that person sends me messages after I kick them or someone else what am I going to do? Ignore list is right there.

If it wasn’t anonymous, all these people getting kicked (which is not common for people) would probably be sending angry whispers.

Frankly, they just shouldn’t allow a message in the vote kick, but since this isn’t actually a problem people see very often, and is only a scapegoat people use on these forums to obfuscate what they really want (to be immune to vote kicks) they won’t like that solution for some reason.

Why open that door? Just use the solution I provided instead, so the chat box for it can’t be used to anonymously flame people. No more reason to know.

Every closed door opens another one especially with functions like this one.

I’d prefer a system that groups people with a high VtK count with others and to let them hash it out. I think that could be reasonably handled in an algorithmic fashion.

It would also be absolutely hilarious.

I don’t really know what you’re trying to say with this.

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That when a game makes one option unavailable it simply makes another more appealing.

Let’s talk this though instead.

I don’t really have a strong opinion of it. I don’t think it’s needed, but I wouldn’t care if it existed. I can’t readily think of a way it could be abused, outside of straight up witch hunting. (But witch hunting is hard to stop, in a lot of ways.)

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That’s how it worked before (it wasn’t anonymous in DF iirc) and it was fine. Just another person we could actually choose to ignore if needed.

I haven’t ever had someone “harass” me outside of the character they were playing on either. Ignore has always worked. I believe this is a “scape goat” for pretending that anonymity is a good thing in this case, which it’s not.

I don’t care if they allow a message or not (it just can complicate it in certain situations especially now that it’s anonymous). The player who is initiating a kick should be known though. The rest of the people in the party know more from who initiated it than why believe it or not.

I very rarely see kick attempts that are unjustified and they are usually stopped. Vast majority of kicks I’ve seen have had a reason.

So I’m inclined to believe there was a reason, OP just doesn’t want to share it.

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It’s been anonymous for a very, very long time. I recall a time when it wasn’t, though my memory is just as like to fail me as anyone else - I just seem to recall knowing in Wrath.

The only reason to make it anonymous is to poka yoke people from acting retributively, and that’s a good enough reason for me. It harms no one for it to be anonymous so long as there’s no message accompanying. If they NEED reasons, make it a checklist.

the only thing blizzard understands is losing money. thats all they pay attention to. the only way you can get them to change things is if their stock starts dropping or players start leaving like in shadowlands.

so really its just yelling into a void so players feel better. treat it as venting because doesnt matter how loud you shout, unless you have players willing to quit the game to back it up. and i mean millions of players, not a few thousand dad gamers. they couldnt care less about a loud minority.

Only way that I can think of “abusing” such a thing is to not vote kick frivolously so that you end up with others who do the same.

Necessary? Debatable. Was another 15 minutes on deserter debuffs and removing a “can leave” condition necessary? Also debatable.

You seem to be ignoring things I’ve said, I should at a very minimum be able to ignore people who I have had unpleasant experiences with. Making things anonymous impedes my ability to do so.

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I agree, and my solution allows that by virtue of no unpleasant interactions being had through the vote kick system. Ignoring someone won’t stop them from being able to vote kick you.

Oh, you mean putting people who vote to kick often into a queue with others? This problem is already solved, there are debuffs that prevent it from being used on repeat that no one seems to know about despite claiming they’ve seen it abused in this way.

Ignoring them will stop you from at least being grouped with that character ever again.

And it should just be an account wide ignore.


Sure. Being vote kicked takes more than the initiator, though, so why wouldn’t you just ignore everyone from the group if you’re concerned about doing that?

Nothing is lost with my solution.

I’ve heard this thrown around in multiple ways yet never with a source.

It’s either “you can only be kicked X times in X period” or “you can only initiate X many kicks in X period” and I ain’t going to source it for any of the people that make the claim.

So once again. Let’s talk about the solution that won’t be a problem.

High VtK counts should be grouped with other high VtK counts. This is an easy thing to track and attach algorithmically. Without breaking anonymity.


We’re making a number of hotfixes to address use of the Dungeon Finder and vote kick tools. The following hotfixes will require realm restarts to implement, which are likely to be next Tuesday’s weekly maintenance.

  • Players who are outside a dungeon for more than 3 minutes are now immediately able to be kicked.

  • If queuing as a group with a tank or healer, and the tank or healer drops group (or is kicked) soon after joining, those that queued with them will also be removed from the dungeon.

  • If three or more players group queue with each other it will require an additional vote for them to kick anyone they did not group queue with.

  • If a group queue of 4 kicks the one person that they did not group queue with they will each receive a more severe penalty to their ability to initiate future kicks.

  • If someone initiates a vote kick for someone they group queued with they will not incur a penalty to their ability to initiate future kicks.

Only sending the WoWHead link because I forget how to get a direct link to that post, but it is a blue post.

It seems stupid to not say who or why and be voting to kick as well, if I’m honest. I would prefer it say both and the group makes an informed choice. Can report or ignore if needed. Ignore takes them out of my future game play, if it’s all anonymous I can’t do that.

So why are you targeting just the person who initiated it?
You aren’t even promised to know a vote to kick even happened, if it doesn’t pass. When it doesn’t pass, and you do know, 9/10 times you’ll know who initiated it anyway because they’ll admit it.

Like I said, this is a non issue and you’re using it to obfuscate what you actually care about; not being kicked.