Kicking people from Dungeons

It would be good if bliz started to punish arrogant cretins who kick you from groups with no reason. And it is really stupid that a kicked person gets penalized by the game for being kicked by some arrogant creeps. This is megastupid and needs to be fixed


I already know this story


Don’t worry OP someone will come in dragging knuckles and scratching their armpits screaming you can be kicked for any reason and completely ignore the fact it’s being presented as a problem and not stating it’s the current rules.

This really does need to be fixed though, its a big reason I play solo now. Thankfully we got delves but would be nice if the dungeon experience was better so I could get the full game experience.


You don’t need any reason to kick someone, so why punish them?


Sorry you got kicked OP.

Nothing you can do, if the majority voted ‘kick’, you’re gone. That’s how it works.

There are a few things you can do to help here.

  1. Don’t get mad at strangers on the internet, it’s a major waste of time and that’s what trolls want. Don’t be angry, laugh it off, go smoke a Malboro and move on.

  2. Find a guild.

  3. Make some friends, which doesn’t mean sending Xmas cards and showing up for weddings, it’s just folks you play WoW with.


This works how it does because players abused it when it didn’t work this way. Holding groups hostage until kicked when they queued into a random they didn’t like for whatever reason so they could requeue without deserter.

Blizzard considers ANY reason to be valid as long as they have the votes to pass it - doesn’t matter if it’s “poor performance”, “talks too much”, or “their mog is bad”. That said, the stance likely comes at least partially from the fact that if this weren’t the case, they’d then be adding a metric truckload of moderation duties on their CS staff from people reporting people for kicking them. They probably deemed it not worth the manpower to manage.


Sure, but what solution would disallow other, potentially worse, forms of abuse? As soon as the system gives immunity to the individual, that means single players can ruin the experience for the majority. At that point, there will be more groups negatively impacted by unsavory behavior than when the unsavory behavior requires at least 3 players to perform.

Further, while I do agree it’s strange so many players respond to these kinds of posts with a smugness around this being the current rule set, I do understand why it’s valuable for that to be the rule set. If the group decides they no longer want to play with one of the other players, there are a lot of things they can do to make that player’s experience worse even if they can’t kick that player. The environment is likely to be even more toxic overall than what we have today.

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Seems to be an ongoing theme in here the last week or so. Constant complaining about being kicked from dungeons. And yet some in here would have you believe that it doesn’t happen even while they’re telling you that they’re allowed to kick for no reason at all because it’s not against the rules LOL


You seem very kickable.


I didn’t know that they had actually said this but it’s nice to know that what I’ve been saying for months and months is exactly right. they can’t make kicking an actionable offense otherwise they would have to weed through thousands and thousands of tickets and they are certainly not going to be able to determine in a lot of cases whether the kick was actually legitimate.

And what are they going to do to the people that just clicked yes to kick? Did they do it just to get that little box off their screen? Did they click yes because it was a legitimate kick? Or were they just being malicious jerks?

Blizzard doesn’t have the manpower to keep track of that many kick tickets

They’re relying on players to not be jerky trolls and kick people for no reason

If you’re persistently getting kicked from random dungeons then you’re doing something to draw a lot of negative attention to yourself. You need to be persistently bad for anyone in a random to care enough to kick you.

For example, I did a few dungeons on my evoker which hasn’t seen the light of day since S1 DF. My dps was awful as devastation so I started playing aug to at least buff others. I still did terribly and felt like I was dragging down the group. No one said a thing.

If I can do that poorly in dungeons and not get kicked, I can only imagine what you’re doing.


I was going to write the most mind-blowing thing about vote kicking is how sheep just click when it pops up on their screen and never really read the reason, but then I tend to type stupid reasons to see if those sheep follow through or just click. :disguised_face:


Yes, it’s an issue. No, Blizzard will probably never do anything to address it. The moment they gave players the power to police themselves so they wouldn’t have to put effort into their GM system, it was a done deal. That they came out after the fact and said that any reason for kicking is a valid one really just means “our creation has grown beyond our control and we can’t be bothered to attempt to corral it”.

You only have to hold out until the 10th though. Once the season starts this behavior should taper off as the sweatbeards will be in M0 and M+ where kicks are nearly nonexistent. Then the amount of kicks in Normal and Heroic should drop a lot.

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People are mean.
That’s why we should embrace AI and just run the follower dungeons.
The robots are here to help us.


Blizzard won’t do anything about it, it is viewed as a player driven issue that they won’t touch hands off type deal. If the player base wants to abuse one another, then who are we to step in and correct that. :disguised_face:

The previous message sponsored by cyberdyne systems, inc.

Makers of skynet


There’s usually a reason for kicks, but I acknowledge that sometimes the reason is poor. Heck, I’ve been in a 5-man with 4 others of the same guild, ran the content all the way to just prior to the last boss, then BAM get kicked so they can finish and mitigate their risk that I’d get the drop. Not fair.

What I’ve learned is that we have to suck it up buttercup. If you accept that it ain’t fair, it’s helps swallow the injustice of it all.


by the same token, if you are kicking more than a player a day, the problem is likely on your end…common denominator and all… :+1:


Yeah getting kicked sucks. Like 2 years ago I was booted for low dps which was weird because we got the last boss. Turns out I never finished putting in like the last 7 talents. It was both annoying and embarrassing.

These things happen. Don’t let it ruin you though! Find some players you enjoy playing with. Start conversations and find people that you enjoy playing with. Even if you only hang out with a few people at least it will make the experiance more enjoyable for sure

“Any reason is a good reason” is just Blizzard’s excuse to avoid saying “We are going the cheap route on this one and you are the casualty of that choice.”