Kicking people from Dungeons

Why are you attacking me?

I offered some friendly advice, take it or leave it?

Not sure what’s up with this but you’re not helping the OP.

Why would I attack you, i am merely showing that you have not set foot outside of your guild gameplay to make these suggestions.

I dont need to make freinds when the game allows me to wake up at 3.00 am and press Que.

I dont need that, that is not how it should work.

I would be fine with this, with one addition, they look at the data from chat logs and perhaps any other data that might point out why the kick happened.

If you said something in party chat that offended people and they reviewed the case and found it, you should get a 24 hour ban to cool off and learn your lesson.

For repeat offenses you should get an additional 2 strikes and after that a 6 month ban for bad toxic behavior.

The only time I’ve seen people kicked is for being afk, going offline, or toxic behavior.


We could leave it as is and people could just learn to be better versions of themselves.

i’m not in a guild and i would make those suggestions too. what they said was factual. until blizzard decides to change how their rules for vote kicking work, there is nothing that is “against the rules” as far as kicking another player. its garbage but thats how they want it to work

you can either accept that and still play with random people, play solo, or find friends

what they said was utterly wrong.

For eg : Now in TWW, it is a total ALT friendly expansion. Proof : each and every 80 you level gives you a +5% boost to your exp.

THey have made world content and professions that each and every alt can pick.

So if we go by what that other person said. I would need to keep making freinds so i can que up and level my alts ?

This is not a realistic solution, i cant force my friends to do content they do not enjoy.

So the vote kick does not work with TWW content and how they have shaped the expansion.

The social contract does, we have players who are going to keep doing random heroics at their own pace and timing. I can do at 3.00 am or 3.00 pm.

What matters is a player should be a good team, that is where the social contract comes into play.

Saying some medieval nonsense like - what if I come across a player who is toxic. Am i stuck with him, no you just finish the dungeon, report the player and go to the next one.

This is how we should move forward.

Not with some primitive thinking, oh find your guild, make friends, All of that is good for when you pushing high content.

Not for a random dungeon I can do on my own.

That is where that person and you are wrong. Both of your logic, does not set with the social contract and alt friendly environment.

Countless posts everyday - that system is wack and i am sure it is going to go.

You seem to feel that this can’t change and thus no one should ever ask for a change. It very well could. There have been many things in the game that lots of players insisted others should be willing to put up with because they would be impossible for Blizzard to change, yet they were changed. Asking for reasonable changes (not saying all requests in this thread are reasonable) is more likely to bring reasonable changes.

There are still old timers who fondly remember early games that predated wow, games that you couldn’t play if you didn’t have friends online. They think wow should have always been like that, despite the fact that one of its original selling points was that you could log in any play anytime, even when you didn’t have friends online. This was also one of the reasons why it grew so fast compared to its contemporary competition.

For some reason in their fuzzy memories they recall early wow as being a game no one could play in any way unless they belonged to the right clique in the right kind of guild. Perhaps they were the guild leaders who enjoyed having control over whether other players would be permitted to play today.

There were always casuals, but they avoided them completely to the point that they were able to pretend they didn’t exist. Now it’s impossible to deny that there are casuals in their game. They’re tired of it. A particularly opinionated raider forum poster has said that he thinks that no one should be able to do mythic+ unless they are part of a guild group, truly a plan for a downward spiral into unprofitability.

I am going to guess someone was probably reported before being kicked as well.

Unga bunga, you can be kicked for any reason.

Seriously, this is the only community that can consistently ask for less agency.

I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t support and encourage players to kick other players for [racial/gender slur]. Must be a good thing being able to do that without consequences, eh?

This isn’t an abuse of the kick feature, this is abusive chat. Report it for that, and stop conflating the issues (you’re doing it intentionally.)

Id rather see heroic and mythic follower dungeons instead.

Honestly I would too but asking for that feels selfish sense they gave us delves. I like to try to be happy and grateful when given things. Not one to be given an inch and try to take a mile. I would honestly be thrilled with follower mythic 0’s though. Just because I like to experience all the content and mythics don’t appear on the group finder. idk. It’s a none issue though really until they add mythic exclusive dungeons which kinda feels bad but its like what ever right. We got our content.

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It sounds like you’re playing a different game than I am. In the version of wow I play, no one is penalized for typing racial, sexual, or gender slurs in the vote to kick box, and the player who writes those slurs has no consequences because the player vote kicked is not notified of what was said.

You wouldn’t even know. Action taken against accounts isn’t instant, so unless you’re adding these people and stalking them for some reason after reporting, you’d have no clue.

Everyone else is.

I think that could be an improvement to the system.
Currently its not as kicks are 100% anonymous.

But I think that letting the kicked individual know who initiated the VtK and what the reason listed was. Would maybe be a step in the right direction. as players would now have evidence of what they were kicked for.

My point proven. There is no possibility of consequences if you were to type bigoted slurs in the vote kick box. You said that was reportable, obviously it is not. The idea that “no harm done, we can use profanity as much as we want as long as our victim doesn’t find out” is contrary to the social contract. Or is it “if I can get away with it, blizzard wants me to do that”?

I’m still not understanding. Someone starts a vote kick using only the word “queer” in the box. (which I have seen) 3 people vote to kick. And you’re saying somehow the effect on the player kicked is different because the other 4 players got to read what was in the vote kick box?

Also, on this:

I don’t know where you got the idea I thought the kicked player’s experience is different. The onus is on the individual to report reportable behavior. Slurs in vote kick chat box are reportable, but that’s not a failure of the kick system. It’s bad behavior in chat.

You can still be kicked for any reason.

You can’t report the anonymous boogie man.

…You guys seem to be under the impression that only the person kicked can report.

Just report the three remaining players if no one will admit to having sent it.

If it wasn’t anonymous, everyone would know right off the rip who’s the problem.

People will abuse the system and it’s highly unlikely someone will make the effort to report multiple innocent people too for Blizz to find the turd out of the bunch.

If you’re going to try and over throw a party member (and give them a debuff) there’s no reason for the anonymity. Your character name should be tied to this type of action.

People deserve the right to put people on IGNORE if they have unpleasant interactions with any individual. Blizzard is failing the player in this respect and you’re taking away that right as well by simply saying report it all and it’ll sort itself out.

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