Kicking people from Dungeons

Because you said the kicked player could report profanity when he sees it in the vtk window. Pretty simple.

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That’s from 2011… I’m pretty certain that relic of a link isn’t how it operates now :rofl:

It has been largely unchanged save for a select few things; there are still limits on how often you can vote to kick.

I’m going to agree to disagree with you on this one Snowpine because I get your point, but do not agree, and think it would be absolutely hilarious to see a VtK count attached to queues on top of being harmless overall for the majority of us.

I also think it wouldn’t be hard for them to do…so these are my only reasons for considering it a good suggestion.

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And as I said, you can. Just do a blanket report on the group if no one talks.

Or, you know, comment on my solution and explain to me all the ridiculous reasons it supposedly doesn’t work, like Jeje.

Like I said, I don’t mind if they do that, I just don’t see a lot of reason for it.

Though, I guess I didn’t clarify I still feel that way knowing you meant queues for people vote kicking often.

I would laugh.

You would laugh.

This is as much of a reason as was needed for bearded dwarf ladies isn’t it?

Maybe, though it’s not like GD needs more topics to be deranged about.

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Overall, to be honest, I just don’t think people need anonymity to vote kick. If somebody is afk I do not care if my name is attached to that kick.

I also am behind account wide ignores across game and forums. Wouldn’t even care if they were combined.

If I do not want to see you I shouldn’t have to and vice versa. You should not have to see me if I am always that unpleasant for you.

Honestly though, 99% of you guys I bet I would have a blast with IN THE GAME, but here we are doing this stupid stuff.

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I’m saying we’re less informed now and that’s actually a bad thing. The person initiating the kick could very well be the person who needs to go or it could be the person who got vote kicked. If you simply play with another person you can see when it happens btw. People aren’t admitting they initiated either… please.

I don’t care if I’m kicked. I care about being able to identify an individual after an unpleasant interaction and actually having the choice to remove them from my game.

9/10 times I agree. In this case, I can’t. The information isn’t needed, and I’m getting tired of explaining why just for you to misunderstand everything about the system:

They can’t spam it, if the group doesn’t want you out, you won’t be kicked. My solution removes a potential point of toxicity, meaning any toxicity you’d see thereon would be in chat, where nothing is anonymous. If they AFK, vote to kick them for AFK. If Blizzard feels the need for reasons to exist, make it a checklist of reasons including “Other” with no chat box.

There’s nothing else to be said about it.

My solution allows this. I’m not explaining everything to you ad nauseum, you understand if you’ve read what I’ve said to you.

I repeat.

Most of us would put our BS aside and just do our run if we came across each other. None of this crap matters here guys.

This is true. I also act entirely different in-game from how I do on the forums. I don’t do the whole condescension thing in game, I mostly crack the odd joke and say extremely dumb things to keep myself and others engaged.

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And that’s fine. I’m not the same person in-game either and there is at least one person around here who could speak to that. I’m quiet, I do my job, I try to make up for the issues that may even cause conflict.

You just want them to take out the “reason” so THAT can’t be another offensive way to utilize/grief the current system? Do you think we should “know” who initiated or just blindly guess everything?

I literally answered this in the post you’re replying to.

You’d think…lol…but you can see their bragging in these numerous threads about how its ‘not against the rules’ to kick others for no good reason.

Yeah…theyre boasting about kicking players in content you can easiliy 3 man…lmao.

My complaint about being kicked is you never get an explanation as to why you were kicked. Unless it’s been changed, you just find yourself out of the dungeon.

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lol…you know when theyre scared to be transparent about it that THEY ARE the ones abusing the kick…the same folk who want ‘accountability’ in here, lmao

lol…that wouldnt even make any sense.
So one is playing so badly that one is getting kicked repeatedly and so the system then protects that person from more kicks?
IF that is a thing its a stupid thing. lol

The kick itself is what should be limited to prevent abuse.
6 hour CD.
If they need more than one kick in 6 hours they are the common denominator.