Kicking people from Dungeons

Well don’t mess anything up or the key will disband honey bun ^_-

Wouldn’t be the first and it won’t be the last. :slight_smile:


I got kicked as a healer last night after the party took heavy damage to avoidable mechanics and I let someone die after they got knocked to the other side of the room, it was not the tank and we killed the boss right after. Why would you ever need to learn mechanics when you can just blame someone else lol

Oh I’m sure

sweetie pie

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I just want to continue sharing terms of endearment with you now. That’s all this has come to.


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i mean i agree with OP but blizzard doesnt agree. blizzard says vote kicking for any reason even to troll is okay as long as the group agrees. it is what it is

How ever kind of you

Booboois Noodle

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Buddy, you won’t even learn anything useful in normal and heroic.

Follower DPS is so bad that you are pretty likely to see boss mechanics.

I think Follower DPS is actually quite good right now. In DF dungeons it was absolutely horrible

Those mechanics hitting like such a limp noodle that it doesn’t matter though.

It’s no different than normal and heroic.

You won’t actually learn or see anything until M0. Dressing follower dungeons down when we only have normal and heroic is very silly.

I’m not “dressing them down” I’m saying that I’m going to play where I want to and that follower dungeons is not it.

I’m also turning it around on the people that expect perfection in what you have described as incredibly easy content.

They can play where nobody has to learn, right?

Guys I’m going to insert myself into your content regardless of where it stands if I so desire to engage with that content. You can filter those like me out to the best of your ability, but I’m still going to be right there…goaling my way through whatever season I’m engaging with.

That this seems to so irritate people who set standards that they never apply to themselves is reason enough to do so. It’s also fun for me. :slight_smile:

So we have to take the punishment? That’s backwards

A few additional if then else statements added to the code with variable checks. Personally would make the first couple times your vote kicked from a dungeon result in priority queue in the following dungeon and no deserter debuff add a variable to track how often this happens a day and determine a fair amount of times a person can reasonibly be expected to encounter an unfair kick then add a statement that returns the deserter debuff and queue to the current state if you exceed that number. This should result in minimizing the harm of being kicked while allowing people to still kick for any reason they want.

Sounds like it’d be beneficial to get kicked as long as you stay under the limit. Handy for doing something like getting out of a group fast after your item didn’t drop so you can try again.

Yeah I mean typically you wouldn’t let people know what that limit is but dataminers would find it anyways. Even if thats the case it would be considerably less harmful then the current system. When confronted with an issue with no viable solution that fixes everything I look to answers that harms the fewest number of people.

There is no way people are having meltdowns when mythics aren’t even out yet. It’s only heroic time and nobody cares about if one or two players are not good in a group. It’s pretty much the tank soloing and the Healer just doing DPS

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There was a reason. You probably don’t know what it is, because the system doesn’t tell you. But they did type something in that box.

Both sides have toxic people that can kidnap everyone else in the group.
That’s the problem- the unsavoury hivemind of addicted wow players will always min-max how to be nasty to each other.
That’s why there’s no good answer/solution.

this person has never set foot outside her guild group to even make any kind of statements.

What did i say ?

backward broken system, only serves the elites and their primitive thinking.

Define toxic ?

Pulling agro on dps is not toxic
Doing low dps is not toxic.

Both are skill issues.

Kicking people out of group just because you que with friends and hold the majority is toxic and borderline dictator mentality.

If we dont do what you say, we get kicked. That is toxic.