Kicking people from Dungeons

then you goes leave and then hes all of a sudden no longer your issue

My rule is If I dont see what they did I just sit there and wait for the box to disappear.
If I know they didnt do anything, which has been quite often, obviously clicking NO.

Id bet I can count on two hands all the kicks Ive seen that were legitimate.
MOST of the problems Ive seen in PUGs has literally been vote kick abuse, not players doing stuff to cause actual problems.
its usually the one initiating the kick who is the jerk who is trolling us.

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Which is why I agree with others that think this should be shown with the vote box.

ā€œRetaliationā€ be damned. They deserve it half of the time. When it isnā€™t deserved they also have an ignore and report option.

If they are prompting unjustified kicks then it isnā€™t ā€œretaliationā€ to remove that problem player from the group or ignore them. Itā€™s prudent.

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Iā€™ve never kicked someone for being bad, only for being afk/on follow/or :robot:

absolutely agreeā€¦if for no other reason than you can ignore the character so hopefully you never get grouped with them again.

Why do I feel like the ones who want everyone ā€˜accountableā€™ on this forum are the same ones whod be crying about ā€˜retaliationā€™ for bogus vote kicks, lol

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Exactly, so use them.

Because they value such anonymous paths for trolling others.

Personally I think those that canā€™t handle others learning in their randoms are the perfect candidates for follower dungeons.

Those NPCs donā€™t have to learn. So go play with them.

pretty much doing just that. Questing gear has got me to 556 so far just playing casually. Not much reason to be annoyed by real players in dungeons.

I tried a couple with real players just to see how theyā€™d go, but that was pretty much it.

I, as a very experienced player and tank, ran all of the dungeons with followers the first time around so I knew what I was doing. Itā€™s a supreme tool.

I am so happy youā€™re enjoying them!

Congrats you learned a path from beginning to end.

Which is all that follower dungeons are going to teach anyone.

This is grossly inaccurate. It teaches boss mechanics as well.

As a tank, knowing how to do the bosses is required obviously. It made me feel comfortable in the dungeons.

It does not, in fact, teach any meaningful mechanics.

Everything in follower dungeons can be entirely ignored.

Okay well thatā€™s just too bad then sadly. There are follower dungeons for people who donā€™t want to play with other people, case closed.

And people that canā€™t handle imperfection in a random normal/heroic are that kind of person. :slight_smile:

So, as I said, follower dungeons are available to you.

Iā€™ll be learning where I want to.

Exactly. Win/Win :slight_smile:

On the 17th ā€œour kindā€ will be in M+ so itā€™ll be okay!

I got kicked for dying in a regular while leveling in tww the other day while melee. They were tanking the boss in garbage on the ground. The healer was not healing and was dpsing instead. But I was kicked and I know it was because I died because someone was commenting on it.

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Perfect, have fun! Iā€™ll continue wall to wall boss to boss pulling in MY heroics.

I am that kind. So Iā€™ll be there in the pug scene to make it fun for you still.