Kicking people from Dungeons

my idea would work that i recently posted

Blizzards stance is you can kick for any reason or no reason, they arenā€™t getting rid of vtk

i never saiod get ride of it just disable it

So, the toxic people can just hold the groups hostage instead? Sounds awesome.

doesnt mean the normal dungeons cant get done

They arenā€™t going to disable it either lol, they have their reason it exists and they arenā€™t going to deviate from that.

That said, Iā€™ve only been kicked once in the likeā€¦ 16 years lfd has existed, so I really wonder how people get kicked so much they think it is a problem

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there reason is they dont want to have to deal with it. 1 option is to make kicking people a Heroic dungeon only option

I mean, you run into issues in normal too, we had to kick a Druid that kept over pulling and wiping us

We tried to talk to him, but he just kept doing it

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How do you know any one person is kicking more than once unless itā€™s yourself?

If someone has just kicked you and you recognize them in a later group, they may recognize you as well and kick you again for the same reasons. I hardly consider that to be two unrelated situations.

if there over pulling then stand back and let him die till he learns to pull less not every group can handle big pulls or geared enough

No punishment necessary. Group kickers preferentially with kickers. Group people who never kick, preferentially with those who likewise never kick.

The high-kick que pops will be no mistakes allowed, but it will be that way for everyone. If everyone lives up to the standards they set, there will be no problems. If some donā€™t, then they belong in the less-willing-to-kick pile and they need to start kicking less to get there.

Very, very simple solution.

I recetnly got into a dungeon on 1 of my tanks and someone decided to pull the boss before i was even in the room and someone was complaing that i wasnt tuantung and people kicked me not realizing the tank wasnt in the room. its not that hard to tell someone isnt in range since your name isnt as highlighted as others on the party group thing

read what I said againā€¦read it 10 or 20 more times if you need to.
If you still cant figure it out, I dont know what to tell you.

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Read what I said againā€¦read it 10 or 20 more times if you need to.
If you cant figure out that I already addressed what you mentioned, then I dont know what to tell you.

OP wasnā€™t complaining that he is a frequent vote kicker.

dudeā€¦Im not gonna go back and forth with you.
either you understood my response to youā€¦or somehow in some weird universe it went over your head.
either way Im no longer interested

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Youā€™re the one who got snarky. Dont complain when it backfires.

okie dokieā€¦weā€™re done hereā€¦ :wave: :wave:

He had already done it and wiped 4-5 times, some people are just either ignorant or stupid

just keep letting him die till he learns or leaves

Nah, you donā€™t get to hold a group hostage like that, what if he just keeps doing it cause heā€™s trolling?