Kicking people from Dungeons

Give a gold bonus at the end if you finish the dungeon with the same people you start with. :woman_shrugging:t2: not a big deal if you donā€™t get it but also a small incentive to not kick people for no reason.

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The whole ā€œproblemā€ only exists because community and the development team have taken a tool meant to service a certain segment of the community and turned it into something that everyone is incentivized to participate in.

  • You get bonus Experience for participating while leveling.
  • You get bonus gold for participating when at max level.
  • You get other goodies if your a role there is a shortage of.
  • You get a free teleport to and from the dungeon back to what your doing.

The whole thing is overly convenient and incentivized to encourage participation by a very broad range of players. Couple that with certain periods of development cycles when everyone is gated and compressed into the same content despite playstyle differences and skill gaps and your asking for trouble.

There was so much less drama back before we had group finder and we managed to still do this content just fine. I wonder how much better of weā€™d be if we got rid of the random grouping tools and instead relied on the pre-form functionality.

How to not get kicked from groups.

  1. Go faster
  2. Do more dps
  3. Go faster
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I got kicked a few times early on. lol

  • once for my mogs
  • once for playing panda
  • once we got trolled and kicked me instead of the trollā€¦which I found hilarious given the troll was still in the group lmao
  • once a foursome from tich used me to get into a 5 man.

That was all pretty much the first year I was playing.
All the others have been me watching others get kicked for no good reason, mostly when Im healing and paying attention to everyone else, so I know if someone is doing something stupid or not.

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We only ever hear the kickeeā€™s sanitized version of the story.

Not gonna leap to say that all the kicks are justified, but every single one Iā€™ve ever seen has been.

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The good thing is it seems like theyā€™re designing pillars of end game that donā€™t push you into PUG content anymore. The worst part of modern WoW is playing with randos, IMO.

Great game otherwise.

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People say this often.

Usually those same people agree with Blizzard that any reason is justified though.

So should it be a surprise that theyā€™ve never seen a kick they would deem unjustified?

ā€œIā€™ve never seen an unjustified kickā€ seems like it would naturally follow ā€œthere is no unjustified kick.ā€


So do I. We kicked a toxic guy from our heroic who kept screaming for us to go faster. Then insulted 2 dps and me (the tank) It was the quickest Vote to kick I have ever seen. I kid you not he made a thread 5min later talking about us being the big bad wolves and him being innocent.

Yeah itā€™s pretty bad that the random healer says in chat after he was kicked thank God I wanted to just let that guy die. Everyone was pretty much like no one would have objected to that

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I just wish follower dungeons gave the same exp at the end that regular dungeons do. I mean if anything its slower than player dungeons. Delves are fun imo some better than other ofc just like some dungeons are better etc etc.


No, it means unjustified ones are very rare.

Rarer than lying about the real reason for getting kicked.

I personally wouldnā€™t chain run follower dungeons, but it should be a viable way to level for those that enjoy that.

I mean I chain run them so I can better learn where Iā€™m supposed to go in dungeons or ā€œHey if I pull this group now I can save time later after this boss and go to the next area.ā€ Stuff like that but also I just like being able to pause what iā€™m doing get up get a drink etc and come back.

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Exactlyā€¦when theres not such thing as kick abuse, no kick is abusing the system.

We ALL know the kick was to remove problem players, not kick others for their choice of mogs or racesā€¦or because they blew your Details number away, which Ive suspected from a few tanks who were there to showboat and getting dusted by a DPS player who mysteriously got vote kicked for no good reason. lol

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I see far more failed VtKs than successful ones so Iā€™d agree. Thankfully most groups donā€™t just spitefully hit yes on any vote they see.

I see quite a few attempts however.

The last shred of remaining integrity and decency in this community apparently prevents this from becoming TOO much of an issue. So thatā€™s good.

Unjustified kicks happen. Itā€™s not too often that Iā€™ve seen myself. It comes off as if some people have it happen to them a lot tho. I had an old guildie that often got into arguments with people because they would be asked to do something better. They were constantly impaired and played terrible. But they would always say that pugs were toxic and full of jerks.

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I can only recall being kicked from one group, ever, and I think it was all the way back in Legion.

But I see it commonly enough in pugs to come to the opinion that unjustified attempts are more common than unjustified (or even justified) successful kicks actually are. :smiley: The number of times Iā€™ve clicked ā€œnoā€ because everything seems to be going fine is greater than the number of times Iā€™ve clicked ā€œyesā€ to remove an afk.

Iā€™ve been glad to see that other people donā€™t just reflexively vote people out and thatā€™s somewhat encouraging. Decent people will help prevent this from becoming a problem.


Just get a guild and mass report the kickers. Auto bot gms will take care of the rest

as well intended blizzard may have been for giving players the Vote to kick option its allowed Toxic players to abuse it while getting people who may not be toxic to unwittingly vote agree. There is only 1 option i feel that would work for everyone under a general ā€˜umbrellaā€™ and that would be for atleast a couple expansions to disable the vote to kick option. that way Toxic players cant abuse it, people who may not jsut like the race you choose for your class cant abuse or any other reason a person could abuse the Vote to Kick ability.

:red_car: :racing_car: :police_car:

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How would you fix it?